Sunday, October 09, 2011

Days of Beauty: From our mouths

Psalm 96:6-7 (The Message), "Royal splendor radiates from Him, a powerful beauty sets Him apart. Bravo, God, Bravo! Everyone join in the great shout: Encore! In awe before the beauty, In awe before the might."

As I mentioned yesterday - beauty stems from Him, is fully modeled for us in Him and He is the truest source of beauty.

When we are enjoying God's beauty - we are reminded of Him, we want to praise Him. Oh, how this pleases Him! And, glorifies Him!

If I'm on a sweet nature walk with my children ~ I see His handiwork and I'm reminded of His beautiful creation. It reminds me to praise Him for that and is a great opportunity to share of this with my children.

In a moment when a prayer is answered or a difficulty is smoothed ~ it naturally invites me to thank Him, to praise Him.

This is how God wants it! He has designed us to worship, to enjoy this beauty and for all of these things to generate our responsiveness to Him.

Today, as you worship God in word, song, by reading His Word, in quiet, in rest ~ see His beauty and praise Him!


Jthemilker said...

Amen Monica! Very well put. And as the pastor said at church this morning... "C'mon people. Get your praise on!" That's awesome!

Unknown said...

Very well said. :)

God bless and keep you,