In the same way - we cannot come to God asking Him to "fix" us without a process.
I notice something as I think about the process. It really requires something of us ~ it is a change of thinking. If I may say so, I think that we have to change the way we are viewing our hearts and our symptoms - we have to view them the way HE views them to truly see our need.
When He has our hearts and shows us how far we are from Him - we see our need for Him and we want the prescription and we are willing to do almost anything to have our fellowship with Him restored.
Something happens to us in this process.
Last time, I mentioned the idea that when we begin to hear the diagnosis - we shift into the role of a student. We are learners and our job is to listen and find out all we can about our diagnosis.
In this shift, isn't there a humility? It strikes me that there is just this: a humility in coming for the exam, to be open and vulnerable and to receive the diagnosis. Sure, I can have a hard heart and not receive the help offered or suggestions given ~ but to progress and change will require a soft heart. An open heart. A heart of humility.
This reminds me of Jesus' Disciples. He called them to come follow Him and they came. They were His students, His helpers. Their job was to listen, learn and obey.
May I propose that the first element of our prescription is becoming students of His?
Since we have established that during the exam, we are made aware of how we fall short of Him - wouldn't our goal be to be more like Him? To be more like Him - we must know more of Him.
And, so we study Him. His Word. And, we listen.
When He becomes our private tutor ~ the time with Him is never enough. Devouring all I can of His Word, of time with Him soon begins to create a hunger and a thirst for more of Him. Oh, that this would be true of all of us! To never have enough time with our Lord!
I believe that as we become His students and allow ourselves to be taught ~ He will bring the next parts of the prescription as they pertain to our specific symptoms. He will teach us through His Word and impress things into our hearts and minds that require our action and prayer.
The key is here: He will do the leading and we will follow.
I can't think of any better way to apply this than to begin studying right now! I've begun studying by looking at blindness - and what God's word has to say about this. It will probably take me a month to share all of that - so stay tuned!
So good. Thanks Monica, tammyp
Just wanted to thank you for continuing to post on this series. So much here to chew on and evaluate!
My children's memory verse for Sunday School last week was John 12:26. I thought that was neat when I read the key/conclusion in your post! =)
Also, I was transferring notes from an old Bible to a new one this morning. I underlined 1 Samuel 16:7, and it brought your posts on this subject to mind. I think you've mentioned that one in this series previously, too. I'm going to try to commit this verse to memory this week. I so need to remind myself of God's perspective vs. ours often...what a challenge! Also, seeing as what Book that verse is from, as I think of it and recite it, I'll aim to remember and pray your sweet son (and his mommy). =)
Have a blessed weekend!
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