So, I made really super cute envelopes from heavy duty scrapbook paper. And, I loved their cuteness and how they were helping me!
Now, fast forward a number of months and this is what my wallet looked like:
When I saw a review for the Savvycents Wallet on Megan's blog I *really* wanted to win. I did not win - but while at Relevant, Megan suggested I offer to do a review/giveaway in exchange for a wallet!
Great idea! Melinda of Savvycents graciously sent me this black wallet:
I also love that Melinda is from South Carolina and is a stay-at-home mom to three!
I love it and I am so thrilled to get to offer one to one of you as well! One winner will be able to choose a black or pink wallet! Look at the inside of it here.
Please leave a comment on this post to be entered in the drawing! Entries will be accepted until Saturday, November 27 at 9pm EST.
Disclosure: I received a Savvycents Wallet for free in exchange for sharing about it here. The above photos and opinions are my own. Winner will receive a wallet courtesy of Savvycents.
I want this!!! Receipts and store discount cards have overtaken my purse.
Sweet! Just what I could use! :)
I love that wallet.I'm having the same organizing problem! Love the pink!!
monk5 at charter dot net
I'd love to win this! I use a little coupon file and it looks pretty beat up!
I have tried many different coupon holders, wallets, jars, envelopes as a system for carrying cash. All the paper products fell apart so quickly, the jars were always forgotten at home and my wallet is not made for the purposes I need it to serve!
This would be a wonderful addition to my purse and make it a whole lot easier to keep my frugal self fashionable!
What a wonderful idea & I love that it's from a sahm!! Thanks for hosting the give away & for telling us about her product! =]
Oh you have no idea how I need this! What a fun day!
I would love to be more organized on shopping trips! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to win this. We recently finished Financial Peace and are working our way to an all cash system.
What a fabulous wallet! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway. It's like Black Friday on your blog today! :)
Very nice! We were doing great on the Dave Ramsey system and then my husband was out of work for over a year and we had to stop. Now he's working full time again and I'm ready to jump back on the bandwagon. Thanks for the opportunity!
This would be wonderful to help organize my purse!
You make and find the coolest stuff Monica. I could totally use this! Happy Thanksgiving!
Jthemilker at gmail dot com
I would love this wallet!!!
We are also doing cash and I HATE how my envelopes are falling apart every few weeks. This would be great!
So much better than lots of envelopes! Thank you :)
What a cool giveaway! My wallet needs a serious makeover ASAP!
Great idea! We use a little office supply accordion folder, but it doesn't really fit in my purse so I usually have to carry it separately. This seems much more streamlined!
Oh I would love this! We do the Dave Ramsey envelope system and this would be GREAT!
Wow, this looks like something that would keep me MUCH more organized!
This would be so helpful in my purse!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
artandjen at juno dot com
Ok..I really want one now! Fun!
Sign me up! Looks great!
I could really use that! My receipts & change and notes always end up at the bottom of my purse. Great idea!
wow - looks so helpful!
Wow how did you get a picture of my wallet?? Would love to win this!
Looks and sounds like just what I need - enter me to win! Thanks for the opportunity
That is so cool! I always carry my coupons with me and this would do the trick nicely!
Ooh... I would love a chance with this one. I can say along with everyone else... envelopes and budgets don't always allow an opportunity to just go out and get the brightest and best to keep things spruced up and spiffy. ;)
Winning this would take care of that, wouldn't it?
Oh my! I work so hard to try to be organized...LOVE this idea.
Monica - I did the same thing with the scrapbook enelopes! Love this!
Very neat and cute! Love your former homemade envelopes too...
Oh this would be wonderful! I've done the envelope system in the past and have always ended up frustrated by the difficulty of keeping it all neat and tidy. I would love this!
escue2007 at yahoo dot com
Wow! This looks great!
EJLong at gmail dot com
This looks great! Thanks for all the giveaways.
orangetriangle2 AT yahoo DOT com
I would love to win this! We've been doing the cash system for years and it's always been annoying to have everything separated in my purse. I did try the paper ones too, but I didn't like that I had to fold my cash to put it in and I didn't like how it did fall apart easily. This is such a brilliant idea!!
Count me in! I would love the black one!
This would be tremendous help in organizing multiple stops in a shopping trip and all the coupons and club cards that are required!
Love this wallet! I really need to organize my cash system, and this would help!
Cute! I hope you and your family had a good Thanksgiving!
How great! I could really use a new wallet!
Yes! This makes perfect sense and is one of those things that I wish I had thought of! Separate categories for all that we moms have to manage...
Would LOVE this, starting off the new year with a new wallet and new financial goals would be wonderful.
Oh I can so relate to your envelopes. I do that, too, but and I'm so afraid of losing the envelopes now!
It is me again!!! I can't believe that savvycents wallet!! It is perfect for budgeting your money!! what a clever idea! I would love to have one of those and know a few other people who would too so I might have trouble holding on to it for myself but rather end up giving it away!!!
I would love this! Thanks for the giveaway!
I so need this!:)
This would be wonderful!
My purse is a mess, I need this!
I would love to win!! It looks so nice.
This is absolutely brilliant! I love it!! I'd love to be entered into the "draw" to win this one.. :)
Love it my envelopes are also getting torn up. This would be great.
Would love this! I've been trying to figure out how to do the cash/envelope thing for my wallet and well... this would be a perfect solution! Lisa
Oh, I'd love this! Thank you for the opportunity to win. We use envelopes right now, which works...but it's definitely not as sensible, nor as cute! :)
love this idea!
This looks fabulous! I would love it for myself, but it would also make a great gift! Thanks for the chance!
I am currently using a coupon organizer which is doable but not AWESOME like this wallet : )
I need this gift!!
These look great! Thanks for the chance to win.
~Flower Petal
leekat6 at verizon dot net
This wallet is awesome! I enjoyed mine so much until it was stolen out my car last week :( I don't think I could ever use another wallet after this one.
This is a wonderful wallet!!
hiwendyhi at yahoo dot com
We are doing the cash thing, too. I think this would really help me out.
I would love to win this. I always have to choose my purse by size and number of pockets/zipper compartments for my envelopes!
This is just what I need. I've been thinking of trying to make something simaliar but I wasn't sure how to pack in all the organizational features without the bulk.
I would love to win this! We've just started to use the envelope system and this would be such a great way to stay on track!
These look awesome! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!
I could very much use this :)
I would absolutely love to win. I've read all about Savvycents and love the idea!
lesliedoll at hotmail dot com
Pick Me! Pick Me! ;)
I love anything organizational and I have seen these around the internet...I would LOVE to have one! Thanks for the chance! :)
Now this.....THIS is amazing!!! I LOVE this!!! Brand new to me!!! So excited!! Would love one!!!
I would love to be more organized on shopping trips ,Thanks for all the giveaways
Claudia N
Hi Monica!
I need order and organization in my life and this would be one step in the right direction!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
~Mippy :)
bunnysmip at yahoo dot com
Would love this! I've had the same problem with envelopes wearing out, and coins falling out.
I think we were all taught by our mothers to keep our coupons and receipts in little envelopes in our purse :-) I have the same problems with torn and bent envelopes and coupons getting destroyed. I'd love to have this!
I would love to get back to the cash system and this would help me do it.
I love this! I didn't know that anyone made a wallet for the envelope system, how clever! And so attractive too!
I have a hard time keeping my coupons organized and I do not want to lug around a big binder everywhere I go. This wallet would be great to have!
Ooooo, I would LOVE to win this!! I made little envelopes like yours about a year ago and I love them, but they look about the same as yours do now! :) I will definitely have to think about purchasing one of these wallets if I don't win one!
Love it...and need it too!!
I would LOVE to win a Savvycents Wallet. It would make a great Christmas gift for my wonderful DIL
I am tired of hunting for the correct envelope in my purse. I would love this!
I love it! I am terrible at organizing my wallet and purse. This looks so helpful!
Love it! My wallet is a disaster! I think this is definitely what I need. :)
I would love this. I need to get back to using cash in divided categories again.
Fantastic! Just took a Dave Ramsey class this past summer. I would love this!
My envelope system needs help and this looks like a winner
Awesome! just what I need. My wallet looks just like your old one, a hot mess!
Thanks for the chance to win a super duper elegant looking and organized wallet!
What a great giveaway!
Brilliant! Enter me, please.
This would come in so handy!
I use cash only and this sure would make things easier for me. I love this!
Looks so great.. I would love to get organized and try this wallet. Thanks!
This is such a cute wallet, and anything to keep me better organized is awesome. It stinks to have to spend extra time re-organizing your wallet after you get home from the store.
hardms3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I want to win the pink one!!
I was thinking how I need a new purse, but perhaps I just need this wallet!! Thanks for showing it to us!
I gave my mom my coupon organizer and haven't found another one I liked since. :(
This would be awesome!!
FINALLY a solution to the envelopes. I've tried SO many different methods of keeping my cash separate. I SO want this!! If I don't win, I know what my husband can get me for Christmas! :)
I love this idea! Great gift idea even if I don't win!!
I would so love to win this - if you could see my wallet and my lack of organisation in it, you would understand why!
I would love to win this!
Wow- I love it! I have a hard time closing mine too. We are about to start implementing the Dave Ramsey system and this would be a huge help with that.
Wow, I'd LOVE to win one in Pink It looks so Cool!
I keep getting excited about each of your giveaways hitting some personal note in me, but this is another one! :) In the past we have used Dave Ramsey's envelope system, but my envelopes ended up looking exactly like yours and for various reasons we stopped for a time using that system. My new neighbor just told me last week that she was excited for her new wallet that was made for a cash system to arrive in the mail, and the timing hit me perfectly and the envelope system became a topic of conversation between my husband and I once again. I am ready again!, :) and this would make it smoother to use for practical purposes. :) I love it!
My wallet is a mess and everything always falls out!!
What a great item for a lucky winner!
Love this! Thanks for the chance to win!
Would love one!
I would so love to win this. My wallet actually ripped while I was out shopping today. lol
That looks GREAT!
blessed.mama4 at
I would love this!! :) It is just what I need to help with my envelopes. Thank you so much for all the giveaways. :)
My wallet looks like those pictures!
Looks so nice! Very useful, too
tamara_parlor at hotmail dot com
I have wanted one of these for a while! I know it would be great!
rlcohee at hotmail dot com
I would love to have a wallet like that to organize everything in my purse.
Wow! I could use this!
Kelly ERdel
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