Oops - I thought it was going to work to put a little flipbook preview of this book here, but it did not - so here is the link to preview some of the book!
Visit The King's Adventure website here.
Two winners will be chosen to receive copies of this book - please leave a comment on this post telling me what your family does to give back during the Christmas season!
Comments will be accepted until Saturday, November 27 at 9pm.
Disclosure: I received a copy of The King's Christmas List for review/giveaway here. Images and information were provided by Tommy Nelson publishers.
One of our favorite ways to give back during the holidays is to sponsor a child through a child services program by purchasing clothes, toys, and yummy treats to open Christmas morning.
My 2 oldest children and I just finished collecting for operation Christmas Child which is a ministry by Samaritan's Purse. God just spoke to me this Summer about organizing it for our church, and we enjoyed every minute of it. We collected 99 shoebox gifts for needy children to receive this Christmas.
I like this!
Heifer Int'l has a wonderful program, and choosing something from their catalog every year is one of our favorite things to do!
This book sounds excellent, thank you!
We volunteer a lot at church and in our community! God blesses us!
To give back - our children take some of their money and we add additional funds (and some coupons!) for them to purchase food for donation to the food pantry where I volunteer. We also give gifts to needy families.
orangetriangle2 AT yahoo DOT com
We fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. This year I organized a small group to go volunteer at the processing center where all the shoeboxes in our region get sent.
We giv eour christmas away. my children are age 6-21 and we have been doing this for the past 3 years.
We've done various things....Samaritan's Purse shoeboxes, caroling (of course) :-), volunteering at a soup kitchen, and baking cookies for the mail lady, etc.
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
That looks like a beautiful book! We usually do a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child and this year we are going to a church in an underpriveleged innercity area and serving lunch the day after Christmas. Also, this seems like a small thing but people always seem so appreciative...we go Christmas caroling to shut-ins and also the family abuse shelters.
We have an Orphan Jar that we save our loose change in all year. For Thanksgiving or Christmas, we then donate it to a missionary that works with orphans.
We host a brunch for our neighbors the day after Christmas. That day falls on a Sunday this year, so we haven't figured out what to do yet.
We have a jar to give "Jesus" a CHRISTmas gift
(gospel for asia)
We have a Happy Birthday, Jesus party which we have been doing for 8 years now. We started it to invite the neighborhood children in to hear about Christ but we try to always talk about what we can give to Him for His birthday. One year I had little presents wrapped up for each to open and read something that we could give Him...like our time, our money etc.
My family loves giving back at Christmas... and it's getting to be more important to me as they get older and really can understand the concept now. We do OCC shoeboxes, purchases animals through Gospel for Asia, we collect food for our church's food panty, write letters to servicemen overseas, etc. We love discovering news ways to reach out :) I can't wait to read this book!
Kellie M.
We participate in multiple food drives and adopt a family or donate toys type drives through our church. Our kiddos are very small right now, but this year our two year old and I will be going through his things to find somethings to share with others. We also involve him in delivering baked goods to a meal program once a month. It isn't a lot, but it is a start and I only hope he will be as excited about giving back as his father and I are.
My kids each chose something to buy out of the Samaritan's Purse catalog with their own money. My son chose a week's worth of hot meals and my daughter chose a blanket
Looks great!
We love to pack shoeboxes for the OCC. My 4 year old has started asking lots of questions about it, but still doesn't understand it all. She is so interested in giving toys and gifts to children who do not have a lot.
In the past, we have participated in the Gift Revolution. It is kind of a pay-it-forward, random acts of kindness movement that you can track online at GiftRevolution.com. It is super fun to surprise total strangers with simple things like a cup of coffee or paying for their items at the check out.
This book looks great!
escue2007 at yahoo dot com
Our way of giving back at Christmas is to pack shoeboxes. This is the second year we've done it and it makes an impression. The kids will ask during the year if we can collect things for "their" boy or girl. We also like to let them collect money for doing their chores and then choose something together to do with that (maybe something from the World Vision catalog or a special project at church.)
This looks like a great book.
Okay, I've read enough!!! I just finished reading through the King's Adventure website and THAT is what I've been burdened about for several months now!! My children love to give to their friends at Christmas and we spend hours making over 50 gifts to give to their friends and Sunday School teachers, but nothing beyond their comfort zones of those who have nothing!!! I want this book to help them learn to think beyond our borders (of family and friends)!!! Thank you for introducing this to me!!! Love it!!
Our favorite way to give back during the holidays is to make warm winter hats to drop off at our local homeless shelter.
We help with Samaritan children boxes,donate to the food bank and give to the salvation army.
angelhomemaker at yahoo dot com
We filled a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child and volunteer cooking meals at the Ronald McDonald House and a women's crisis pregnancy home. We are also involved in all sorts of church-related projects/donations/services/etc.
I really want my kids to see the world around them more than the toy catalogs and commercials they are targeted with.
We enjoy packing boxes for operation Christmas child but I am also hoping to possibly take some things to the homeless shelter, make mittens and hats for the mitten tree here in town and another idea is to go sing and provide music at the nursing home.
We try to always think of new ways. Last Wednesday, my daughter, her husband, and their four children (ages 2,2,3,5) were bell-ringers for the Salvation Army. Cutest bell ringers you've every seen!
Each year our family chooses something to give from the World Vision Catalogue, to a family or child in other countries. My kids enjoying doing this! Thanks Monica for another opportunity. ~christyrstanton@hotmail.com
This book would be perfect for my two grandchildren. Thanks!
Every year we put participate in Operation Christmas Child, we invite our neighbours over for a Christmas party, we donate food to the food bank throught the boys' school, and we purchase items through various catalogues like World Vision. It's all great fun and we look for more ways to share the Christmas cheer!
We love collecting Christmas books!
I wish I did more but we do Op Christmas Child and make plates of goodies for friends/neighbors.
We love filling shoeboxes. :)
We've done this in the past and it was neat!
We lost our baby girl last year and as a way to honor her little life and give back with gather all the magazines/catalogs from all the organizations we sponsor through the year (World Vision, Samaritan's Purse, Compassion, etc). Then my four children discuss andd look through the catalogs to decide what they would like to give in Rebekah's name. We did this last year and plan to do it this year and every year...
We like to put together a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. We also pick a few ornaments off of the angel tree at our church, which helps needy families in our community.
Monica, I've recently been convicted by Matthew 6:2-4, so I have chosen not to tell about how we give in this comment, but I would love to still be entered in the giveaway if at all possible. Thanks!
Our favorite ways to give back involve baking for neighbors, shutins from church and nursing home residents. However, this book will help keep the focus right.
artandjen at juno dot com
I love for my family to serve and give to others. At Christmas we are going to support a family in Haiti thru Starfish Ministries. We give each month to support a child in school there, but at Christmas they offer a "Giving List" with various dollar amounts to purchase things these families really need.
This book looks really neat! This year we have friends ministering in Africa. We are collecting baskets of school supplies, underclothes, and small toys to send to them for the African children. There are lots of needs there:)
Another great item for the children or to give to nieces and nephews.
This book sounds wonderful for teaching my children that Christmas is about GIVING!
Cheers, Wilma
Christmas caroling, baking cookies for the neighbors, looking for opportunities to bless those without family around, during the holidays.
We sponsor a meal at our local Ronald McDonald House for families of ill children. Last year my 4 year old helped out for the first time; it's a great experience for all of us.
We love the Samaritan's Purse catalog. We save money all fall to buy things in the catlog for those who really need them. My four year old's favorite gift to buy? - MILK!
We enjoy putting together our Operation Christmas boxes!
We have 'adopted' a widow (who is home bound) in our church to bless this Christmas. We are planning to do little things for her all month.
We shop in the Samaritan's Ministries catalog and use money from grandparents for that!
My children and I always look forward to buying a few toys to donate to Toys for Tots. We also help put a Christmas box together for needy families that our church sponsors during the holiday season.
Our family takes part in Operation Christmas Child.
What a great book! We have done Operation Christmas Child for many years. We also donate canned goods and give toys to Toys for Tots.
tamara_parlor at hotmail dot com
we love to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.
What we do varies from year to year, but this year we chose to buy a box from a local CSA for a family in need. It is something we love, so we wanted to share that because when times are tough fruits and veggies are so often sacrificed!
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