We recently went to play at the home of some new friends. The expectant mom has been feeling badly and it was a help to them and fun for us to go over and play!
One of their children is in my CC class - sweet and quiet Caleb. He has talked to his mom about his new friend, Rachel and she has asked if we could go over there and play again. While we were there, it was so precious to me to watch Caleb and Rachel play.
He was very eager to show her his water gun - but he was so gentle around her. His excitement at sharing his things with her was sweet, but even sweeter was the way he treated her. He let her try it, he never got her wet - they always aimed at other things, etc...
My heart was filled with joy as I watched this first peer encounter for her of a young man (yes, very young) treating her with gentleness and respect. It gave me hope and vision for her future husband and how he would treasure her.
I'm having trouble expressing it in words, but it was such a sweet and precious thing to observe. Of course, I have no way of knowing what God has in store for my children - I can trust Him with their future though and thank Him for this glimpse into love made very sweet and beautiful. Thank You, Lord - for allowing me to see and recall this!
PS: I'm re-opening comments this week - I'll still be moderating them and hope I won't need to close them again! Special thanks to all who wrote with encouraging words!
I am so happy you are opening comments. I grabbed your badge last week. That is so sweet to hear of a young man being so gentle with his guest. That is a beautiful reflection of the parenting he is receiving. Your blog is always such a treat, Monica! God bless you this week! ~Ruth
yeah!! that is one thing we have been trying to teach our boys... treating young ladies respectfully and with gentleness!!
So sweet! You described it just perfectly, but I know what you about not being able to put it into words. When we(Mommas)see something so special in our little one it is hard to describe the utter joy that fills our hearts.
Now I wish I could think my boys would be that gentle.
:) Cute!
By the way, I tried your recipe for Apple Hand Pies on Saturday. YUMMY!! We loved them! Thanks for sharing.
It shows that there are moms raising good sons, with tender hearts.
I am glad your comments are open again. I wasn't sure how to email you. I'm sorry it was necessary to close your comments--I so appreciate your thoughtful and creative ideas.
What a wonderful thing to store in your heart. Bless you!
What a sweet reminder for me this morning. My boys are very loud and rough and tumble...it's an ongoing lesson around here for them to be gentler with their sister!
I am so happy you are opening comments again. I am thankful for the wonderful glimpses God gives us. What a treasure to store in your heart
I'm certain you also shared this precious insight with the mother of this young gentleman. I'm sure this was also a blessing to her during, and after, your visit.
We moms need to build each other up. And nothing feels more gratifying than hearing compliments about our children!
Hi Monica. I don't usually comment, but I like to follow your sweet blog. I was sad to hear that something happened, or was said that made it necessary for you to shut off the comments. Please know that you are a blessing to those of us that do follow you.
Very sweet! love, Mom
Monica ~
What a beautiful picture and evidence of God's grace and godly training. Yes, we should be hopeful that when that day comes for our children to marry, the Lord will have been preparing a spouse for them through the years that will truly love and honor them. It does start early...we try to remember and remind our children, that to have a good husband/wife they must also be a good wife/husband. =) Praise the Lord for years to train and more importantly for His grace.
Blessings ~
P.S. A Wise Woman Builds Her Home http://proverbs14verse1.blogspot.com just posted about comments today...a good reminder for all us bloggers.
I'm so glad you are taking the chance to open the comments again. As you can see, we love you! There are no words when our children show Gods love. I know I still get tears watching our son, play with his son!
Oh, what a challenge to me as a mother of boys. It is a daily challenge to rein in the wild barbarian to be gentle with others, but allowing the freedom to be adventuresome and dynamic. Congrats to a mom who's doing the job with her son.
Praying for my future daughter-in-laws even now...
I know exactly what you mean. My daughter met a special friend when she went to school for a year in 2nd grade.He was the one to show her around the first week, since we started late into school.She's now in 10th grade, and we still run into his mother( who was also her favorite teacher at the school!). They still share a special bond of friendship.
What a precious and rare find, even in a young child.
Treating others with respect is something that is not taught or encouraged as it should be.
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