Yesterday morning, I had the special privilege of hosting a sweet group of ladies at a local park! I was so encouraged and blessed by each one who came! But, I'm getting ahead of myself ~

A month or so ago, I was contacted about doing a review for
Icebox Bakery. After checking the store locater, I noticed there were no stores near me that sold their product. But, then thought how fun it would be to host a gathering while in Colorado for friends to try out the cookies and have fun visiting as well! I mentioned this idea to the company and they were happy to send me some free cookie coupons!

My little ladies had a great time making "angel" cookies out of the sugar cookie dough!

I'll tell you the things I loved about these cookies!
First of all, need I even ask - has anyone ever seen such cute packaging?!
I loved that from the very first! And, their website is an extension of cuteness!
I read through the ingredients and they were wonderful:
flour, sugar, butter, eggs, brown sugar, vanilla.
ingredients - love that they are all-natural!
And, they were super easy and tasty! My favorites were the Double Chocolate!
Mmmmm - a brownie in a cookie!
Look at all the delicious flavors they come in!

The next great thing about our morning, besides that we had all of these yummy cookies provided for us - was that a handful of sweet friends came to make the morning even sweeter! Since I'm in all of them, I'll introduce only my guests!

Liz - fun reconnecting and realizing we'd met before! I loved her hair and smile!

Rachel - we'd also met before, but only in passing so it was fun to get to know her a bit more!
I got to hold her sweet boy and was blessed by her gentle and quiet spirit and demeanor!

Rebecca - the friend I
rode with to Albuquerque during my eHarmony days!
Very fun to reconnect with her, see her sweet children and observe her peaceful mothering!
It was a joy to be around her again!

Angie - we've been friends since early Elementary school! She always looks beautiful and the love of God shines through her! I am blessed with a great friend in her!

Amy - we used to work together at the Glen!
So fun to see you again - great job on your race training!
And, to see her sweet Isabelle was a treat - love the red curls!
A special thanks to each of you for carving out the time and making the effort to come!
I was so encouraged by the morning! And, we all had a great time!
And, can you get over all the cuteness of a child with a cookie?
Me either - here are a few enjoying their sweets:

Now, before you get to feeling all left out - let me invite you in on the fun!
Our friends at
Icebox Bakery are allowing me to give away free cookies to three of you!
Just for fun, tell me your favorite kind of cookie and you'll be entered in the drawing to win!
Entries will be taken through Monday, July 5th - and a winner announced next week!
Aw...no results found near me either. :-( The Deluxe Chocolate Chip sound oh so delicious....as do the rest of them. :-) Thanks for sharing!
~eunice b
rsmile2u @dejazzd .com
Wow! It looks like you really had a wonderful time. I love "reconnections" like that.
I would love to be entered in the drawing for such a sweet giveaway.
I couldn't decide... you'll have to surprise me. It's between three- sugar,tart cherry pie or the double chocolate. You're right - it's all in the packaging. So charming.
and the icing on the cookie---no bugs and humidity, right??
Boring, I know. CHOCOLATE CHIP!
What a fun time you all had. I have to agree, the packaging on those cookies is absolutely precious. I'd say my favorite cookie is definitely chocolate chip. I do like them jazzed up on occasion with walnuts, cherries, or malt powder.
My grandma had a recipe for "Favorite Cookies". It had Rice Krispies, Oatmeal and coconut. Loved the texture the taste, and the memories:)
I love the old fashioned chocolate chip cookie:)
Well I gotta enter this one!! IT'S COOKIES!! =) Anyway I think plain old chocolate chip has to my favorite!! Warm and chewy with a little bit of crisp edges.
My favorite cookies are a sugar n spice recipe from my mom. Maybe the chewy ginger spice are a bit like that?
I like classic chocolate chip! :) Add pecans, even better. Looks like a great time; great idea for a party.
Love the packaging would love to try the cookie. I'm very traditional and love good ol' chocolate chip. It's really my biggest weakness chocolate chip cookies! just LOVE THEM!
Oh I've never heard of these cookies! We are here in Maryland but I would DEFINITELY choose the double dutch chocolate too!! Looks like you had a sweet time with special friends. God is good!
this is a no-brainer for me--dbl choco chip please :)
The pictures of the kids with cookies are precious. Such sweet smiles. Favorite cookie - probably sugar or chocolate chip.
Hi Monica! I've been thinking of you and all that you've been up to! Hope you are enjoying your time away and that the reunion went well. Love your new look on the blog...it's so you! Anyway, my favorite cookie is peanut butter...mmm good. :)
Thanks for sharing your sweet pics with us!
Any chocolate cookie is my favorite!
What a lovely time you all had! My birthday is the 6th, so this would be a fun gift to win.
I love baking cookies...all kinds of cookies, but I'd have to say that snickerdoodles are one of my very favorites.
Oh - what a wonderful time you must have had. I envy you ... a bit... 'lol'
The packages are sooo cute. My fav would eiterh bei the double dutch chocolate or the cherry pie.
And the pics of the kids are so beautiful, they are munching their cookies so happily - love it!
Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! Soft and chewy. :-)
Oh yummy! Yes, the packaging is just darling! My favorite cookies are the great, ole' stand-by chocolate chip! And double chocolate sounds even better! (You can never go wrong with chocolate!)
Chewy Ginger Spice Please! Love the packaging too! What a blessing to have such a fun gathering of friends! I love your blog!
Terri ponyxpress9 at yahoo dot com
Madison WI
My favorite kind of cookie? Are you kidding me? I LOVE cookies!!
Let's see if I have to pick ONE favorite, it would be sugar cookies. Why? Because it always brings back wonderful memories of Christas as a kid. Iced sugar cookies (whether it be wreaths, angels, santas) were always a nice treat I STILL look forward to every year!
Gingersnaps! (soft ones though - not too crunchy!)
We love Oatmeal!
They are somewhat good for us :)
Thanks for a great blog. I always find great encouragemnet when I stop by!
I love, love, LOVE sugar cookies!
What wonderful pictures! So glad you were able to meet with each of them again! :)
My favorite type of cookie are peanut butter cookies! :)
I loved your review of the cookies.
My favorite is Chewy Ginger Spice.
Could eat some right now.
Peanut Butter/chocolate chip seems to be the kind I bake the most! Thanks so much!
I love oatmeal raisin and white chocolate macadamia nut.
dmfitzpatrick16 @ rangers.nwosu.edu
Ooh, I like the oatmeal chocolate chip. I've been craving oatmeal cookies!
Double chocolate for sure!
Thanks for the chance to win these yummy treats and the packaging is very adorable :)
What a lovely party. I think the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip sounds wonderful. Glad to know even if I don't win, I found a Whole Foods that sells them near me.
I love oatmeal craisin cookies so the tart cherry pie is calling my name!
Oh this was a great post...and you are RIGHT....those cookies in that packaging..that is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'd buy those just so I could look at the pretty packaging all the way!!! I should see if any store near here sells these or if my store will carry them on request!!! That's a great idea..and all natural, that would be really popular in my area of the country!!!
Favorite cookie....Hmm...I love "Mexican wedding cookies".they're known under another name, but I can't think of them at the moment. ..but they're tasty all covered in powdered sugar!!!...and I LOVE Butterscotch chip cookies!!!
Hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :)
p.s. I'm going to check out that cookie company!!! Thanks!!! The photos were lovely of the kids and you with your friends :)
How fun to meet up with friends! I must say I have a weakness for chocolate chip cookies ~ the "Deluxe Choc Chip" ones sound wonderful! What a fun giveaway! Hope you are having a lovely time in CO!
I Love the look of the cookie dough. Too yummy! I think that the Double Chocolate Chip would be heavenly!! Thanks for the chance to win!! What a fun party you had!
chocolate chip
What a great idea for a get together, friends, cookies and kids! Simple and yet delightful!
I'm all about chocolate cookies!!!! White, Dark, Milk... doesn't matter :-)
I like anything without chocolate in it. Seriously.
I love this company's look!! The tart cherry pie and chewy ginger spice sound too good not to try. We need to find a local retailer for this product.
Hmmm...oatmeal choco. chip or double choco. chip :). Thanks for this fun giveaway!
Cookies!! I LOVE cookies. One time i stated to a friend that i believe cookies are good for your morale. So she then said does that mean cookies are good for you morally??? We had a great laugh over that one. My favorites include but are not limited too: chocolate chip, lemon, ginger, chocolate chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, oatmeal chocolate chip. Thats a good start :-)! Thanks for the opportunity to WIN COOKIES!!! tammyp teapitts at bellsouth dot net
I really love oatmeal raisin. Or a soft chocolate chip... Actually, I have no prejeduce against any cookies. I like them all!
It's a tough choice between Deluxe Chocolate Chip & Double Dutch Chocolate!
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
Hi Monica -
I've been thinking about you on your trip with your family in CO. I hope you're having a great time. Looks like you had a very fun morning at the park, with some great looking treats!
I would have to say that almost anything chocolate would have to be my favorite (as long as it didn't have nuts in it!!). It's hard to beat the classic chocolate chip cookie!
We're looking forward to our time in MI and leave on Sunday to join up with your sister! Can't wait!
We'll be in touch!
It looks like you had an absolutely WONDERFUL time! So glad to hear it!
And this is a very fun giveaway! What a treat. I'd pick the following three flavors:
Chewy Ginger Spice
Deluxe Chocolate Chip
Double Dutch Chocolate
I love their packaging. It's very cute.
Looks like you had a wonderful time! I'd have to choose the tired and true old fashioned chocolate chip! :)
Double chocolate---I see there is a Whole Foods an hour away that carries them and I'll be over there in July, so if I win, I can redeem it.
I love Chocolate chip cookies :)
My husband can't have preservatives, so I'm not able to use the refrigerated dough - all of our cookies are made from scratch! These look like a wonderful treat that even he could share!
I also love the packaging. I'm glad all of you had a great time during your picnic!
I love a good molasses spice cookie.
they all look delicious, but I'll go with the double chocolate.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My Mother -in-law's chocolate chip with walnuts. They are the best!
The double dutch chocolate sounds amazing! I have a hard time resisting any chocolate :-)
mainlobster101 at yahoo dot com
Looks like y'all had fun and those cookies look delish!! The packaging is so so cute, too!! I also love your galvanized serving thingie.
Okay, so I missed the part about our favorite cookie. My would definitely have to be oatmeal, chocolate chip, pecan, OR those oatmeal creme pies that I sent you the recipe for last year. Yum!! You are making me want some cookies now!! :)
What a sweet time! Literally! =) I pretty much adore cookies, but there is something extra fun about Snickerdoodles.
Sound like your cookie-get-together turned out delightful! Everybody around here loves my chocolate chip cookies so guess that would be it for me too.
I linked to your blog yesterday Monica about the yellow bowls!
Have a blessed day Monica.
Dorothy in Arizona
Wow, there are lots of locations in Virginia, but none close to me. *sigh* I'd love to be entered! My favorite would probably be the Chewy Ginger Spice... Yum! Thank you for sharing this. When we travel in our state, we'll be picking some up!
I would have to say my favorite cookie would be double chocolate chip cookies! There is nothing better than a fresh baked cookie with a big glass of milk! All this talk about cookies and I'm going to have to go make some now. :)
I love chocolate chip cookies. Just plain, I know, but they are so good! =)
I would love to win this! (and so would my kids!) I think my favorite would have to be chocolate chip, with double chocolate coming in a close second.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love your new blog design!
my favorite cookie is an oatmeal butterscotch one, cooked with real butter to make it extra thin and crispy. YUMMY.
This looks like a lot of fun! Our favorite is Sour Cherry Double Chocolate Chip. Martha Stewart made them years ago and they are a family favorite.
Your meet up looks like such a great time! I think my favorite cookie would be the double chocolate too... what woman doesn't like chocolate??? :)
Cookies are awesome no matter what flavor, although I won't eat cooked raisins so I only eat the oatmeal cookie part of oatmeal raisin cookies...weird, I know!
I would say that chocolate cookies with chocolate chips (my grandma's recipe) are probably my all time favorite though!
Looks like you had a very nice time! I always love chocolate chip!
I LOVE a good ol' chocolate chip cookie!
My favorite cookie is chocolate chip.
Loved this post and the introduction to the cookie company!!! My favorite cookie is any with chocolate in it. In fact, don't really ever make a cookie that doesn't have chocolate IN it or completely made of it. One particular kind I do love though is the "Secret Kiss Cookie." Butter cookie ball wrapped around a hershey's kiss and then rolled in powered sugar. Can you say YUMMY!!!
My all time favorite cookies are Kuffles.
That is cute packaging. My favorite cookie is Sugar! The tart cherry looks yummy!
oatmeal raisin are my total favorite!!
Thanks for such a fun and yummy giveaway!
peanut butter chocolate chip cookies rock my socks!!!! I a a cookie kind of person
I'm a sucker for anything chocolate!
Looks like you had a fun, creative, tasty time with kindred spirits! My mouth waters for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Since their's oatmeal in them, I eat an extra one or two...they're health, right?! ;)
Looks like fun! My favorite cookie is definitely chocolate chip, fresh from the oven, Yum!!
Wow those are so cute! The girls did a great job.
My favorite cookies would be double chocolate chip. My guess would be they taste similar to the double dutch chocolate. They are a brownie type of cookie with chocolate chips in them.
I am glad you guys are having so much fun in CO.
The cookies look wonderful. I'm glad you got to share them with your friends. I have many favorites, but Mexican Wedding cookies made with pecans are near the top of the list.
What a beautiful day at the park. My favorite are chocolate chip and cranberry...mmmm
However, any cookie is a favorite in my house!
Jen N
artandjen at juno dot com
Anything chocolate- Double Fudge Chocolate Chunk sounds good right about now.
I think I would have to try the gluten free chocolate chip since my 3 year old can't have gluten and I can't seem to find a good recipe where the cookie doesn't turn out really dry. Looks like such a fun time was had by all. Thanks for the giveaway!
margyrichardson @ rocketmail.com
mmmm...tart cherry pie sounds INCREDIBLE!!
I absolutely love the packaging on the cookie dough! I haven't seen these here either but would love to try the sugar cookie.
Chocolate Chip....my old standby!
Soft chewy sugar cookies! Yum!!
I love your blog! My favorites are chocolate chip or peanut butter. Yum!
I totally dig Oatmeal Raisin cookies. They make me smile =)
Have a Blessed weekend,
MMM.... Ginger ones...or sugar ones...Thanks :) Amber
fig and chloe at hotmail dot com
Oh, I'm so sorry Florida is so far from Colorado... I would have loved to share this morning with you and all the beautiful families. Looks like, in true Monica-fashion, you created a place of peace and fellowship in the middle of a park. What a gem.
Oh and by the way, my favorite cookies are peanut butter - if I have really cold milk... and Oatmeal - if I have a cup of hot coffee.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
How cute, kids with cookies!
Sweet memories!
I'd love the tart cherry cookies. Hmmm!
nathalie.nieuwendijk @ telenet . be
Hi Monica,
I enjoyed seeing the sweet outing you had with friends.
All the cookies look so delicious!
My favorite cookie.....let's see...sugar, chocolate chip, chocolate oatmeal....I don't have a favorite. I like them all!! Thank you for a chance at the giveaway.
I would love the double dutch chocolate! Doesn't look like they sell here in New Hampshire, but I'd be happy to send the coupons to my sister in MD! Who doesn't love cookies?!
I really don't care about the flavor. Why I really stopped in was to tell you "You couldn't get any cuter". And please tell Lisa K I have that very same recipe. It makes a ton of cookies.
I just love your family :-)
How nice! Our favorite is chocolate chip cookies with double chocolate chips! Thanks so much Monica:)
Plain old chocolate chip are the best. And when I make a batch, I always have a ton left over, so it's fun to give them away to neighbors and friends. :)
My fav cookies are peanut butter chocolate chip. Delish!
What a fun idea - of course, anything involving cookies is SURE to be fun!!! :)
Could that package be any cuter? You could frame that label and call it good!!
Tart cherry pie? Yummy!
I would love to be in the give-a-way. Happy 4th! :)
Double Dutch Chocolate would be my choice because I don't think I would go through making them on my own! :) Looks like you had a fun time! brian amy 10 @ hotmail.com (no spaces)
My friend just mailed me some cookies for my birthday , she calls them breakfast cookies. They are coconut and bran flakes! Yummy !
I've never seen these cookies but the cherry ones have really caught my interest! My hubby loves all things cherry ! I've never seen packaged cookies in flavors like this !
Chocolate chip peanut butter is my fave!
Chocolate chip, of course!
Julie in Skunk Hollow
My choice is the Double Dutch Chocolate. The more chocolate the better. So glad you had a wonderful time.
I love the simplicity of the packaging. My favorite cookies are the ones with fruit: cranberry oatmeat and the family's favorite pineapple cookies.
PS I love your blog.
Wow that packaging is fabulous and the cookies look yummy too! I love chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven so warm that it is almost too hard to eat them but not quite! I also have a weakness for Oreos!
My favorite kind of cookie is plain old chocolate chip! Thanks for the giveaway contest!
Lisa K: Those are called Ranger Cookies at our grocery store - YUM :)
My fav? White chocolate cranberry oatmeal with a little orange zest. Happy sigh.
In college I discovered my love of white chocolate macadamia nut, but if I were to choose from the yummy cookies Icebox has to offer, the Tart Cherry Pie intrigues me the most!
Aww...so sweet. My fav cookie is chocolate chip.
God bless
~Flower Petal
leekat6 (at) verizon (dot) net
What a special time you shared with friends!
I love chocolate chip cookies. My 12 years old makes the best I've ever had :)
Hi Monica, They look yummy! Double Dutch. Although, I don't know if they could be sent to Japan Lol! Christy Stanton
This looks like so much fun, Monica! I'm glad you got to reconnect with some friends. My favorite cookie depends on my mood, but anything chewy and buttery is always good.
Heather S.
Gotta go with chocolate chip, though I have a recipe that adds coconut, pecans, brown sugar and oatmeal. Delicious! :)
I love double chocolate chocolate cookies with marshmallows.
oatmeal raisin
Hi, Monica:
The chewy ginger spice sounds tasty, and reminds me of autumn, which I am looking forward to right now since it's boiling hot outside!
The Double Dutch Chocolate sounds heavenly! I have never heard of this company, but am going to go over and check them out.
Lynn G.
Oh, I'm excited....they sell them at Whole Foods near Dallas!
I do love chocolate chip and snickerdoodles!
afrugalfriend (at) gmail (dot) com
Yummy! Oatmeal Chocolate Chip sounds great!
Monica M.
Tart cherry pie would be great! Have enjoyed your site and marvel at all the projects you accomplish with little ones. Monica
Hi Monica...I clicked over to see if you'd written about The North Pole...and saw that you're giving away FREE cookies. Who can resist that??? :-)
Your day looks lovely! I would have loved to have joined you...and to have met Rachel! Next time...
Chocolate Chip!!!
I love that you hosted this gathering. How fun!
I agree that the packaging on the cookies is just delightful. It makes me want to eat them up just from the wrapper! The all natural ingredients... love it!
I think I would like the double chocolate. I am a chocolate fan and who can resist a brownie in a cookie!
oatmeal chocolate chip of course!!!
What a nice giveaway - and you have a beautiful blog too. The chocolate chip would be devoured in our home.
I would love some cookies! Oatmeal are my favorite!
--Stephanie Dobbs
I must try the cherry pie cookies!
Tart Cherry Pie...not sure how that tastes but sounds delish!
I am a chocoholic, however . . . I love chewy molasses cookies!
The tart cherry pie cookies sound delicious!
Peanut butter cookies are my favorite......
oh, I missed the ending date of your giveaway by one day!!! Oh well ~ I will tell you what my favorite cookie is anyway! I LOVE shortbread cookies! Not very fancy, but I LOVE the way they melt in your mouth!!!
~ Kim
It's a 3 way tie! Oatmeal, Sugar & Peanut Butter!
...I love ALL cookies equally and don't discriminate! So please send me some....I LOVE cookies!
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