This afternoon, we have a rare opportunity. We are having guests we've never met before! A mom and her three girls are coming over because the mom needs to pick something up from me. I mentioned I hoped she'd be able to sit and visit for a few minutes and have a cup of tea and that I would set up a tea party for our little ladies.
As I type this, I've never met her before. I know she loves Jesus and her family and that she recently moved near me. That is about all I know. Yet - I am excited to make both she and her daughters feel welcome.
Store bought cookies are a rarity for me - but a simplifying measure I am willing to take the day before we leave on a trip! Using what I had made this easy and quick to pull together!
That looks very inviting! I am sure the mum and her daughters will feel very welcomed and will always remember this afternoon. It doesn't matter, if the cookies are shop-bought, they will just remember that a stranger made the effort to invite them in her life.
How wonderful and brave of you. What an awesome example you set for your girls.
What a lovely setting! I bet she and her girls loved what you did to make them feel so special and welcome to the community.
How beautiful!! Are neighbors are moving back to California and they are renting their home to family. It is a mom and dad and three boys. This will be a GREAT way to invite them to our little neighborhood.
Have a Blessed day,
Monica, you are such a blessing. I am sure this woman and her littles will be blessed and refreshed.
We are moving soon and I know I would be blessed if someone did this for me.
That was a very sweet and welcoming thing to do!
Looks like your new porch is enjoying the company of many.
How wonderful of you to ask the mother and children in advance to "sit a spell." I always find myself mentioning it as an afterthought to visitors to my home. I need to move forward to making them feel like guests, not simply visitors.
So pretty...I would have loved to come for tea and see everything layed out so pretty. That was so nice and generous of you to do that :) :) :) Oh, one thing caught my one of the photos there's a glass sitting inside a shaped doily. Did you make that? That's a really nice touch :) :)
Greetings and hugs from Oregon,
Heather H :)
That is so sweet and special!! You just have such a gift for hospitality. What is the doily cup holder thingie?? So cute!!
what a wonderful idea! it's so nice to welcome others and go the extra mile :) ive never had the chance yet!
Such a fabulous thing to do. I am sure it made the adjustment to your community seem so sweet!
Such special and lovely touches, Monica!
Oooooooo I loved this! I've been blessed my whole life to meet people around the world willing to bless a stranger (missionary). Now I am trying to learn to be bold and do what you're describing. It means SO MUCH!
What an absolutely lovely setting for hospitality! Your heart shines thru with every gesture ;) ~ Kathy
how thoughtful!
love the idea of the scrabble letters spelling out "welcome" - so clever and simple.
My husband and I agreed to host a woman from Germany for a month last fall. We had never met her before - she was a friend of a friend. As we prepared her room and our house for her, we began to love her more and more. God richly blessed our time together, and now we remain close friends. I'm always surprised how God blesses us when we offer hospitality to friends and strangers alike.
That's so sweet! Everything just looks so precious and tea parties are so much fun! What a nice way to welcome someone to the area!
I have met someone for the first time who I previously only knew from phone calls. She had called me from California about homeschooling (I am in lots of older hsing books) and said she was relocating to my area. Before you knew it she was calling from my town! She and her family had moved here after hearing how much I liked living here! Talk about pressure. So yes, I have done this. Your table looks lovely by the way.
Monica, I love the hydrangeas and your welcome sign! The colors you get on your flowers are just beautiful..
And you are such a beautiful person inside and out, I always feel peaceful after reading your blog...thank you !
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