* Bake blueberry muffins: wrap individually and add a ribbon and tag, "Have a Berry Special Day!" Surprise your co-workers by secretly leaving a treat on their desk!
* Have more than you can use of something? I had extra peaches one summer and tied them with twine and a tag, "Have a peachy day!" and left them at my neighbor's doors.
* Celebrate May Day!
* Make a casserole for your dinner and share some with a neighbor. I used to take a plate of dinner to my neighbor below me every once in a while!
* When I was a cheerleading coach, I used to do all sorts of things for my cheerleaders. Make a fun lunch of cute shaped sandwiches, make crafts together, bake cookies together for the teams, etc...
* Invite others over for dinner, pack a charming picnic or take a meal to someone who needs it!
Who is around you now that could use some sunshine in their days?
I so love this list and sharing about giving of our time and talent during that time of life....what a true way to encourage others! :-) I have a list up in our school room called..."Simple ways the _____ Family can help others" as a reminder to us of how simple it is to send some encouragement to someone. I totally agree that during the *single* days, we are able to devote a bit more time to accomplishing a few acts of kindness to completion. Now with littles, I involve them as much as I can, but sometimes the completion of the tasks take a bit longer than I'd like...however, I guess it's all in God's timing. :-) I had such a different *waiting* period of life than you did, and this series is truly one I'm gaining so much information from...keeping in mind my own precious kiddos. Thank you for the way you use your blog to encourage and edify others and to glorify God! He uses you in special ways!
This is such a lovely idea. You don't have to be single though. Now that three of my five children don't live at home anymore and the two do are sporadically home we have shared little tidbits with our neighbors. It's fun to see the joy a little plate of cookies can bring to others.
I still make your sugar cookie recipe that we all made at your house for Valentine's Day, I think. Those are soooooo good! I have so many fun memories from cheerleading!
I love the idea with the fruit! I'm not very good at baking (or cooking for that matter), but I can certainly leave some fruit at my neighbor's door step! Thanks for the great idea!
Thanks so much for sharing this. I have a perfect girl to share this with.
Hi, Monica,
I am enjoying this series. I am alone now. Children all grown and live far away. Am now a widow after forty-six years of marriage. So I try to bring sunshine to others. That is my joy. Thanks for your encouragement.
What wonderful ideas for sharing with others! You continually inspire me, Monica.
I really need to improve on this!
This was so encouraging and inspiring to me today! I am "content" being single, but it's not always EASY to wait for the future... But the Lord has given me so many people to help at this time of my life. I feel like I am living the best of life, so why do I ever complain to God??!! Thank you for your words, they blessed me. Praise the Lord for our single years to serve Him wholeheartedly and share His love with others.
I really enjoyed reading this. I'm trying to catch up on the blog posts I've missed. I'm 36 years old and still single. I've never been married...and one of the other comments here...I agree with..I'm "content" being single..but it's not always easy..especially when all of my friends are now married. Sometimes it's hard not to get caught up in a pity party.
However, this was so encouraging and I think/wish churches would speak more to this subject. What an awesome way to use our "singleness" to bless others :) :) :) It's so important to keep on developing our walks with Jesus Christ...In my case, I know that God has the best planned for me..and I'll be glad that I waited for the right one :) :) :)
Now...time to bless some folks today :) :) Have a wonderful weekened :) :) :)
OH, does your blog also have a link on Facebook? That would be so cool :) Hugs and sunshine from Oregon :)
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