When I typed that challenge, I had no idea of how I was going to follow through on that. I thought I would wait and see what God had in mind -
And, I can now tell you that the way worship has been added to our home over the past couple of weeks is through music.
I've enjoyed just going to You Tube and typing in some favorite praise songs to listen to and have discovered some new ones that I enjoy too. I've discovered Seeds Family Worship for myself after hearing so many godly moms talk about it for years. Wow! It's great! And, I found they also have Family Worship ideas and verse cards to print out and use with your children!
My favorite music is always Scripture put to music - great way to get God's Word right into our hearts!
Some of my favorite music is:
Fernando Ortega
Glory Revealed
Steve Green Hide 'Em In Your Heart Volume 1 & 2
Seeds Family Worship (there are five volumes)
The Door
There are lots of others I listen to as well - but these are the ones I reach for most often!
This coming week - let's work on clearing one surface in your haven! For me, it will likely be a section of kitchen counter or the top of the dryer! Do you have a spot that needs to be cleared? Please join us!
Last weekend, I worked hard at cleaning a big section of my counter off - and it has lasted all week! I have made myself make sure it is clear before going to bed and it has made such a difference! I've wanted to keep it clear, enjoyed cooking more, been more diligent at keeping other things picked up, etc... Now, I'm motivated to work on another surface and maintain the clean one!
I'd love to hear how you brought worship into your haven over the last several weeks!!
I would love to learn how to make my home a haven - I feel like we're just abusing this wonderful gift God has given us (when so many are homeless) and want to create little sweetnesses to bless the hearts in my home.
We usually do not play worship in the house - with boys we're outside - a lot! It's on in the car. And yesterday it was so cute to hear my 2 & 1/2 year old sing, "gain the world but lose my soul".
encouraging post -
Your blog is so up lifting & inspiring. I have a few surfaces that need work. So, I will set the goal to do one.
Right now I am listening to Enya. I love how soft & sweet the music is for my soul.
:) I tend to make a little counter top pile too. :)
I am sad to say that I have been lacking in my keeping up with the making your home a haven scene.
Maybe I could start anew.
I have several kitchen surfaces to clear as we had to dismantle our entire pantry yesterday!! Trying to function in a disorganized space with a pleasant attitude today... (As I read over at Melissa's this morning ~ a clean heart is more important than a clean home!) Just asking for God's help to be a good example for my kids...even amongst the chaotic surroundings. :-) Blessings!
Music is also how I bring worship into my home. Either through a cd or by listening to The Message music channel on our satelite tv. I turn it on when I need a pick me up or when we are picking up. It makes the cleaning task go much faster!
Thank you for encouraging us to make our homes havens. It is a wonderful blessing and honor, one I have taken for granted at times but only to grow in beautiful grace when I realize the treasures to come back too. Music does beautiful things in my heart. I too enjoy that as a daily form of worship in our home.I see the gentleness and loving kindness that my children recieve from the musical form of worship. I love your favorites, I took a peek at them and the tone is so peaceful. I know you do not know me but all you share about your heart and life is a joy and encouragement. I thank you for keeping your blog going. I know God prepared you for this mission many woman need a mentor that shows a regular persons life chasing after life in Christ. Smiles, Angelia in TX
You should check out jamie soles - he's a canadian musician and has several good CDs. Most are very kid friendly, but non-obnoxious. He also has a great CD that took all the psalms of ascent (120-134) and set them to music. I love that CD because it's an easy way to memorize scripture.
We love the Hide Them in Your Heart CD's...our kids have been falling asleep to them for years and we all know them by heart now.
Off to clean off a surface...it seems I have to do this several times a day as things clutter up so quickly.
Have you ever tried listening to Pandora Radio? You can make your own music station by entering in artists that you like. Its great, and I have it on all day. The best part is its free. :)
We've made a worship station that we love that plays Sovereign Grace Ministries music. Its wonderful! :)
Thanks for your encouraging posts!
Off to clean a surface!
Oh no! I was too late to add my name to the McLinky! Here is my post anyway - http://woodpigplaces.blogspot.com/2010/05/make-your-home-haven-surfaces.html
Thank you Monica for providing the inspiration I needed! This was shamefully overdue!
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