Tuesday, April 06, 2010

How'd 'ya meet? Part Two

It is December 1, 1999 and I am meeting my blind date (what was his name? can't remember - Keith maybe?) at a close restaurant.

Not good.

I was soooo glad to get back into my car and go along by myself. Alone. Ok, it wasn't that bad - but we did not hit it off - and it was not the right thing.

An important verse to me at the time was Psalm 62: 1-2,
"My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my Rock and my Salvation. He is my fortress I will never be shaken."

I remember getting in my car that evening and saying this verse over and over and over to myself as I drove up North Academy to go to Michael's. (yes, craft stores were a comfort even then!) And, I can remember saying it in my head as I walked through Michael's - God's Word came alive to me in those moments and surrounded me with peace like nothing else could.

I wrote in my journal (to my future husband) the next day,
"Last night I went on my first date - a blind date, it wasn't with you!"
Meanwhile, I kept praying for what God had for me. I was asking God for His best and to protect me from anything that wasn't His best.

Time passed on - there were interests of mine and others trying to set me up. But nothing came of any of that so it isn't worth telling.

After six years working at the school, I knew it was God's time for me to move on from there. I had already resigned my position as cheerleading coach earlier in the spring. But, by the summer - I knew it was time for a change.

In God's provision - I got a job working at Glen Eyrie! I loved being out there and enjoyed the scenery to the full! And, time just kept going on as it always does.

I started working at the Glen in the summer of 2000. Initially, life just went on - with no apparent prospects in sight. I can't remember the exact sequence of events - but there were several interested young men during this time.

The thing was that I had prayed and asked God to keep me from anything that was His best. So, when one of these young men expressed an interest - I prayed about it and every time I had gotten the answer, no.

Most of the time, this was not well received - for me to just go to them and say, "I've prayed about this and I just don't have peace about it." But, I'll never forget one who was so very respectful of what I shared instead of defensive. That was a blessing to me in doing what was right.

Through all of this, I was now in my mid-20's and had continued praying for God's best. It was getting a bit discouraging to have to turn some away and hard to be firm with a particularly persistent one (a pastry chef who even created a recipe named after me for some kind of baking contest).

To be continued...


Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...

In so many ways your story sounds so familiar to me and similiar to my own story.

You've had a lot more prospects and potentials then I did - but the praying, the scriptures and the season of waiting it out - definately feels "like me". I regret that I may not have walked it out as graciously, as you...

Can't wait to keep reading.

Melissa said...

Baking contest??? You have never shared that. This story is keeping me on the edge. Please, no more delays...SHARE!!!!!!!!

*carrie* said...

Fun reading this story, and remembering lots of these details . . .

Had to smile because our former babysitter, Kelsey, posted the first installment of her love story yesterday, too!

Stef said...

WOW - this is great, "I prayed for God's best" - how many women miss out on that because they just can't stand to be alone, or he's just too cute, or whatever. I almost married the wrong man! Lord loves a patient woman!

great story - can't wait for more!!

~katie~ said...


I really am enjoying your story here!! I love how you are tying in God's provision and hand working through the entire situation. What a neat way to share it with your girls when they are going through similar situations in the years to come! :-) Looking forward to the rest of the story...

Carrie said...

Did'ja get a copy of the recipe?! =D That's a unique situation!

Looking forward to the next installment!

Anonymous said...

More, more, I want more! ;-) Can't wait to read the next installment tomorrow...

Michelle in Georgia

Angelia in TX said...

I am really enjoying your story and the privite things you are thinking along with the words you hide in your heart. These are beautiful steps thru your story.

ekw said...

I am looking forward to how you proceed with this. ekw

Hattie said...

Will tune in tomorrow for sure!!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a while and wish I know you in person because you sound like so much fun! :) And I've been wondering how you and your husband met. I'm still in the waiting stage and in my mid-20s, so I'm really identifying with you so far. :) Thanks for sharing. I look forward to more!

Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...

I knew it! Now I know why it (your story) felt familiar...;) I met my hubby through this site too. We met in '04.

I understand why you say you don't want to associate with it anymore. nuff said.

**this (your story) is really getting good.