I spent the weekend in Albuquerque and it was apparent to me pretty early on that this was not a good fit either. I was disappointed mostly for hurting his feelings - but I had to be true to myself and what God was laying on my heart.
I came home and took my name out of the database for about a month. I just needed to pull back and refocus for a bit.
Sometime in February of 2003, I activated my account again. On the morning of February 20, 2003 I wrote in my journal,
"This week it has been easy to lose courage and hope. It has been hard to trust that God is hearing my prayers especially regarding you. But, here is a verse I'm meditating on - I have prayed it, read it, and have it up on my computer at work -
Psalm 37:7a, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him..."
This has been a challenge and a promise this week! I continue to pray for you! I sometimes wonder if I'll ever be ready to be the wife you need and want and the woman God wants me to be. I have such a long way to go - but being dependent on Him is where He wants me. May my life and love bring Him glory!"
Oh, I forgot to mention that another rule I had for myself was not to use my computer at work for any of this. I wanted to be above reproach in the use of my time and their resources and I did not have a computer at home either. So, I usually reserved a computer at the library a couple of times a week.
February 20, 2003 was a day that I had a computer reserved over lunch time. And, David was one of my matches that day. We began working through the initial stages that their website requires you to go through before e-mailing openly.
Very early on, we decided to take some time to really seek God separately about continuing with getting to know one another. We prayed, fasted, sought God's Word. Psalm 126 was particularly meaningful to me during this time.
And, we continued e-mailing and then talking on the phone. A few months later, he decided to come to Colorado for a visit. He stayed at my parents house and we spent a few days getting to know each other in person.
The thing I will never forget about that visit was that I was able to be myself around David. This was huge for me as I had always struggled with being myself around men in general.
About six weeks after that I came to South Carolina for a visit and stayed with his parents. I was praying that God would make His will known. So far, He had been saying yes to this and we were so very like-minded.
I was not expecting to get engaged during that visit - but I did. I had been praying particularly on June 20, 2003 that God would help me to know what His will was and that was the day that David proposed. I had peace about it which was another great encouragement that this was from God.
To be continued ...
Finally no cliffhanger; we can let out our breath now.
I almost laughed aloud at when you said you had been praying to clearly know God's will on the day David proposed. Not in a laugh *at* you way, more of a laugh at God's way of answering sometimes. It's as if He said "Is this clear enough?"
I'm thoroughly enjoying your story, and I too know a couple who met through this place. They are a perfect match! (Others that have met people through there, not so much.)
Looking forward to tomorrows installment!
I'm enjoying this series. I hadn't really wondered how you met, but I have wondered how you ended up so far away from your beloved, snowy Colorado.
LOL LOL! I told you previously that I met my hubby the same way, just a different site. well.... I got proposed to the second visit as well! and it was when I went to visit him and his family! LOL! I came home engaged!
No need to answer this if it isn't something you want to do, but after reading these installments (which are so much fun!) and the comments, it seems several people no longer care for the online service you mentioned. I just wondered - is what happened to change so many people's sentiments towards that company? Again, no need to answer if you don't feel like it!
Waiting for tomorrow's episode on "Monica's Romance". Loving your story, Monica!
My beloved and I also met on this website--Jan. 2003 and were married in July 2004!! We have met so many happy couples that were matched this way, but for the same reasons as you, we no longer recommend it either.
God is SOOOO good! I am greatly enjoying reading about how you and your husband met, but what I am enjoying most is seeing how God worked through each of you to bring about His will, and how you each were eager for His will! May God continue to richly bless you and your family!
=) Still hanging on! This is a really beautiful story. I'm glad you decided to share it!
Dear Monica,
What a blessing it is to read your account of meeting David. I appreciate so much hearing about how you approached meeting your future husband and asked the Lord to guide you. I love that you wrote to him with your thoughts and struggles during that unknown period of who he was! And I really think it is unique that each of you went to the others' parents house for a visit while initially getting to know each other ~ very out of the ordinary, a bit romantic, and wise!
Looking forward to the rest...
What a beautiful story Monica. I love the way that you tell it!!!
Oh, this so illustrates the value of patience. I'm loving this story set, Monica. I think God picked well for you.
I am so into your story! I love it! Thanks for sharing it and not keeping us waiting forever; it gives me something to fun to read each afternoon! Today's segment made me cry because it reminded me of my own story and how even in our great uncertainty God leads us. I think you two are an adorable and precious couple and made for one another! No matter the method He used to bring you together, it was Him!
I am so enjoying your love story. Thank you for sharing with us. I have been married to my loving husband for 18 years this August. We met in a slightly similar way, an ad in my town's local newsletter. What started as a "joke" by a friend, turned into the Godly man I have today.
I love that God knows our "plan" in life before we were even created.
Jer. 29:11
Your prayerful patience is awesome, Monica. What a love story!
I have an award for you at my blog. I hope you will stop by and pick it up!
Thanks so much for sharing your story with all your blog followers....I am greatly encouraged by your sharing. I have had my name on a site for a little while, however nothing has come of it....I decided that I would not be the one to make the
1st contact...I know that God has everything in hand and your story simply serves to remind me of this fact....Bless you and David and your little family.
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