Thank you for your comments last week as I shared the story of how David and I met. Amid all of the great things God did in our lives - it is not all easy.
Living far from my family and Colorado is hard.
Knowing that my family felt excluded during the process of us getting to know each other, becoming engaged and moving to another state makes my heart very heavy.
I say this in case there may be some of you who may consider a similar path to the one I chose - to put forth your best effort at drawing your family into the process with you.
When my heart is burdened with these things, I always come back to is asking myself - Did I follow God? Yes, I believe with my whole heart that I did. So, I apologize and share the sorrow. I have to leave this hard stuff in His care - because it is simply beyond me to know how to handle it, make up for it or right it.
A couple of your comments and e-mails especially reminded me of my days as a single woman seeking God's will ~ and I realized there is more I want to share on that. So, be watching for a new series of posts on Waiting Gracefully - I'm guessing no less than a dozen posts are already brewing on this topic.
I certainly know that I am no expert, did not always manage my attitude and dreams of the future appopriately and in many ways, I don't feel adequate to share - but it is an idea God laid on my heart with excitement and if nothing else, is something I would love to share with my daughters someday. I know He can take my feeble efforts and multiply them for His Kingdom.
At the end of that series, I'd love to host a Link-Up where you can share your ideas for Waiting Gracefully too and we can join together to encourage a younger generation.
Comments to this post are again turned off - you may e-mail me if you would like to share something.