I'll be sending this painting to the winner:
My favorite thing about Spring so far has been being outside more! But, I think my favorite memory of Spring this year is washing the quilt to my bed the other day and hanging it outside to dry. Our room smelled so fresh and new when I went to bed that night!
UPDATE: OOPS! About ten of your comments were accidentally deleted! Please check and see if your comment is there! If not, please do comment again!! Thanks - and so sorry about that!
My favorite thing about spring is hearing the birds early in the morning. (Monday afternoon I planted the rest of my seeds and became dinner for quite a few MOSQUITOS while I was out there for about 15 minutes!)
Not to copy you, but my dear husband knows that I love to have the laundry flapping in the breeze and second best is having the fresh breeze blowing through our windows. :-)
~eunice b
rsmile2u @dejazzd .com
Hi Monica...I just wanted to say how lovely your display is on this post....I love the colours...I'm not entering your giveaway...it is Autumn (fall) over here in Australia and I love this season because of the cooler crisp nights and the changing colours of the leaves on the trees....by the way, I think your paintings are just lovely...I had a look at the site where you got your inspiration and was inspired myself...thanks
My favorite thing about spring is the newness of life! The budding flowers and trees and the sweet smelling spring air! :)
Each year with the arrival of spring I was glad because my birthday was approaching, but on April 11 will be three years when the spring is very important because that's when my son's birthday.
I love the spring, its sounds and smells and colors are very bright (I don´t like to have hay fever but ...;-)
I love spring and I love your painting has a serene and tranquil beauty.
I love everything about Spring! If I had to pick one favorite thing I guess it would be opening the windows and letting the fresh air fill my home.
Oh! Monica....
Your paintings are just lovely! :o)
I look forward to Spring...so I can get my hands dirty by planting garden plants and beautiful flowers. I also love cleaning up the flowerbeds and yard to make pretty after the Winter.
Good Day to ya!
North Carolina
I don't think your picture is at all amateur. It's beautiful.
My favorite thing about spring are the new babies that begin to dot the scenery while travelling around here in Iowa. Those cute foals, lambs, and calves are so sweet.
After such a rainy winter here in Texas, just being able to be outside enjoying the sun shining down on me has been my favorite part of Spring! :)
I was married in the Spring and wore the yellow forsythia in my hair. Every year right around my anniversary the forsythia pop up their yellow flowers everywhere. It's electric!
I have many favorite things about Spring. The fresh air blowing in the open windows, the new life, the birds singing, the beautiful flowers and the sun shining down.
Your painting is beautiful!
I think Spring is the season of Hope! Hope in the weather, Hope in the sunshine, Hope as we plant our seeds in the Garden, and HOPE that the Savior makes all things possible as we put on our Easter best and celebrate the triumph of the Cross!! I love seeing God and the Cross in the changing seasons!! especially, Spring!
Spring....my favorite...its a new beginning.......robns sing...sitting outside in the evening.......the smell of fresh sheets on your bed .....tulips...what more can I say....
My favorite thing about spring is everything coming back to life.
Monica your paintings are anything but amateur! My favorite thing about spring is the tulips that come up in my yard...even when it is raining they make me feel happy! ~katherine m.
My favorite thing about spring would have to be looking out my bedroom window one morning into our bare walnut tree. All you see are little nodules on the end of each branch. Then miraculously they are open buds with red and bright green. It happens so quick! I thought I almost caught it happening this year!
I think your paintings are cute and quaint. Like The Nester says, "it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful". My favorite thing about spring is being able to get back out to my hiking spot.
I love love love having the windows open and smelling spring. And of course finally getting to be out in the beautiful weather after being cooped up since last Aug on bedrest and then with two premature infants through the winter!
Monica, my fav. things about spring are: The light! Everything is so much nicer when it is not dull and dark. The birds are singing and I love it when the first spring flowers show their tiny heads and open them up. I love it to go out for a walk with just a jumper instead of having to put on a coat, a scarf, boots, gloves - and still be freezing! And I believe that the people are more friendly when you meet them, they smile more... or perhaps it is just my imagination? *lol*
Wow, you are so generous! It's awfully hard to pick a favorite thing about spring. Maybe it's opening the windows all around the house and feeling the breeze blow through. Or the birdsongs. Or the sunlight and longer days. Or pink trees. Or the smell of fresh warm earth. The first small harvest of radishes and lettuce from the garden.
Okay, I can't pick one thing. Am I disqualified?
My favorite thing about spring is the return of outdoor activities, like sitting outside to do homework or have dinner. I also love to see all of the tree in beautiful blossom, especially all of the orchards in our area.
While fall is my favorite season, the longer I live in the north, the more I enjoy the first whispers of spring that come after a long winter. Opening the windows for the first time, the first birds I hear in the early morning darkness, the first seed leaves to emerge in our garden. When I lived in South Carolina, it was the first whips of wisteria - even though most of the country was still in the dregs of winter.
reynoldsfour at aol dot com
My favorite thing about spring right now is the new growth outside (the reminder that our God makes all things new); our bulbs are beginning to sprout, and soon there will be blossoms. I can't wait. I *heart* flowers! Especially since my husband planted them just for me. :)
mjbc07 at yahoo dot com
one of my favorite parts of spring is opening the windows in the house, putting away the storm windows and putting on the screens. I love the breeze throughout the house!
Jen N
artandjen at juno dot com
What a generous giveaway!
I have to say it is being free to take the children outside. They love it, I love it. We just refilled the sandbox and my 1.5 year old loves it. We are all delighted to be outside, especially after a long cold winter!
My favorite thing is the newness of life everywhere...the trees budding, new green grass, the fresh smell of the air, the sun seems brighter...God's nature revealing LIFE! Pointing to HIM!
The first daffodils blooming remind me of a spring trip with my mom to the Lake District of England. Fields of daffodils everywhere. Your paintings are gorgeous. Gonna show my daughter your how-to so she can make some as gifts. Thanks!
Since I'm a Florida girl, now living in Pennsylvania, I love the fact that spring means WARMER weather and open windows!! =)
Since I'm a Florida girl, now living in Pennsylvania, I love the fact that spring means WARMER weather and open windows!! =)
Open windows at night, line dried sheets and cotton (not flannel) pajama's.Hmmn, all sleep related, I wonder what that means?
I love being out on our deck ~ with the girls! The love to play in the sunshine....
After a cold and hard winter there is such a contrast with Spring that it just lifts your spirits. Not having to put on a coat and boots and shedding of clothing and able to open the windows and just setting in the sun and absorbing all the sights and sounds, something new everyday to see. Spring is my favorite season cant you tell. :)
Deborah I.
West Virginia
I would love to be that give away. My favorite thing about Spring is seeing the flowere poke out of the cold frozen often snow covered ground as if to remind me that "all things are made new". I too, can be made new every morning.
Hi, Monica,
I think your painting is lovely! I have a perfect spot for for your painting!!
My favorite thing about Spring....The warm temperatures, sunshiny days, all the Spring flowers, the budding trees, the green grass. The new life we see all around us. Oh, I see that I named more than one thing. I hope that does not disqualify me for the giveaway!!!
I love seeing plants growing and the leaves starting to come back on the trees. I'm sure we'll have plenty of flowers blooming after all the rain and flooding we have here in Rhode Island!
The warmth!! And also the green grass and flowers. And also that school is about out. And also that it is almost summer and time for bike rides and hikes in the mountain. :) I LOVE spring!
My favorite thing is seeing my dogwood tree out front in full bloom! Kelly Erdel
longer days which make family bike rides after my darling knight gets home from work possible!
i love your art, btw.
Being able to play outside without getting the coats out! (I feel like I have less children than I did in the winter!)... plus a million other reasons. I love spring!!!
I also thought your paintings were BEAUTIFUL!
Being able to sit on the back porch with a cup of tea and listen to the crickets and frogs before going to bed. Spring has really sprung when that happens!
Thanks for doing a giveaway! My favorite thing about Spring are the new leaves and buds emerging from plants. It reminds me that God makes all things new.
We loved your painting so much we went to walmart to buy canvas, but I ended up letting my 9 year old try his hand at painting with them! Our favorite thing truly is watching the birds come to our feeder!
my favorite thing about THIS spring is that baby #3 will be born!! =) nystraldjo at hotmail dot com
(Mine was deleted, so I am re-commenting!)
I can't possibly pick just *one* thing, so here are several: The birds up before dawn, open windows, sheets and towels fresh from the line, peepers, and children tired from hard playing outside.
Wow!! you're giving one away?? thank you!!
There are too many reasons to say why Spring is one of my favorite seasons of the year.
When I think of Spring - the word FRESH comes to mind.
~fresh air
~fresh (creative) and new ideas are born
~beautiful eye-popping colors emerging
~birds singing their praises
like I said... I could keep going.
My favorite thing about spring is planting seeds and watching them grow.God's creation is wonderful.
I love it!
My favorite thing about spring is the smell of new life in the air! I love the fragrance, the sightings, and sounds, and even tastes of spring! I love the anticipation of the berries that we'll be picking. Spring is one of my favorite seasons, just barely in first place because I love something about them all.
Thanks for a fun drawing!
Angela (you might remember me as Angela Buttercup)
ILoveThemSo @ yahoo . com
I love everything about spring. The sweet newness of it all of the green grass, flowers blooming, birds singing, clean house because everyone is able to play outside, and long walks, and thunderstorms. So refreshing after a long winter!
My favorite part of spring is opening up the windows and letting the fresh air in. Spending more time outside, and the beautiful sun that floods into my house!
My favorite part of spring is to be able to do different things with my children. My son has a lot of sensory issues and can't handle the cold or snow, he also has an immunde disorder. So now that the weather is changing, we can all go outside and soend time together and enjoy the beautiful weather and fresh air. This morning we all made homemade lemonade out on the deck. We squessed lemons, added the sugar, just really had a good time doing something quite simple. We were able to even turn it into a mini lesson about lemons. It was awesome to see the delightment in my daughter and have something that both of my children could do together. What a great way to enjoy the better weather here in Ohio. I am looking forward to more fun and special times to make memories with my family!! I am very blessed.
My favorite thing about spring is seeing my willow tree in the backyard blooming! I love the fresh air, being outside and of course all of the flowers and sunshine!!!
My favorite thing about spring is laying in bed in the morning and hearing the birds.
Hi Monica! I love the sunshine and the new life that it brings with it! And here in Texas, there are BEAUTIFUL wildflowers that sprout up everywhere! Hope you are well -love you!
In the Spring I love to smell fresh cut grass! And I love to wear flip-flops!!Love the painting.
monk5 at charter dot net
My favorite thing about spring is walks in my neighborhood enjoying the flowers, the sun, the birds!
The best thing about spring is new life growing(flowers, trees, fruits and veggies)and being able to open the windows and air out the house again.
I LOVE your paintings!
My favorite thing about spring is the smell of airing out the house after a long winter (esp this one!). We have finally had nice weather this week and I love the smell of the house with all the windows open when I come home from work.
My favorite spring thing is opening the windows. :-)
My favorite thing about spring is being outside! And without coats! And the fact that the days are longer!
Hey Monica,
Unless I am mistaken, Thursday is the 1st, not the 2nd.
As for Spring... how I love thee. Let me count the ways! Freshness in the air; flowers blooming; birds chirping; longer, warmer days...
My favorite has been hearing and seeing all the birds that have come back to the area. Although, now that the Dogwood is starting to bloom, that might start competing for first.
My favorite thing about spring is having the house windows open and hearing all the neighborhood children running around outside. I love hearing the giggles and the rules being yelled to play games.
My favorite thing is most definitely the open windows (even though it means constantly dusting the pollen from everything). Oh, the smell of the house, the feel of the sun warmed floor. Definitely open windows...
Spring - NEW LIFE!
I would love to be entered.
My favorite thing about spring is seeing bulbs bloom.
My favorite thing about spring is the puddles that my girls can splash in!
My e-mail is bless your family at gmail dot com
Thanks much, Monica!
My favorite thing about spring is being able to have the windows open all day and all night. I love smelling the fresh springtime air inside!
We live in Wisconsin, so spring is such a welcome guest that I want to stay!! I love that the kids go outside and play and I can watch them from the kitchen window while I'm preparing dinner. Just to hear their laughter is pure joy to me.
My favorite thing about Spring is everything becoming green again! :)
The gloriousness of leaving the drab of winter behind and running outside to sniff the first daffodils and making picnic lunches and, yes, spring cleaning. Because it makes everything inside feel as fresh as the outside is!
Love your sparrow paintings. Thanks for sharing :) I love the reminder that the Lord makes all things new as I see the buds on the trees and hear the birds chirping in the mornings!
My favorite thing about spring is my DIRTY HANDS!! What?? Yes, dirty hands means I am out working in the garden and flower beds, pruning trees and bushes, spring cleaning in the barn and rescuing my van from the winter's worth of mess!!
My favorite thing about SPRING (so far anyway!) has been all the chatter/singing of the birds throughout the day and the fact that we have been able to spend most of the day actually outside. This is very exciting in WI this time of year! With a 19 month - what could be more fun??? Crissi
I think my favorite thing is the smell of spring. The fresh air, all the blossoms and did you know that sunshine smells...good!! :)
Happy Spring!
My favorite part of spring is seeing the daffodils and tulips bloom!
My favorite thing about spring is being able to open my windows and doors. I absolutely love to sleep with the windows open and a cool breeze coming in. I also love the see the daffodils blooming, as well as my peach tree. Wish it could last longer!!
My favorite thing about spring is the sun! The days go by so fast when we spend them outside!
I have so many favorite things about Spring. Mostly, the birds and jonquils. Those happy yellow flowers are such a treat!!
Sleeping with the windows open - love the smells and sounds of Spring!! (I love the picture you painted - if I win, it will find a special home in our den-the colors match our color scheme)
My favorite thing about spring? The excitement that my children have when the trees begin to wake up and unfurl new leaves. An excitement that is not contained. Oh, to be more like them.
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