Recently, I ordered this book from Doorposts - and for the past two weeks, we've had fun acting out Bible stories! I put an e-mail out on my church e-mail list looking for any big pieces of scrap fabric. And, got one very cool Bible costume already made and a bunch of fabric to make some more.
These costumes are all no-sew and super easy, but they really do the trick for dressing up like Bible characters. Details on costumes are included in the above book!
This has fifty Bible stories in it to act out, so I'm thinking this could easily take us more than a year to complete! What have you been doing for Family Night lately?
I've never heard of doorposts! What a great resource. God has truly blessed me to get to learn from other godly families before I have my own kiddos. Thanks for sharing!
That sounds fun!
What sweet little actors and what a fun way to learn about stories from God's word. :) Love you, Mom
Very Fun!We love Doorposts (esp. for littles)!
Hope to be back to MYHAH Friday!
Enjoy Spring!
We went to a "new" grocery store that is about 45 minutes away- it looks like a castle and the girls loved it!!!
We also have been celebrating Willow's birthday....
-the kids look adorable!!!
My girls put on bible puppet stories for us...
I am interested in the book you linked to. Can you estimate the age range that it is appropriate for? Since you said that there are 50 stories and the book is only 38 pages, I am imagining that the "script" is mostly improvisation. This could be very beneficial for my son.
The church email list piqued my interest, too. What a great idea for helping one another in the church. Are there any guidelines?
Thanks for sharing about your family nights! I love gathering ideas from others. Here's something we did recently:
P.S. I really enjoy your blog and the things you share, I just don't get a chance to comment a lot. I really enjoyed your Fruit of the Spirit posts. I definitely pirated some of your ideas in that series and used them to teach my little girls!
What a great idea! I love seeing your little ones all dressed up. Samuel looks so big - a little man!
Very cute, Monica!!! :) We haven't done anything to exciting lately. Many movie & popcorn nights...we watched Fiddler on the Roof recently and they loved it! Now that the weather is getting a bit more spring-y, I'm hoping to do some outdoors-y stuff soon! :)
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