Ok, here is your next chance to win a $50 gift certificate to Photofiddle! This would make a great Valentine's Gift!
I've been asked to share more about Photofiddle in this post and what they do, so we will take a break from our regularly scheduled programming for this commercial.
Photofiddle is the only website that allows users to upload their photos and instantly see a preview of their photo transformed into artwork.
Photofiddle Artwork is perfect for home decor and gifts. Since our artwork is reproduced from your personal photos, it has much more meaning than generic artwork. Most of our customers would agree that their Photofiddles are the most talked about home decor item in their house.
Recently we have launched a totally revamped version of the Photofiddle.com site. More collages, over 50 styles to pick from.
You can read lots of customer testimonials here. Now, for the fun part - enter to win!
To enter, please leave a comment on this post telling me what your Valentine plans or ideas are for this weekend! It will be fun to see all the creative ideas shared! Leave your comment by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be announced on Friday.
Please make sure to leave an e-mail address if you are an anonymous commenter. Happy commenting!
looks like a neat website & company!
please enter me sounds like fun
This is a great giveaway!
I'm not sure what we will do for Valentines Day-- we are in the midst of a DIY kitchen remodel, so my husband is showing his love constantly by cutting countertop and and replacing light fixtures. But I'll try to at least make a special treat dessert happen!
friday night is date night, so the kids will be at a friend's house and we'll be going out and dipping into the $125 we won on a 1st quarter superbowl bracket ;) we were thinking thai food. or at least i was. but seeing as it's for v-day i can probably convince him.
Enter me again please!
I would love to win this! My Valentine's plans are very fun. Ever since I was little, my family makes Valentine's boxes and fills them with candy/treats (similar to grade school parties). We haven't done it in several years, so I'm excited to be doing it this year!
Nina - ninabeth19 at gmail dot com
My little girls and I have begun our valentine preparations. They had to give Daddy one valentine card already because they were so excited! On Saturday night we are attending a Valentine dinner with a group from church and then visiting some shutins with a valentine gift.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am totally blank on ideas for Valentine's Day this year! Some trials in our life have crowded out any creative thoughts. But I will be sure to check back in order to glean some ideas from others' comments.
We live in India and as a family are going to an orphanage to tell the story of God's love for us and make valentine crafts with all the kids. Of course we will have lots of sweets!
We will be attending a Valentine banquet at church on Friday night!!! Saturday we will be attending Chick-fil-a for a fine dinner as they turn the restaurant into a full service restaurant instead of a fast food joint!!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!! <3
That sounds like a nice product. I'm almost embarrassed to say that I have no Valentine plans as of today! I better get planning!
Our Valentine's Day will start with Sunday School and church...then meet with family for lunch at my Mother in Law's house. That afternoon we will all probably rest and then while my mom watches the kidlets, Chris and I are going to a Prime Rib Vday Dinner at our Church. It's part of a fundraiser for our youth group! :)
Sunday's are busy in this house so we are keeping it simple this year by doing a special lunch and I will be doing most of the prep on Saturday. I will be packing each of my girls a special sack lunch to be eaten after church. Also making my husband and myself your delicious chicken salad to be eaten on croissants. My husband always writes each of our girls a card and includes some special treat for them. Since there is lots of snow outside we will be having our picnic on a blanked in the living room.
My wedding anniversary(19th) is on Valentines's also. Every year I make a fun fondue dinner for my husband and 2 sons. We go out to dinner the following weekend to celebrate our anniverary.
Fun weekend planned--I'll be keeping my 3 grandchildren so my daughter and son-in-law can get away for a few days. I'm planning a little party for them.
pj_kuhn AT comcast.net
Please enter me. I'm still deciding what to do for Valentine's Day. We're actually having a Valentine's Banquet at our church that evening, so I guess that's what we'll do, plus the normal gift exchange.
Friday night some friends are getting together for an olympics party to celebrate the opening ceremony. Then on sunday we're having our first baby shower!! SHould be a great time.
We're having date night at home! Actually, the whole family will be cooking a nice supper together and breaking out the good dishes. :)
Thank you soo much for the Fruit of the Spirit Lesson Plans...saving them up for the near future!
We aren't doing anything specific "just us" this weekend...Sunday we are going out with friends to a fun arcade/restaurant place called Buffalo Phil's with the kiddos.
I'm trying to do something/give something special to my hubby each day...yesterday a fun little box of chocolates...today, I think a little card w/sayings about marriage...and I'm working on the rest! Probably some fun heart shaped cookies with messages on them tomorrow for his lunch! :) Still deciding what to do the rest of the week...
Neat website!
Blessings, Monica!
I would love to win.
Valentine's Day is a marketing holiday in my mind. We should be loving each other daily and not needing a special occasion. I do realize most people will vehemently disagree with that thought!
I LOVE your blog and look forward to reading it every morning. Thank you for all the great information that you share with us. I love your new haircut by the way.
We are going to have a "red" dinner and have cookie and brownie hearts for desserts. After the kids go to bed on Saturday I will decorate the house.
I'd love to win! We don't have set Valentine's plans yet, but we will likely get a sitter so we can go out to dinner, then watch a movie at home after the girls are in bed. We've been making valentines crafts for a few weeks too. And my daughter loves the American Girl Kit, and she loves baby dolls, so we purchased her a miniature Kit doll to give her as her V-Day gift.
Sounds like a great idea. I will check it out. Thanks,
I'm with Angie on life getting away with my creativity. I actually forgot that Sunday even WAS Valentine's Day:)
I am thinking of having an old dear freind and her twin toddler daughters over for the weekend and attempting to make a cake and color the icing with beets. I had bought some candy canes on clearance to make a heart but someone found where I had hid them:)
I'm planning a special family meal for Saturday night w/good dishes, etc. Today I made big peanut butter cups to put at each place and stashed them in the freezer! I'm printing off some vintage valentines to use somehow, and putting streamers up.
~Flower Petal
leekat6 (at) verizon (dot) net
Neat giveaway.
We're trying to finalize our V-day plans. Our anniversary is soon too, so we often combine the celebrations. We'll be doing a few fun things with our girls, but nothing major.
Making a special suprise candlelit breakast for my hubby!! Thanks for histing such a great giveaway!!
I don't generally have V Day plans but I think we're going to hit up a Chinese New Year parade this year since the dates line up.
We actually have dinner reservations for the first time EVAH! Granted it was my idea and I made the reservations but I am so excited. We were blessed with a generous gift card to Mimi's cafe and we are blessed to be taking our very good friends with us. I thought about bringing the children instead but we have never been with this couple sans children. We're going out Friday night.
On actual Valentine's day.....hmmmm, you've just inspired me to make it special for my children. They are the third, fourth, and fifth loves of my life, I need to make sure they know this! I'm so excited Vday is on a Sunday this year, freeing me up for the whole day. Hopefully it doesn't snow, hubby pushes snow for a living.
Hi there Monica! This looks like such a neat idea!! Please enter me also.
I am not sure about Valentine's daythis year. We are in the process of moving for dh's promotion. Everything is getting packed and a little nuts around here...haha Maybe my dh will plan something for me this year? Last year I made a banner, chocolate covered strawberries, a spritzer pink drink with whipped cream on top, heart shaped brownies and we had a movie to watch, Fireproof. It was a good memory. =)
Hi Monica!
For Valentines, we've gotten the children each one big Dr. Seuss book ($5 from Kohl's). We're going to have a relay race with hearts that say what to do for each race. (Run, crawl, hop...) And we'll give the children the Valentine's their Grandparents sent.
In the evening, we'll light candles for dinner at home, and when the children are in bed, I will read a love letter to my husband and give him a list of reasons I love him. :)
ilovethemso @ yahoo .com
Whoo! What a great giveaway. I'd love to win!
My husband is a cook, so he works on Valentine's Day--but we'll probably have a special homemade meal sometime in the next week.
Thanks for the giveaway!
The kids are making dinner for us and serving it in the sunroom and then shutting the doors so we can have peace and quiet.:)
Thanks for entering me:)
We plan to spend the weekend as a family. I will make a special dinner on Sunday.
Please enter me!
I plan on surpising my husband with his favorite dessert, and then we will go out to a nice dinner later in the week.
That's neat, thanks for sharing!
Last year my husband cooked a special surprise meal for us on Valentines Day. This year it's my turn! I've made some cute table decorations and plan on making one of his favorite meals. We just want to enjoy a special meal in :)
Thank you for the giveaway!
Great giveaway! Please enter me! :o)
Last year for Valentine's Day at our church...it was a steak dinner and movie, Fireproof . We are staying home this year for the steak dinner and watching the same movie!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
TamaraP. North Carolina
tamara_parlor at hotmail dot com
I don't have Valentine's day plans, but I was hoping to get my husband a few photos of the baby since we'll be apart this year.
taliastravelblog (at) gmail
We'll be going to church on the actual day, but we always do a little something special :) as cliche as it is - dinner and a movie - but it makes me happy to just spend time together :)
What a fun giveaway! My husband and I are going to a nice Italian restaurant on Friday night. I bought a g.c. from restaurant.com, so it was $12.50 for a $50 g.c.! We are swapping childcare with another couple, so we'll watch their child on Saturday night. On Sunday, we will have our tradition with the kids - a Papa Murphy's heart shaped pizza.
we've had all our plans canceled due to snow and everything is rescheduled for this weekend. We do write verses of love and hang them on hearts to decorate.
This year chinese new year falls on valentines day so we will be celebrating both in one day! We have one daughter adopted from China so we get this extra holiday to celebrate each year! Our home will be a mixture of chinese new year/spring festival decor, with chinese lanterns, red envelopes, colorful fresh fruit, flowers, then pink and red hearts and valentines will be mixed in with all that! We will have some friends over for cupcakes, fruit, and fun. We will be exchanging valentines and red envelopes, (the chinese tradition). Have fun!!
I'm going for a conference in another city, so I wont be able to share valentines day with my bfnd :(
I dont really have plans :S
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