Prayer for a Child by Rachel Field: we have reached for this over and over; I've been reading it with Rachel every day before Quiet Time. I imagine this one will be worn out when we're finished with it!
The Message New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs: I got this while working at Glen Eyrie and have long enjoyed it for the fresh perspective and portability. I remember Eugene Peterson sitting in the lobby outside of my desk area, being able to carry this little treasure with me all over on my lunch break and even now find it a blessing.
The Book of Common Prayer: A gift after enjoying the Mitford books, I like the topical prayers available here and the beauty of the liturgical sounding language.
The One Year book of Personal Prayer: I like this for the brief prayer shared each day plus a Scripture reference. I used to read this at my breakfast table when I was single.
While They Were Sleeping: A gift when one of our children was born, I confess I've had trouble implementing this. Rachel loves it when I pray it with her, but it always feels a bit awkward to me. What are your sources for praying for your children?
Prayers for Children: We've been enjoying this lately too! And, as I read it to my children, I can remember seeing the pictures as a child when my Mom read it to me!
My Little Golden Book about God: When a child is having trouble getting to sleep, we have pulled this one and the above book out to read and then walk back to bed. I would love to find a few more books along these lines! Share your suggestions!
The last thing I have is a notebook just for jotting down prayer requests or things to remember in prayer. Of all the books here - we reach for the children's books and empty journal most often.
While they are sleeping is an excellent prayer book in praying for your children's character!
Confident Parenting by Jim Burns is great too! (focus on the family)
I have ALWAYS loved "Praying the Bible for your children" and have referred to it many times over the past almost-18 years of motherhood! And I love the Message too!These are great resources.
I can't offer a book, but something I do with my children when they are having trouble sleeping is to sing "Silent Night". And we speak about what it really means to have heavenly peace and that with true heavenly peace there are no worries.
I'm a fan of Stormie Omartian and found "The Power of Praying" 3 in 1 Collection. It has "The Power of a Praying Wife, The Power of a Praying Parent and The Power of a Praying Woman."
Another REALLY great book that we have in our house is Leading Little Ones to God. My parents read these stories to me when I was little and my Mercy loves for me to read them to here as well. They are very God centered and help teach theology to little ones...not to mention the stories of the Bible.
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