I didn't really do anything unusual this week - I've been in a habit for a long time of planning at night, and this really works for me!
My Mom has been a huge help to me in this. Since she went home at Christmas, she has e-mailed me each night with chore ideas for the next day. I love this! It has made me accountable and given me someone to tell all I accomplished to! This has helped me in setting some new routines in my home as far as chores are concerned.
I've also been trying to apply what the Fly Lady says - even if you don't finish EVERYTHING, what we do finish is a blessing to our family and home!
First, here are the thing I plan to get done each day:
Every day:
* empty dishwasher
* one load of laundry: washed, dried and put away
* leave the kitchen clean!
* beds made
Home Blessing:
Every Wednesday, I have been doing a Home Blessing Hour ~ this idea is from the Fly Lady! I have chosen six things to complete that take about 10 minutes each to accomplish during this hour:
* Clean my bathroom
* Clean littles bathroom
* Dust one room
* Vacuum house (usually takes about 15, but I can dust in 5 - so it evens out)
* Change sheets (I alternate weeks between our bed plus Samuel's or the girls beds together)
* Sweep kitchen and dining room floors
This hour has been a huge help to me in keeping up with some of the basic chores that I was struggling with!
I've also been trying to do the zone chore for the day. Sometimes my Mom will suggest other things since she knows my home and some problem areas for me - like my counters!!!
This week, if there is something that is not working in your chore system - think about a way to change it around to help you! Is your home seeming more like a Haven? Mine sure is - I love building up lots of small steps to accomplish something bigger!

That's so interesting Mom's been e-mailing you. How does she come up with the list?!
Dear Monica, I'm glad my daily e-mails have been helpful to you! I know I look forward to your daily response with a report of your day. :) Yay for FlyLady! Love you, Mom
I've definitely fallen behind with chores over the past two weeks. I'm hoping once Baby #3 is born I'll be able to get back into my routine of cleaning one room a day. But you're definitely right, I need to do SOMETHING, even if it's not what I could do before. Thanks for the encouragement :)
By the way, we're giving away a copy of the book Celebrate with Joy on our blog. This is a great time of year to evaluate this past Christmas and make goals for next year, while we still have plenty of time to plan without being rushed.
Stephanie, from Keeper of the Home, also recommended this book here.
WE'd love to get more people interested in this wonderful resource!
I really needed some house keeping inspiration today! I love the Fly Lady! She truly helps you manage the "zones" in your house when you feel overwhelmed. Because of her I now always start my cleaning with a shiny,empty kitchen sink..It really helps! Oh,by the way, may God bless your family with your hubby's new special promotion,what great news!!!
Maybe your mom could add all of us to her email list!!!
One thought from the flylady that really encourages me is "Housework, even poorly done, blesses my home."
Sometimes I tend to put things off it I can't do a thorough (in my own mind) job. Sometimes a "lick and a promise" is good enough!
Thanks for hosting! I'm glad I could join in this week. Me and my house can really use the help. :-)
Can I just say your Mom sounds like the sweetest woman! What a kind idea!
I have been slacking off a LOT lately, but Im glad im not the only one who's counters are ALWAYS a mess!! I really need to get back into Flylady. Thanks for the inspiration!
This Home Blessing Hour idea is really neat... thanks for that suggestion. I have heard of Flylady before - but forgot about it.
I will have to work on implementing something like this for me and our home.
Thank you Monica for your make your home a haven section on your blog. I love it!
I am very excited to get focused again on chores thanks! What kind of things does your mom remind you to do? Like different daily chores or things you don't always think to do>?
I'm not big on housework but I do want a nice home, so I alternate between fun stuff like blogging and my house. I have 'to do' lists for every room in my house. I'll go down my checklist, doing two or three things to clean, and then I'll do some blogging or play with one of my games. My husband's the type who will work solidly on anything for 2 hours. Not me! Fifteen to thirty minute increments are the way I go! I figure, as long as there isn't food dripping off the counters or cobwebs growing around my couch, I'm okay.
Just wondering if you have any tips on making chores funner for children? I've noticed that when the kids help clean, they also are more aware of keeping it clean too. I've also noticed that if I'm consistent with chores and them helping, they complain less!
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