So, in the midst of all the busyness and bustle - how can I pursue and find quietness. Some of it I can find and some of it I need to create for myself.
I've been enjoying lovely quiet mornings ~ my children get up around 7:30 and since David is gone for work before 7, I make it my goal to get out to the living room by 7 a.m. I turn on the Christmas lights, sometimes I might make a cup of tea or hot chocolate and grab a book and a blanket. Then, I can snuggle in for a bit of reading and quiet before the day begins.
Just sitting and enjoying the Christmas lights, enjoying a time of prayer and thinking - starting my day out in peacefulness is starting the day out right. How do you create or find quietness during this busy season?
Monica-- I have the same tradition about Shepherds Abiding-- I read it each year during Advent.
So glad for the blessing of quiet mornings-- much better than those few last minutes of sleep and having to be "on" for others as soon as you get up!
Sounds lovely, Monica.
I know what would make it even better--do you want some snow? We got several inches last night!
We have been saying no this year. Other then an annual cookie baking day with my mom and sister we have made no other pre-Christmas commitments. It has been sweet!
I am finding that without the crammed schedulde the quiteness of the season is just happening. There is time for book reading, movies and drives to look at the lights.
That sounds lovely, Monica! I have been praying for some quiet moments the past few days and it just didn't happen. But today is a new day and things are quieter than they were all weekend.
We'll be getting our christmas tree tonight and decorating it tomorrow. It may sound silly but that alone seems to make our home more peaceful.
Have a blessed day!
Shepherds Abiding...what a treasure. Since my children are in school all day, I usually carve out some time every day to just sit and be quiet. No TV or other distractions. Maybe I read, sometimes I cross stitch. If it's only 20 minutes, finding the time to slow down during the day makes for a more peaceful mommy and wife...
I LOVE quiet mornings! I 'try' and get up early enough to exercise, shower and do my morning devotions before my hubby and girls get up. I feel when I can spend some me time I can focus on them better :)
Loving your 'quiet' theme for DPP! :)
This Christmas has been my best yet...just steering away from the perfection mentality, doing everything (decorating & baking etc) WITH the kids (I have to keep things simple and not stress about if they are perfect that way), and just remembering that really ALL this STUFF doesn't matter! Jesus is all that matters and that really the only thing we can take to heaven is PEOPLE! I'm also not doing EVERYTHING homemade...for me, that can stress me out...
A few things I do to enjoy the season is... (ditto) curl up w/a good book by the lights, watch a Christmas movie, go outdoors and take snow photographs, listen to Christmas music etc...
Many blessings, Monica!
I also love Shepherds Abiding. One year I listened to the audio book from the library- that was a pleasant listen while getting work done. Your post was peaceful and encouraging-
jen N
I have been finding my quiet time late at night, in front of the fire, when everyone else is sleeping. I am not as productive then, and that helps me to just enjoy the quiet!
I'm a little jealous hearing your kids don't get up 'till 7:30! I'm happy to hear you're making the most of that time.
Since I'm still nursing my littlest, I'm enjoying rocking him and looking out his bedroom window at the houses below us and the horse farm beyond. The roofs had a dusting of snow this morning, so it was very hushed and peaceful. I'm also reading Pilgrim's Progress for the first time. Not Christmassy, but very edifying.
Hi there! I've been following your blog for a little while but not sure if I've ever commented? Today's the day because your post sounded so lovely! :) I looove a quiet morning like you described! It really makes the day go so well. The number 1 thing I've done this holiday season to cultivate quiet is to simplify. I'm having a baby sometime in the next 2 1/2 weeks (hopefully!) and it has been my goal to simplify everything. I've only put out my very favorite Christmas decor and I've boxed up or given away anything that just added clutter to my house and brain! It has really helped me when I wake up early, to just sit and reflect for a moment before I begin whatever it is I need to do! It's so much easier to get that relection or prayer time going when there isn't a bunch of clutter staring at me! :)
I too have been seeking a quiet Christmas -- a season of reflection and enjoying Christ! In addition to my normal Bible reading, I've been enjoying "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus" by Nancy Guthrie. I turn on the Christmas tree lights, sit myself on the couch and enjoy some time reading and praying. I typically get up an hour before the day starts rolling -- that way I have plenty of time to have God work on me.
This was such a great post for me! I am always up before five reading the Bible, praying, checking e-mail, breakfast, knitting, picking up... It is my own time before the kids and hubby get up. If I do not relax before I start school time, everything feels off! I am so glad others enjoy time like this too!
I am enjoying your pictures, Monica. Have you ever taken a photography class? My husband is buying me a camera for Christmas, and I can't wait to try for my own pictures!
In Him,
I am finally going to leave comment rather than just sitting, reading and enjoying this lovely place.
I too am seeking to draw close to the Father this Christmas season. I just finished reading Shepherd's Abiding (yet again). There is something so peaceful and soothing and inspiring about that precious story.
Thank you for all the beautiful ideas you share.
My quiet doesn't hit until late evening--my kids are early risers, often up before 6!! So I take a book to the tub every night around 9 p.m., when everybody's tucked in. I look forward to it all day :)
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