Wow - I did not intend to be away from my blog for a few days, but we were hit hard with a stomach bug last week and it has taken me a while to feel better and get back to things! That said, we are all feeling better and back to our Christmas preparations!
Last night, I finished up two nightgowns for my little ladies to open on Christmas Eve! I used
this pattern and some cute vintage looking flannel ~ here is a peek:

Samuel will wear a pair I made last year for his cousin - they will be new to him and handmade by me also - even if it was for last year!
Anybody else doing any last minute crafting?
I am finishing up a couple aprons and some snowman ornaments. The ornaments are so cute! I got the idea from the Noel Swap you just hosted. My Swap partner sent them in my box, and I thought they were so cute I made them for our Pastor's wife and some relatives. They are white ornaments with a red flannel hat (very easy to make - no sewing, just glue), a red button nose (glued on), and eyes and mouth (used a Sharpie to make it look like coal). VERY EASY AND SO CUTE! Oh, I also have to finish up some baking!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! I enjoy reading your blog!
No crafting for me at all! We did make a gingerbread house :) A photo is here: http://parkshomeschool.wordpress.com/2009/12/17/gingerbread-houses/
Please post a pic of the entire nightgown sometime. It looks precious!
Lots of crafting going on here. I am such a procrastinator. I think I do my best work at the last minute. :)
Glad you and you family are feeling better. My sweet peas were sick over the weekend too.
Merry Christmas Monica!!
So adorable and lovely. I love your photography too. Last minute crafting and mess-making around here (they always seem to go hand in had, don't they?) including aprons and bedding for new baby niece.
I still have 2 doll dresses and bonnets, 3 pairs of earrings, and a wallet to finish!
If (ahem, cough, yeah right) I have time, I need to make rice packs too. And a pot of soup, 2 pans of herb bread, and 2 batches of cookie dough.
Glad you're finally feeling better, I was wondering if you had been sick, I'll be praying for no relapses!
Glad that you are feeling better.
I am done crafting. There is more I would have liked to get done, but there is always next year. I decided for my sanity I needed to stop.
Cute fabric on the gowns.
Making Christmas neckties for my three boys! If they turn out well, Monica, I will e-mail you a pic and the name of the pattern. How cute would that be for Samuel in the future?
Michelle in Georgia
I can't wait to see the nightgowns. I love the lace you picked.
I made stockings for my daughter and her fiance. I also made my mom two Christmas pillows with the Christmas music fabric from Hobby Lobby.
i spent this afternoon in the basement working on a jean purse for my aunt for Christmas. i was able to make it completely out of an old pair of my overalls - i was very happy with how it came out! still have to hand-stitch closed the lining (made out of a fat quarter - so this project cost me $1.25) and then i'll be DONE!
Glad you're well; I thought perhaps you had Christmas company.
There's last minute crafting/sewing going on here too. We have new jammies every year too, but at the moment, I have one set out of five that need to be completed. Ouch. LOL! There's plenty more that I could do, but I'm debating how hard to push it. The jammies are the top priority, but after that, well, I think I'll just worry about the jammies for now. Good to know it's not just me.
the fabric looks so nice and cozy. Do you try to make a lot of your girl's clothes?
ALL of my crafting is last minute!! Hahaha!! This is the first year I have attempted making Christmas Eve jammies, and so far I am only almost finished with the boys bottoms. I am thinking store bought t-shirts will have to do for the tops. I plan on making Lilly a nightgown tonight. I have two more gifts to finish and then I'll be done.
Oh, I cannot wait to see the nightgowns!!
Oh my word!! I just looked at the link to the pattern and I am using the same one!! So funny!! I just loved that style of nightgown.
Those jammies are so sweet! I was given yards and yards of black & white plaid flannel that was just going to be thrown away (!) so I made matching jammies for my kids and all their cousins. 8 pairs altogether, but I started in October, and the tops are just boughten long sleeve t-shirts with their initial monogram. I can't wait to see them all dressed up and matching tomorrow night!
Where did you get that adorable flannel? LOVE the vintage look on it! Like nightgowns my mom used to make me and my sisters!
Sorry for the delayed reply. I found the flannel on a Christmas-in-July sale at www.fabric.com!
Happy New Year!
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