I'm excited to join in the fun again - but have set a bit of a different goal for myself this time around. It has been on my heart to pursue quietness during this season of celebration. I will be sharing more about this - but for now, I'm challenging myself to try and capture quietness in photos and post one each day.
It will be interesting to see what comes because I can only think of a few photo opportunities that will communicate this. So, I'll be required to really be watching and searching for quietness.
Here is the first one - taken last night during dinner - the first Advent candle will be lit every night during dinner this week ~
I LOVE this idea, Monica! I'm going to do the same thing but with a twist....things that are special to me. =0)
Beautiful photo. So calming and relaxing during this sometimes hectic season.
By the way, we're hosting a giveaway of Stephanie O'Dea's new Make It Fast, Cook It Slow cookbook. I think it's the perfect thing to make the holidays a little less hurried.
I love your theme for photos! I'm apprehensive this Christmastime because I don't want to be lost in the swirl of materialism.
I'm just finishing making 2 advent wreaths like yours. One is for a gift, so I'm thinking of making a little booklet with the scriptures and themes for each candle. I've been wanting to celebrate advent a little more, so I really love this wreath idea!
It is a beautiful photo. I too am searching for peacefulness during this busy season. I really don't like the word busy one bit.
What a lovely photo, Monica! (the angle makes it really catching!)
I also saw this on Sara's blog "Walk Slowly Live Wildly" and plan to participate, too!
P.S. I admire that you're looking for quietude this holiday season. "Be still and know that I am God" is certainly a verse that blesses us. :o) Praying that you find it along with abounding joy that your ears needn't hear but your heart listens to with rapt awe!
Monica.... I love your blog and have been reading it for a few years. Thank you!
This Advent my little family is reading the book of Luke (24 chapters.. 24 days 'til Christmas). We are condensing... I'll post my plan in the next few days! Check in with us if you get a chance.
God's blessings on your Advent!
I love your idea of having your Advent wreath on your dinner table! Also, I love the material strips you have tied on the wreath. Any reason behind that?
I have also felt the need to take this time of celebration slowly. Each year it passes in a blurr and I feel like we missed so many special opportunities.
May God bless you in your persuit of quietness.
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