I am planning to do this with my girls: look around for things we are thankful for - one thing, two things, etc... all the way to ten. We will take pictures, print them out and make a little book out of them. It would also be fun to make them into coloring pages for them to decorate! Try this site using this code (PR24QCHT) to create these! (Thanks, Carrie!)
Another thing we do every November, is something my Mom started when we were growing up. I've shared about this on my blog before - but since it is a tradition, it is worth sharing again! My Mom would make a chart that had all the letters of the alphabet down one side and, during the month of November, we would write things next to that letter we were thankful for that started with that letter.

I remember in my late teen years and then when I was single, going to a soup kitchen to help serve Thanksgiving dinner. I have tried locating something like that where I live, but haven't been successful at finding a place seeking help.
When that happens, it forces us to be creative doesn't it? I want my children to remember reaching out to others for as long as they can remember. I don't necessarily think that they aren't old enough to start learning now.
Now, lots of you know that my husband is a police officer. And, when I asked his advice about this dilemma, he suggested that we offer to have an open house on Thanksgiving afternoon to allow the officers working that day a chance to come by and have a warm and tasty meal. I love that idea!
I can certainly remember the days when it was my husband who was having to work on holidays and I appreciate the service of these men and women to our community. We usually eat our family dinner in the evening anyway, so it works great for us to make the meals available in the afternoon. We just found out they are going to take us up on this and I'm planning to have my girls draw pictures to present to each officer as well to help include them in the opportunity.
Of course, each family will have to think of what would suit their situation, family size, age of children, etc... But, here are a few ideas to get you going:
* Check with your local police or fire stations to find out about serving those who are faithfully serving your community.
* Call Meals on Wheels and volunteer to deliver meals on Thanksgiving Day to give regular volunteers a day off with their families.
* Find a local Soup Kitchen or Salvation Army that is serving dinner and volunteer.
* Check with your local hospital, children's hospital or nursing home to find out how you could help there.
* Call a children's or women's shelter and inquire about serving.
This is just a small sample of ideas we could check into. The main thing is how we present it to our children.
Now that we have prepared thankful hearts and actually reached out and served others, let's talk about our own table and how to make it special.
I am one of those people who likes to think of something new and different every year, something that makes the table special and beautiful. Here are the things I'm planing this year:
I started with a simple piece of burlap as a table runner! Next, add your dishes ~ napkins, silverware and glasses to make sure you have enough room for the important things!
The pumpkins have been on my porch decorating for Fall out there. After Thanksgiving, I will cook and puree them for making pies.
Another fun idea would be to learn a hymn together as a family. Memorize a special passage of Scripture, study about the first Thanksgiving, there are so many things you can incorporate!
I've had fun sharing about our Thanksgiving traditions and would love to hear yours as well! Don't forget to link up your Thanksgiving ideas tomorrow at Crystal's and thanks so much for joining all of us this week for this Thanksgiving series!
Reading all of your thanksgiving ideas makes me wish we had a similar day here in Australia.... and makes me think about how I might be able to reach out to others without having such a day. Thanks for the prompting and reminder.
these are such wonderful ideas. This is the first year my son will not be home during the holiday season as he joined the Coast Guard. He will be working on the ship on Thanksgiving and he will be in the Caribbean on Christmas. So, even though it is not quite the same, I still appreciate that you will be helping other service men and women who will be working on these holidays.
These are all such thoughtful, beautiful ideas. My husband is in the military and works in a job field that has required him and his fellow soldiers to work many holidays. A few years ago I found myself cooking two Thanksgiving dinners: one for the soldiers who worked on Thankgsiving and one for my visiting family. It was stressful in my small kitchen, but it was still a fun way to serve others.
Thank you for the wonderful Thanksgiving ideas.
Great post, Monica, and I love the idea of having an open house on Thanksgiving for officers working that day! Hope it's a great success -- thanks for sharing. Love, Mom
I wanna come eat at your table Monica!!! I especially love the "I'm thankful" card at each place setting...I think I'll print some cards out (as I'm not up for a trip to the store yet!) for this year. Thanks for sharing all your fabulous ideas!!!
What an example! Beautiful, simple, meaningful. The perfect Thanksgiving.
Such beautiful ideas. I'd like to do an alphabet gratitude chart with my little ones.
Love your tablescape. Simple, yet very fallish.
I have been trying hard to make this a meaningful holiday. To stop and count all of our blessing. You have some great ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Love, love, love all the ideas. Thank you for the inspiration. I, too, have been wondering how I can better teach my kids the significance of the holiday. Your table setting is lovely, too. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Once again, you've got a lot of great and useful ideas. Thanks, Monica.
I like the Word. doc. link ... and then notecard papers on the plates. thank you!!
I really love the idea of having an open house for your husband's coworkers who have to work the holiday. What a sweet idea that serves such a great purpose!
what fun ideas -- and so simple to implement too! I love keeping things simple - it allows me to focus on the reason for celebrating.
I love the idea of serving public servants! My world is so small, sometimes I don't think about those things. Thanks for the inspiration.
What a beautiful table...so welcoming! I love the little vases with sticks and popcorn and name cards. The old skates are cute too.
Such a beautiful table as usual, Monica! And what a great way to use the coloring page resource from Crayola. I am THANKFUL for you!
Monica, that is so thoughtful! Your caring heart (and good cooking) will make a big impression on your husband's colleagues.
We are delivering Thanksgiving meals to the elderly and disabled, many of whom have no family. I keep saying we would do this someday, and suddenly I looked up and my son was 7! Someday is now!
I love your ideas and your table looks beautiful. What inspiration you provide.
You have such wonderful ideas! I love that you are having dinner for the officers who are working.
Not sure if you remember, but a few years back, we were both readers of Amy's MomAdvice Blog and commented on her forum.
I have visited you several times since.
I have a Blog now, and would love for you to visit!
Thanks for sharing all the great Thanksgiving ideas!
Love the A-Z idea. We are working on a gratitude tree. I thought I should mention that Paper and Cake has free downloadable table decorations for Thanksgiving that budget-minded people might be excited about.
Thank you for your reminder for us to be Thankful. Sounds kind of redundant but many times we do forget. I appreciate what you said about your husband's work company. I live across the street from firemen/women and had give them brownie's and tracts some times ago.
(I have the flu) but if I feel I won't be contagious, I would like to bake them a cake and some brownies next week. Don't have enough to give a full meal but maybe they would enjoy the sweets:)
You bless... again and again.
Humblest thanks...
I just stumbled across your blog and I like it! I have seen other posts on other blogs about homemade items and gifts, and they seemed too chinsy or "homemade" looking, but I love your ideas! How do you participate in the Noel Swap? Thanks again.
I love your ideas, my kid are all grown now, but I would love to implement some of your ideas with my grown children and grandchildren. Thanks and have a blessed Thanksgiving.
I rarely comment on blogs. I just had to tell you that I think your Thanksgiving meal planned for the policemen and women is such a wonderful, loving thing to do. In reading your blog over the past year, it really doesn't surprise me, as your sweetness and loving heart shine through your posts.
Much love! Kathy
What great ideas! I love the thankfulness alphabet. JDaniel is 20 months and we are doing a thankfulness chain each morning. He is thankful mama, daddy, and cheese everyday . We will have to wait a couple of years to the alphabet. Thank goodness my husband and I have different things each day.
What a beautiful table and great ideas for giving thanks. This post came at a great time, thank you :)
I really enjoyed reading this Monica! Good, simple, practical ideas. But it makes for a more meaningful Thanksgiving.
I am thankful to have you as my best friend. =)
Love you
Beautiful thoughts- I am inspired to get back to work on my plans!
Thank you!
Jen N
Just wanted to let you know that I linked to your post. I have been doing a series on intentional gratitude and thanksgiving activities. . I loved your counting and abc book ideas. . thanks for the inspiration!!
Thank you for the booklet idea that your mom used to do with you. I am a kindergarten teacher and I used the same idea with our school's two kindergarten classes. Each student was to go out in the hall to draw or write three things that he or she was thankful for. A different colored piece of paper was labeled with each of the letters of the alphabet. Many other teachers liked the new idea. I even took a picture so that I can remember for next year. Thanks for a great idea! Maria
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