Sarah's Choice is the story of Sarah Collins (Rebecca St. James) who is on the rise in her career and doing just fine without God in her life. But, all that changes when she finds out she is pregnant, not married, probably not qualified for her job promotion and unsure of what to do.
This movie follows the journey of her heart as she struggles with what will happen now, which way should she choose - should she consider an abortion? How would she ever be able to care for a child on her own? Why does her mother always disapprove? Why would God care, it doesn't seem like He has before?
I really liked the movie - it seemed to me to be a realistic picture of the struggles that could be inside an unwed mother's head and heart. And, I saw a realistic picture of the judgment some of them must feel from Believers.
I saw how those around the mother can really influence her - for good or bad. Some will just tell her what they think she wants to hear, some will pressure her into a choice to accomplish her goals, and some will be willing to speak truth. What kind of person will I be?
A powerful addition to the movie would have been the inclusion of Sarah having an ultrasound or hearing the baby's heartbeat and showing the life already inside her. While they mention the baby is alive in talk - it would have been powerful to see as well.
As with anything, not all of us will agree with every detail of the movie - but I am looking at the overall picture and possibility for impact. And, I think on both accounts - this movie has the power to encourage and challenge.
This movie strikes me as a great tool - one that will be useful to me as a mother in training my own children. It could provide a great resource to recommend to a friend or acquaintance who might be undecided in an unplanned pregnancy. And, I'm sure it will be a valuable tool for local women's centers.
I am very interested in collecting movies for our home that focus on applying God's truth in our lives. Movies that show a journey of coming to God, drawing closer to Him, crying out to Him and eventually show a change of heart are at the top of my list. This study guide would be a great addition to watching and discussing the movie.
When I see a changed life, it invites introspection on my part - what do I need to change? What things am I facing that are difficult? How can I be a witness to those around me of a changed life?
Sarah's Choice is a movie I would be pleased to share with my young adult children someday. This is the kind of movie I am excited about and encouraged by. And, this is the kind of movie that I think God can really use in not only encouraging those of us who love Him, but also as a tool to draw others to Himself. I hope you will get a chance to enjoy this great movie as well! You can watch the trailer here ~
My pastor had a great quote this weekend. I am not sure to whom to give credit though.
In summary- I realized I cannot spread the gospel if I think I do not need it as much as another person! Very convicting!
I think I might need to watch this, it looks like a well done movie. I agree that a heart beat would've been good. A friend of mine was a pre-natal public health nurse, and often, she would determine pregnancies for women/girls by looking for the heart beat, instead of just doing a test. It was her way of trying quietly turn them away from aborting, as a heart beat made them realize there was LIFE there.
This sounds liek something people need to really learn , my husband had left me when I found out I was preg w/ my son , it was never congrats right off the back , it was "are you gonna keep it?" , I got some rough judgement from a LOT of people who said a woman needed an ACTIVE husband to have a child. We did fine though , just fine.
I dont' know the movie, but I am going to check it out. I am in the middle of a turnmoil right now and choices are always hard. I am curious how to handle all of this...
Thank you so much for your review. It is good to be informed on such things! LIFE is so important and precious.
This looks like it could be a very well done movie! I'm very curious about it now and having not heard of it before, I'm glad you shared it with us! Thanks!
Thanks for the movie review. We got rid of our tv b/c of all the filth, even on commercials! We are always on the lookout for some good clean movies to watch. Any kids movie recommendation would be appreciated as well.
That looks fantastic!!! I hadn't heard of it! I would love to see it! I enjoy Rebecca St. James' music too! :)
I love Rebecca St. James! I will definitely be getting this movie.
I've never heard of this movie but now I really want to see it! Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for sharing. I hadn't heard about this movie. I didn't know Rebecca St. James had done any movies.
The movie sounds great! I got tearful just watching the trailer. Can't wait to see it.
This movie is on Netflix. I can't recommend it enough!
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