Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I have an order for one of the Names of Jesus Christmas garlands. While I'm at it - is anyone else interested in ordering one this year?

Garlands are $8.00 plus 0.75 shipping. I will accept orders until Friday morning at 8 a.m. Eastern Time.


Patterned papers are topped with names of Jesus and laminated.

All circles are tied to a ribbon creating a wonderful garland praising the One we celebrate at Christmas! Nine circles in all saying: Oh, come, let us adore Him; Wonderful Counselor; Mighty God; Everlasting Father; Prince of Peace; Jesus; Emmanuel; Son of the Most High; Glory to God in the highest.

Garland measures approximately 60 inches in length and has loose ends to the ribbon so you can tie to the appropriate length.

Note: paper choices and ribbon will vary

I made lots and lots of these last year, so hope all of you will enjoy pulling yours out this Christmas!


April said...

I would love one! My email address: aprilobrien@roadrunner.com


being molded said...

I would love one Monica! I will email you too.

Lola said...

We loved ours so much we left it out all year long!

Unknown said...

i would love to order a couple as well!! susannacummings@gmail.com

Ginger said...

Monica, I would love a set. You know how to get in touch with me.

A JoyFilled Life said...

Monica, we would love one here as well. My email is joyfulmarme at gmail dot com

Thank you :)

Kendra Fletcher said...

Yes, please! kenj at preschoolersandpeace dot com. Actually, I'd love to put one up as a contest on my blog, so I'd like to order two :)

Janeen said...

I would love to order one ! My email is daftarya@consolidated.net Thanks!

Sarah said...

I'd love one Monica! My email is inthemidstofitATgmailDOTcom

My mantle will look so much better this year with it!

rv said...

I would like to order one as well. My email is rixjav at gmail dot com

mrsuribe said...

I would like to order 2 please. My email is mrsuribe@yahoo.com


robbie and heather said...

I would love one, Monica.

Thanks so much,
Heather S.

Anonymous said...

I would love one.


becka said...

I would like to order one as well, Monica.
My email is: bloach@bju.edu

Anonymous said...

I'd love to order one. Thank you. I'll email you.
Karen in Virginia

Anonymous said...

Am I too late? I would love one as well! My email is jethani99@sbcglobal.net

Jill Morton said...

I would love to order one. Am I too late?

Thanks, Jill

Monica Wilkinson said...

Hi Jill,

I can add a garland for you - please e-mail me at thehomespunheart (at) hotmail (dot) com so I can get your contact info!


Karen said...

Hi there, I just found you on this early morning. Hopped over from Amy's Finer Things and then ordered a couple of sale items from your Etsy shop. I am loving your blog. If it isn't too late, I would love to order 2 garland, actually 1 for sure but if I could get two that would even be more awesome. If not, I understand completely. Blessing to you and your family. Karen
email : karen@faithfamilyfibro.com

Anonymous said...


Ruthie said...

I suppose I've missed out? I would love to buy 2 if you still have some or are up to making more! ruthie (dot) wright (at) yahoo.com
My sister-in-law and I do a "names of Jesus" Christmas tree and this would be perfect! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

i would love some too..laurietackett@att.net

Anonymous said...

May I buy two? Is it too late? I pray not.
Cindy at cindybmorris@yahoo.com

candicelr said...

I know I am too late. I just came across this today...any way I could still order one? C_Rae1830@hotmail.com

candicelr said...

Am I too late to order up one? We are moving this week, and this would look beautiful on our tree in our new house, this year!


AM said...

I also would love one if you are still making more.



Emily said...

If you still have one left, I'd love to order one! Thanks!
Emily @ emilywhite01@gmail.com

FFPERK said...

So, I love your blog. Everything. You seem so creative and lots of fun. I was looking through your handcrafted Christmas section and want to make some soap. Is it worth it? What molds did you use and how did youcut the soap?
I tried emailing you, but it didn't work.

I would appreciate any helpful hints...
Thank you,

Monica Wilkinson said...

Hi Debra,

Not sure if this comment will get to you or not as your e-mail address did not come through on your comment. Sorry it has been tricky getting through!

We used old rubbermaid containers in various sizes with lids for our molds - very sophisticated! But, also very cheap!! And, along the same lines we used a plastic knife to cut our soap! :)

Yes, I think it was worth it - if nothing else for the learning experience. We learned that we did not add NEARLY enough fragrance, you can barely smell anything we added - so we would need to add a lot more. Overall, I think it was worth doing - our soap is very rustic looking (full of character!) and I love having it on hand for gift giving!

If you are planning to make some for Christmas - remember, it needs to cure for two weeks!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful! Is it still possible to buy one?

FFPERK said...

Sorry, my email is perkfamily at gmail dot com. Your info was truly helpful. Thanks for your great blog.

God Bless

busymomof10 said...

I would like to order one too. My email address is busymomof10@gmail.com.

Anonymous said...

I would love one is it still possible to order one of these?

Anonymous said...

I would love to have one of these is it still possible to order one?
