Week Nine: Peace
Day One:
* Pray
* Review Fruit of the Spirit
* We've talked about love and joy - what's next?
* Learn sign for peace
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read Isaiah 9:6
* What is the name of the baby that God sent to be born? (Jesus!)
* The government will be on His shoulders means that He is in charge and only God tells Him what to do!
* Briefly mention: It says He will be called Wonderful Counselor: He will guide us and helps us understand what the right thing is; Mighty God: He is very strong and you know how you have obey Mama and Daddy? Well, we all obey God!; Everlasting Father: He will never die, He will always live in Heaven as our Father (He loves us!); Prince of Peace: we'll talk about this one tomorrow!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read Isaiah 9:6
* A princess is the little girl of the king and queen, right? Well, a prince is the son of the king.
* So, Jesus is the prince because He is God's Son.
* Here is says He is the Prince of Peace
* Peace is having a quiet heart that believes God's Word and trusts His promises.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read Isaiah 9:6
* Which child shows peace?
- Once upon a time there was a little girl who was afraid to go to church because she didn't like going to Sunday School without her mama. She didn't play or sing or make friends because she sat in the corner and felt scared and wished for her Mama back.
- Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved going to Sunday School! She missed her Mama while she was gone - but she remembered that God's Word says He will be with us wherever we go. So, she trusted that God was with her and had a peaceful heart! She had fun learning Bible stories, singing songs and making new friends.
* Which one showed peace?
* Sing
* Pray
Day 5:
* Pray
* Journal (decorate with sequins)
* Sing
* Pray
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read 1 Peter 5:7
* Learn song "Cast all my Cares"
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read 1 Peter 5:7
* Our Prince of Peace is who?
* Is He strong enough to take care of anything?
* So, if we hear lightning and thunder at night and we don't like it - can He give us peace?
* If we see a dog we don't like can He give us peace?
* If our car makes a funny sound and we think we're going to be in an accident - will He take care of us and give us peace?
* All of these things are kinds of "cares" or burdens mentioned in our verse and song. We can give all the things we're concerned about and He'll replace them with His peace!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read 1 Peter 5:7
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray
* Pray
* Read 1 Peter 5:7
* Act out passage: have two boxes, one labeled "care" and a prettier one that is labeled " peace". Bring box of cares (put magazines or something inside to make it heavy) and bring it to Jesus - trade for light box of peace!
* Sing
* Pray
Week Eleven: Peace
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read Isaiah 26:3
* God will keep us in perfect peace! Perfect means that nothing is wrong with it, it never disobeys or makes a wrong choice - it is always right.
* For a visual of trusting in Him: get a long towel and put it around yourself holding the ends in your hands - invite your child in and explain that when they trust God - He surrounds them with peace.
* It feels safe, comfortable and inviting!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read Isaiah 26:3
* God says when we trust Him, He will keep us in perfect peace, but we have a job too - our job is to keep our mind and our eyes fixed on Him!
* How can we do that? One way is through prayer.
* Remember our story (see week 9, day 4) The little girl could've prayed and asked God to help her not be afraid to go to Sunday School without her Mama. With God's strength, she could say, I will trust in You! God will give her peace.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read Isaiah 26:3
* Another way we can keep our mind steadfast is through God's Word.
* We can read God's Word, we can study it and learn more about Him and memorize it!
* When we are afraid or have lost our peace - we can remember the promises in God's Word! And, we can trust Him because god always tells the truth!
* What are some verses you have memorized?
* Sing
* Pray
Day Five:
* Pray
* Read Isaiah 26:3
* Journal/Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Romans 12:18
* We have talked a lot about having peace with God, but now we need to remember to have peace with each other.
* Talk through verse:
- if it is possible: sometimes it might not work to be at peace with someone else, because they might be rude or unkind.
- God says as much as it depends on you: that means that I should do everything I can to be at peace with those around me.
- we can only be responsible for how we act - so we must make sure that we choose to do the right things. We can't choose for other people - but we can choose to make a good choice.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read Romans 12:18
* How can we be at peace with those around us?
* What if your brother or sister takes a toy you are playing with?
* What if your mom or dad says no to something you asked for?
* What is someone pushes you or says something unkind?
* Talk through the above situations.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read Romans 12:18
* Practice peace and/or journal
* Sing
* Pray
* Pray
* Read Romans 12:18
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
What a great lesson plan! I think I'll borrow some ideas from you for my kids. My home could definitely use some more Peace! Thanks for your great ideas! God Bless you and your family :)
Thank you! We are using these and I'm enjoying seeing the Fruit of the Spirit journal getting thick. Lately we've been having some little lessons on thankfulness and the pilgrims, and that's been fun, too!
What great ways of teaching how we get peace and and how to share peace! oooo...I like the day 4 drawing!
YEA! Thank you!! This is my next Circle Time study! :)
Thank you for sharing! I am doing a Fruit of the Spirit Study for mothers during Advent and I plan to use your outline for my little ones! I found a cute Fruit of the Spirit sticker chart at www.heavenlyhomemakers.com that I think will be a big hit as well.
This is great! I printed and plan to do with all of my children. What a wonderful blog you have. I appreciate this alot.
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