When I worked there, I had several special spots I loved to take my Bible and my lunch for a refreshing hour in the middle of the day. All spots were within a short walk and I loved the peaceful and serene time outside with my Lord.
Down this little path ~
I started out reading in Daniel, where I've been reading a lot lately, and was impressed with how he was willing to do what was right in the face of the criticism and persecution this brought on him. He did what God wanted no matter what.
Daniel 2:17-23, "Then Daniel returned to his house and explained the matter to his friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. He urged them to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven and said:'Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are his.
He changes times and seasons;
he sets up kings and deposes them.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
He reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what lies in darkness,
and light dwells with him.
I thank and praise you, O God of my fathers:
You have given me wisdom and power,
you have made known to me what we asked of you,
you have made known to us the dream of the king.'"
Jeremiah 33:3, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."And, the amazing thing about God's Word is that even as I type this nearly two weeks after this time, these passages are again meaningful to me in light of something new that I did not know then.
I started re-reading the Daniel passage looking for words that Daniel used in describing what God:
~ He has wisdom
~ He has knowledge
~ He reveals deep and hidden things
~ He knows
~ light dwells with Him
~ He will make known
~ He will answer
~ He will tell you what you do not know
What is my part in this?
~ to praise Him
~ to call to Him
~ to ask
~ to listen
Why does He do all of these things?
~ for His glory
~ to spread His name
~ to further His kingdom
~ growth
Here are the things I listed at the time:
~ how to glorify God in managing and caring for our home
~ glorifying God in caring for and raising my children
~ glorifying God by being a godly wife
~ joy
~ enjoying life and choosing simplicity
I say that these things are a mystery to me because I so often struggle with the things that I feel like are so basic. And, it has felt like a mystery to me in so many ways because I feel like I am floundering in these responsibilities God has given me.
Now, two weeks later - I have seen improvement in these things. By God's grace and leading - He has shown me more about walking hand-in-hand with Him during my days and tasks. All the challenges that come to me each day are done with He and I together.
The phrase I have taken with me is this ~
"He reveals deep and hidden things ..."
Ah, Glen Eyrie....yes, it is indeed a very special place. I'm always refreshed after being there myself. My most recent visit there was to take Grandma to tea on her birthday. :)
This is a wonderful passage from Daniel. The line that spoke to me this morning was "You have made known to me what we asked of You" -- just last night I was asking God for wisdom in how to deal with all the things He has allowed to be "put on my plate." This is His reassurance to me that He will make known to me ways that I can accomplish all that He has given to me to do.
Wonderful post -- thanks for sharing! Love you lots, Mom
Oh Monica, what a beautiful post. I love the phrase "He knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with him." In essence he knows the evil we will encounter, but he holds the light to lead us through it. I love that he is the light in my darkness. Thanks for sharing!
Monica~I have never posted before. I visit your blog everyday, and always leave "thinking!" Thank you for that and for always sharing your heart. I plan to look up the passage from Daniel. Such great stuff there! Thanks again!
I totally relate to the list of you things you said you struggle with!
Looking forward to talking to you soon.
Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful pictures and for the special message in Daniel. God is truly blessing you with wisdom and knowledge.
I just had a baby a few months ago and have a desire to have a more organized day that revolves around my Lord and Savior. I struggle to find time to sit and study Gods word. I know that it is my own selfish sin that keeps me from having time alone with Him. Your post today was very encouraging. Thank you.
The story of Daniel makes me think of how important it is to live in a "set apart" kind of way. I believe the reason Daniel and his friends had such clarity in understanding God is because they live undefiled. For me, in this generation, the undefiled challenge is to keep the things of the world from my eyes. If I am watching too much TV or Movies or searching the internet, I find that my dreams are filled with the storylines from them.
But when I spend my free time in God's creation or meditating on His word, my dreams are based on the reality of my own life and often give me insights into the "unseen" spiritual matters of my daily struggles. There are times I will dream of friends and then wake with a burden to pray (later learning that the prayer was much needed!).
There are so many voices bidding for our attention today, so Daniel reminds me to turn them all off and seek only God!
what a beautiful way of sharing your heart and the wonderful meaning you have found in the few passages of Daniel. Thanks for sharing! I totally feel the same way as you do in wanting to have Jesus be the center part of the day. So often we lose our focus... thanks for sharing your heart.
I was reading the verse, and immediately thought of our country and the running{or mis-running} of it and how none of it is a surprise to God. Also, He allows it and can stop the insanity whenever, if ever, He chooses.
Oh, thank you for sharing your struggles, too. All too often I look at others and think they have got it together and I am the only one who doesn't. Its nice to know I am not the only one. Not that I would wish for anyone to struggle, but its nice to have comraderie and encouragement.
Thanks so much for this, Monica. I have been struggling with those same things lately...how to even come close to taking care of all of my tasks at home when I am worn out even trying to get there! I don't want to let life pass me by while I am just attempting to keep things in order.
The Lord has been revealing the same thing to me, in different ways. He's reminded me that I need to be doing all of these things with Him, in His strength, and seek Him for direction in each thing that I do. I am grateful that He has used you this morning to reveal Himself to me. It is encouraging to know that I am not the only one going through this. So often I listen to the lies of the evil one who tells me I am a failure because I "can't do it all." Even though I know that is not true...that I'm not supposed to "do it all" (I'm supposed to ask the Lord what to do and then rely on Him to do it!)...it helps to learn from someone who is on the same road.
Thanks for taking the time to share with us how the Lord has spoken to you and is revealing Himself to you through His Word!
With love in Christ,
Hi Monica. I stumbled across your blog after doing a search for an Olive Garden recipe and I happened to take a peek beyond your recipe. (Thanks for the Chicken con Broccoli recipe, by the way!) I first saw that you were a Christian woman and could immediately tell that you understood what it is to love your Lord. So that made my "God feelers" perk up and look deeper. (I love our Papa God, too, and I believe He speaks to us in many ways, often times through others.) I just wanted to let you know that He spoke to me through your post today and has given me hope that I can change. You've reminded me that all I need is to hold His hand throughout my day. So thank you for pointing me back to the Father! I really needed to hear from Him.
A thankful SIC (sis in Christ),
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