You order a special zipper bag for $7 from VOM, then you fill the bag and return it to them and they deliver it to persecuted believers around the world who are in need of practical items. A detailed list of suggested items is included like soap, t-shirt, sheet, towel, gloves, etc...
We were able to spend nothing on the contents just by looking around our house, and a couple of other sources for free things. So, our donation was in ordering the bags and shipping them back. We showed our girls on a globe where they would be sent and talked about why we were doing it.
If you are looking for a way to bring outreach into your home ~ this was a simple and easy way to do something meaningful together as a family!
I'd love to hear your ideas for other ways to reach out as a family especially with very young children!
We've read of these, too, and it's such a simple thing, but so huge! Thanks for the idea! Blessings as you continue to train up your littles in the righteous way! :-)
~eunice b
this is wonderful that you incorporated doing this on a family night. You have fun with your kids and at the same time you are helping people in need. I have heard of VOM, but haven't heard of this initiative.
Thanks for sharing.
we are volunteering at a Ministry Thanksgiving dinner this year as a family... and we are helping with a Community Christmas dinner as a family. When Christopher was born, we realized that the best gift we could give him was not only teaching him how blessed he is but also how much he could bless others! we explained to extended family, that if they wanted to see us on that particular day...then they had to help also!
we also support a little one from Haiti... the boys pray for him EVERY DAY!I LOVE watching them grow in compassion! Thanks for the post!
Isn't it amazing that you could fill two bags with your abundance and some other sources. I think that alone gives our kids an idea of our overflowing blessings.
My son's school has chosen a charity to concentrate on each of the four marking periods. This is tied into their Renaissance program. The slogan for this year is "Think Globally, Give Locally" and the front of the t-shirt says "It's not just all about me." I am so pleased with their emphasis.
I love this idea...I think this will be our Love in Action this month.
I try (last month I missed) to do one every month. You can see our ideas here....
What a wonderful idea!
Our family always enjoys participating in Operation Christmas Child around the holidays.
We also purchase livestock for needy families in India through Gospel for Asia. If you're interested, check out their website. Their Christmas catalog should be coming out soon. My kids love to look through it and pick out animals to purchase for needy families overseas.
We donate toiletries, clothing, and make pack lunches for a homeless outreach in our area. I include the children in buying and packing up the stuff, and bring them to drop off. I also take my older children to volunteer at a soup kitchen. They have been doing it since they were toddlers, and it's part of their life instead of a special one time activity. Even my four year old knows what homeless means. Can't start them too early!
This is such a great way to spend a family night. We have done many outreach programs in our community, but not many internationally. Our favorite outreach to do as a family is the Angel Tree at christmas time. It's buying presents for children have a parent in prison and we offer them a bible and invite them to attend church.
Our Family is currently participating in the One Verse Project through our Homeschool Curriculum Provider: Sonlight. The One Verse Project basically is working on Bible translation for the more than 2000+ languages that have no form of the Gospel or Bible in print in their native tongue. Currently we are buying verses to be translated for the Meeto people who reside in Mozambique. My girls love the weekly lessons about the Meeto put together by Sonlight and OneVerse.
What a great way to give your kids a heart for the world.
We do the operation Christmas child boxes each year (even in Japan) and we all go to the store together and fill the box full and then pray for weeks for our "shoe box boy".
We used to do the Angel Tree (pick a name off of the tree and buy gifts and take it to social services and they would deliver it. Now we do Operation Christmas Child. My youngest son (14) especially has a very tender heart and always makes sure I don't forget every year to save shoe boxes to fill.
What a wonderful idea to use family night for a service project of some sort!
We've done Operation Christmas Child, sponsored children etc...
I have seen those things through VOM and that is a great idea!
Blessings, Monica!
As a child, my parents would give us each $10 and a list of needs that the local home for the mentally retarded had, and then take us to the store. My brother and I would have fun seeing who could get the most items for our money.
We also would go to the nursing home and sing carols and share cookies with the residents.
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