Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Notecard Therapy

As I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't been doing much crafting lately. It's sort of lots of things rolled up into the fact that I feel fairly uninspired, don't have the motivation and am not making the time. But, I am missing it!

So, on a cozy day last week, I grabbed my old magazines, a glue stick and some card stock and made some of my favorite note cards. These just never fail to make me happy - I always enjoy making them. I have written lots of posts on these note cards - but here is another one!

I don't know about you, but I find that often I do a craft one time and never repeat it again. Well, this is one of those projects that has endured over the years even as I have repeated it time and time again!

I'm not sure if it was more fun to make the cards or photograph them when they were complete. Look out, Fall - I am sooooo ready for you!

Do you have a "fall back" craft that you love to do again and again?


Leanne said...

Monica-I LOVE those. Maybe you should write a post on the art of sending notes. I think its sad in this day and age that so few people WRITE notes and MAIL them! A nearby school is going to stop teaching cursive! So sad...
The one craft I always come back to is Scrapbooking. I love it. I also love the legacy that I am preserving for the boys! Thanks for sharing...

Erica said...

I like your cards, they turned out cute! I was stuck in a "crafting slump" until I started reading some blogs. I was soooo inspired to start creating again, and it's such a great feeling!!! Right now I'm working on some pumpkin decorations to add to my collection...
Erica :)

Melissa said...

I love your note cards! I love getting them in the mail! As soon as I open the mailbox and see the homemade envelope, I know that my dear friend Monica has sent me a special greeting. Sometimes it's more fun to look at it and wonder what's inside!!!

Glad you made time for a crafty project! I know they refresh you, especially in the fall!!!

Bevy said...

I LOVE CARDS and notecards...want to get into making them more, but...
I guess making my bags has turned into something that I never dreamed would take off like it has. You can go under labels to find all my posts on "Bags by Bevy".

I just wanted to let you know, Monica that I linked to you today in my post.

Have a great day. I'm off to canning peaches with my Mom today.
What fun!!

Wendi said...

My fall back craft is card making... thank you, birthday, christmas, notecards, the possibilities are endless! I love that they go together quickly and easily and satisify my crafting bug.

*carrie* said...


So glad you made the time to make cards! I should do that soon, too.

Today is applesauce day!

Joy Cometh in the Morning said...

I had never gotten a gift for teaching Bible school before--Until I had your little girl in my class! I thought that was the sweetest thing! The notecards are great!

Nancy at EmbroideryIt.com said...

I always love seeing your cards. I never quit basket weaving.

barbara said...


Do you use a certain type of glue stick? I've been thinking about making cards as gifts, but some that I received as a gift (and haven't used up yet), the pictures have started to 'warp." Is it because the type of glue wasn't the right kind? Advice appreciated!

Mandy said...

Beautiful note cards! My fall back craft is stamped tile coasters. I love coming up with new designs for them - endless possibilities.

I love your beautiful blog! I'm adding you to my faves!

Cheryl said...

I remember your post a while back that you showed. Shortly after i went through lots of old magazines and cut and clipped and never made them in to notecards. There are in my craft area waiting for me. I need to be in a crafty mood. I don't have a crafting area...room to craft in, so sometimes the thought of dragging it all downstairs keeps me from getting anything done.
So, you have inspired me again. Hopefully I will get those cards done this time around.

Bonnie said...

Hi Monica!
I have been making these since I first saw them on your blog, but I have a question: What size do you make the card, and do you just take apart an old envelope to make yours? (you do make the envelopes if memory serves me) I have found that my envelopes end up on an angle to get them to fit n a page, and I was wondering if you have the same problem.

Elise said...

I love, love, love your cards!! I especially love the image on the top card in the top photo!!
Gosh, I am so feelin' the Fall. That and its downright chilly here today and I LOVE it!!
Can't say if I have a craft I do all the time or not. I just do what I feel like doing or am inspired to do. Mostly the day before a swap is due to mail out!! Hahaha!!
Maybe you should host another fall swap and you will be inspired...
Love those little pumpkin pods. I got some on clearance from Target. Yay!!

Monica Wilkinson said...


That is tragic that a school is going to stop teaching cursive! Aaack! Oh my, I will give your idea some thought and hope to put together a post on the beauty of sending notes!


I'd love to check out your blog, the link provided does not take me to it though - would you send me a link, please?


I haven't had any problem with specific brands of glue sticks - but double stick tape works just as well or better if you'd prefer to go that route. One thing I know won't work is traditional white Elmer's glue. It will definitely make the photos warp and look funny.

Bonnie -

To make my cards - I use a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock. Cut that in half and then fold each half in half to get two notecards from each sheet of paper. So, they come out to be about 4 x 5 1/2. My envelopes do come out straight on the page - I have a link in an old post which might help:


Or, you can take apart a notecard sized envelope and make a template from that!

Hope that helps everyone! Happy crafting!

Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...

Sorry about that, Monica. You can go to www.treasuredupandpondered.blogspot.com

I am thinking about setting up another blog just for these bags I'm making (or maybe an etsy shop) and I think that is what happened I had the wrong link stuff going on and was signed in by the other "stuff" of what I'm still working on. Oops!

While your checking out my blog... Leanne's comment (the first one here) reminded me of a post I did on (8/14) Friday's Find's - my vintage greeting card organizer. I so agree with what she said, about hand writing notes and sending them via USMail.

angie said...

In my mind, you have been doing lots of crafting lately...designing your girls' fruits of the spirit journal pages, arranging the bridal luncheon, preparing for the pink elephant party, etc. You do make the most of every day!
My fall back craft is personalized clipboards. I cover them with scrapbook paper that matches the occasion and sometimes add the recipient's name, etc. Teachers, coaches, SAHM, and everyone else seems to enjoy these.
What magazine(s) do you seem to find the best images for your notecards? I'm going to try some of these soon!

Abbi said...

I love making those sort of cards too! One thing that has made it even more fun for me has been a paisley punch from Creative Memories. I can punch paisleys out of all sorts of pictures and papers and then turn them into flowers, windmills and all sorts of things on a card. I love combining them with regular pictures.

Mom said...

Great photos! Like Melissa, I am always happy to see one of your envelopes in my mailbox. :) Glad you had some crafting time. Love you, Mom

April said...

I would love to see how you make your cards!

Unknown said...

Scrapbooking is probably a fall back on craft that I go too...I don't do it regularly and it's nice to sit down and create with my photos and relive the memories! :)

Love the note cards...great idea!

Heather said...

I make so many ribbon socks. They're sweet and pretty and very quick to make, so they become birthday presents for little girls. :)

And thank you for proofing my ribbon sock tutorial for me, Monica! :

Monica Wilkinson said...

Hi April,

If you go to the Google search box on my sidebar and type in notecards - it should pull up several posts where I describe how I make these!


sarah in the woods said...

Those are great. I recently discovered nature printing. i think it's going to last a while.

Anonymous said...

Monica--I love to make these cards. After reading here about them, I spent last summer making tons of them and have packaged them together and given them as gifts. So fun and personal. Thank you for your blog. If I can only get to one blog in a day, it's usually yours. I enjoy your crafty ideas, your focus on the Lord, and how much you love being a wife and a mommy. Thanks for sharing with us! Elisabeth