A highlight of my Fall season in Colorado was always to visit the craft sale at Rock Ledge Ranch with my mom!
Unfortunately, my mom wasn't able to go with me due to the sudden death of her father. I got a little teary walking in as I was sad she wasn't with me, yet - I was thankful for the opportunity to be able to go!
I drove up to the beautiful Rock Ledge Ranch and was directed to my parking place by several park rangers. After getting out of the car, the ranger closest to me said, "Have fun!" and I just thought that was so nice!

I enjoyed the lovely walk in, all of the wonderful smells and didn't even mind the very loooong line to get in! I'd never gone on Friday before as I was always at work and had no idea it was that busy on a Friday afternoon!

The first thing I found was some yummy sugared almonds ~ my mom always used to buy a bag for my Dad each year when we went and I decided I should keep the tradition going. Plus, his birthday was the next day - so it would be a fun treat! I am wondering if
this recipe would be similar to the taste?

I found a neat old purse:

... and this cute felted pumpkin mat for my Fall decorating:

What a special treat to enjoy the beautiful weather and a favorite Fall outing from years past!
Dear Monica, I was so disappointed to miss going with you to the Holly Berry House sale -- I was so looking forward to it! Thank you for keeping the tradition of the almonds for Dad. :) I'm glad it was a pretty day and that you found some fun goodies. Thanks for sharing these photos! Love you, Mom
I am glad that you were still able to attend this event. I would have gotten teary eyed too!
The mat is cute. You should certainly try making the sugared almonds. That would make a wonderful from the heart Christmas gift for your dad.
you look soooooo cute! I'm glad you had a nice trip in spite of the circumstances!
What fun!! I love the old purse...and just the idea of not being with someone (like your Mom, for instance)- shopping- I can relate. There is nothing like having that someone else with you to bounce the "fun in finding" off of,with. Even though you might not stick together - always- you know their there.
Looks like you had fun!!
Glad you are back! :) Those almonds look DELISH! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
Will pray for your mom during this time.
Happy Wednesday, Monica!
Okay, LOVE the pumpkin mat! I think I might have to make my own. I also am working on one inspired by the black and white one you made last year, and I am really pleased with it!
The craft show sounds like a lot of fun!
Dear Monica:
I wish your Mom and I could have both been there with you! Thanks for sharing your finds. Did you go alone or did Carrie or a friend go with you?
I'm so glad you got to go anyway!
Love you, Grandma
Aw...what a darling Mom! I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself--she was therein heart and spirit.
My family and I visited there when on a performance tour across America. It is a lovely area.
Beautiful pictures! You are a talented lady!
I am so happy you enjoyed your time in CO, and that you got snow!
Sounds like a nice place to go. I love shopping at these kinds of sales. Well, really any kind of sale... :)
I really like the shirt/jacket you have on in your picture. It is so cute!
Always look forward to your blog!
Love the things you picked out!! That pumpkin mat is especially cute!! Do you kind of feel like Fall is passing by too quickly?? I was thinking that the other day.
Glad you got home safely!!
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