Week Five: Joy
Day One:
* Pray
* Review Galatians 5:22-23; What is the second fruit mentioned? (Joy!)
* Make a frown face and a happy face: which one shows joy?
* Read Philippians 4:4
* What is joy? Joy is like being happy with a happiness that comes from God! It doesn't matter if something good or bad happens - we can still rejoice in the Lord!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read Philippians 4:4
* When should I have joy? (always)
* So, when I fall down and get hurt can I have joy in the Lord?
* When Mama gives me a special treat can I have joy in the Lord?
* When someone won't share can I have joy in the Lord?
* What does always mean?
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read Philippians 4:4
* Two times it says to rejoice! When Mama tells you something important, sometimes she says it two times! So, God must think it is important to tell us two times!
* Learn sign for joy.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read Philippians 4:4
* How can we rejoice in the Lord?
* Sing praise to Him.
* Our attitude toward others.
* Pray: tell God our praise!
* Trust Him.
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray
* Pray
* Read Philippians 4:4
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Week Six
Day One:
* Pray
* Read Nehemiah 8:10c
* Do not grieve means don't be sad.
* This verse tells us that when we have the joy of the Lord - it gives us strength to do right things and to obey God.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read Nehemiah 8:10c
* What was the first Fruit we talked about? (love)
* When we have God's special love in our hearts, it gives us joy too!
* You could pretend that it was like planting seeds of love and having joy grow up from those seeds.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read Nehemiah 8:10c
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray
* Pray
* Read Nehemiah 8:10c
* Just like God's love gives us joy, when we show love to others, it can bring joy to them!
* Talk about examples.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Five:
* Pray
* Read Nehemiah 8:10c
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Week Seven
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Read Luke 2:8-15
* The angel said they brought good news of great joy. What was the good news? (Jesus' birth!)
* Why did that bring joy? (Because He would grow up and die for our sins so we could live with Him forever in Heaven!)
* Act out story if you want to.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read Zephaniah 3:17
* What brings joy to God? (One of His children who loves Him and obeys Him)
* God loves you very much and you make Him happy!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read story of Esther
* Joy in God taking care of His people.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Paraphrase story of Esther
* Act out story
* Sing
* Pray
Day Five:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Week Eight
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Read John 15:11-12
* Joy is a choice
* Do you like red or green? Ok, great you just made a choice!
* Do you want to have sadness or joy? Joy? Great, you can have joy by having God's love in your heart and sharing it with others.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read John 15:11-12
* What is a commandment?
* What is God's commandment in this verse?
* What happens when we obey this commandment?
* Let's thank God for His Word!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read John 15:11-12
* What does it mean that your joy may be full?
* Show two glasses of water: one with a very small amount - one with a lot.
* Which one is full?
* If you feel like the empty one - you can ask God to fill you up with joy! (show this by filling glass!)
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read John 15:11-12
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Yay! Thank you! We have been awaiting the 2nd installment and we will *joyfully* get started this week!!!
I love that you are sharing this. I haven't started it with Megan, but will in the future. Thanks!
My kids and I are having a great time with this study! They have learned each verse and are participating more than I have ever seen. Thank you so much!
I once heard a saying that has meant a lot to me thru the years.
It is: "Happiness depends on happenings; Joy depends on Jesus"
Just thought I would pass it on to you for whatever it is worth.
I think it's great that you are teaching your little ones this so early in life.
Love you, Grandma
Thank you for all of your inspiring work! I have a 18 month old and look forward to starting this with her as soon as she is old enough. Please keep letting us know how this is going for your family.
Monica, Just want to say thank you for all the work you put into making these posts....I know it is a lot of work and though I don't comment often, I read almost daily. You have kept up this little treasure of a blog for years now and it is appreciated!
I am new to your blog and have been enjoying visiting.
Isn't it funny how when you have something drawn to your attention by the Lord suddenly you see it everywhere? I've been writing on joy for the past few weeks. I'm interested to see your study.
Thanks for the excellent suggestions for opening ourselves to the joy God want's to grow in our lives. My humble attempt to help with that is a simple book called Journey to Joy (http://amzn.com/144218776X) Perhaps you are your readers might find it helpful.
Thanks so much for working on this and for sharing it with all of us!
I love that there are so many lessons about Joy! I will use them! Thank you so much for sharing.
I love that there are so many lessons about Joy! I will use them. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks for doing this. This looks like a great study.
Wow, I love this! Thank you for sharing :0).
This is so lovely! We are doing the fruits of the spirit this week at VBS. You have some great ideas/ways for me to teach "joy" tomorrow! (I am not a procrastinator...) :)
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