We quickly packed it up and headed back to our room where David had done most of the packing up! We weren't sure where we were moving, but he had been told they would make sure it had two beds so that our girls would have a place to sleep.
So, we got out of our room as quickly as we could and headed back to the front desk to swap keys and get switched. We were down the road (this was a BIG resort!) a ways and began following our map to our new room.
We pulled up outside a building that looked like an apartment building - beautiful! I didn't want to get my hopes up based on the outside - but it looked to be very promising!
The walk in closet was huge and that became Samuel's room! The second bedroom had two twin beds - perfect for our little ladies! And, off the screened patio was a beautiful pond with waterfall and we even saw some ducks swim through!
He could have allowed us to purchase an upgrade in advance, but instead He gave us this upgrade at no extra cost!
He could have allowed us to receive a regular room in the first place, but instead He gave us a place that was like a home for the week! It was a perfect fit for our family and I had two Scriptures come to mind that day ...
The first one was regarding the parable of the talents, when the servant was faithful to manage what he had - he was given more, "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things." ~ Matthew 25:21
What a blessing God poured out on us to allow us free use of this wonderful place for a week! Thank You, Lord, for your abundant blessings in our lives! What abundant provision are you praising God for this week?
wonderful! God definitely provides!
The second verse is one of my favorites. I'm terrible at verse memorization so when it comes to mind I'll say "You know...the exceedingly abundant verse!"
Hi Monica,
I wanted you to know that I found you through the Farm Chicks. Your blog has been a real blessing to me! I love the attitude you had going into day 1 of your adventure and praise God for the upgrade!
Lovely provision from your precious Father!!! And thank you for the provision of the post below, the flowers on that post are lovely too. Oh to set a guard on my lips and speak as the righteous!!! Thanks again and i am SO very thankful for your wonderful vacation and that your precious family would think of and love and reverense Jesus first thing!! Blessings,tammyp
Your attitude is inspiring. The lessons you are teaching your children will serve them for a lifetime.
God Bless,
Crystal in Pahrump
I teared up when reading this after yesterday's post...I am always awed when God continues to demonstrate His tremendous love toward us...that He cares about even what some might say are the "little things" in life. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am that He would be so mindful of unworthy me....
Wow, God is so good is all I can say. He knows what we need and provides it in His timing.
What a wonderful opportunity you and your hubby had to share this with your littles.
I am a new subscriber to your blog and have loved reading about your life. I believe that God blessed you abundantly because of your positive attitude to make the best of an unpleasant situation. How exciting to see how He provided for you.
Your story has been a lesson to me to make the most of what I have, where I am at all times. Thank you for sharing this part of your life.
Thank you. Those verses were just what I needed to hear and touched me.
Great news Monica! God is good, all the time.
I wanted to let you know my etsy is up and running. I'd love to hear your critique if you have time.
That is awesome... Scott and I have had something similiar like that happen for us. God is so good,isn't HE? - right down to the most amazing of details.
Praise HIM!!!
God is so good! :-)
I am praising God too, as I just sent an email off to my deployed hubby about how many items we have been blessed with this past week. We received a backpack with free school supplies from a military support organization, a couple of wonderful free meals from my parents, free books for homeschooling from a friend who has no use for them anymore, and my brother just came to mow my lawn.
I am overwhelmed at the blessings God provides through so many different avenues! Now it's my turn to shower others with blessings.
Thanks for this post, Monica ~ it looked like a very comfortable place! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! :-)
Hi Monica!
How neat! What a blessing! The Lord blesses us above and beyond what we can even imagine, huh?! What a great God!
Say, I was trying to post a comment on your last post and it wouldn't let me...was that my computer?
Oh, I did the smiley party...I'll have to post some pictures soon! :)
I was wondering, I REALLY want to start doing regular family nights...we played Candy Land and had ice cream sandwiches this last Sunday night...:) It was a lot of fun. What are some of your favorite Family Nights that you guys have done? I would love to have a little list of ideas!
You are a blessing!
Blessings? Too many to count~~I wouldn't know where to begin. Except I will share one. Last month the dermatologist found a melanoma on my 81 year-old Dad's neck. He cut a ways down one day and sent off the specimen--yes, cancer. He said to come back the next day and he'd cut more. If that specimen were cancerous, he'd have to refer Dad to a specialist in a larger city an hour away. Thankfully, that second sampling was NOT cancerous. He has still referred him to the specialist as a second opinion. Dad me with him and he and his lab people are going to examine the slides to see if there is a reason to go into the lymph nodes to biopsy. I am believing there is no more cancer and that all will be well.
What a wonderful blessing! God is so good.
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