We've enjoyed lots of yummy strawberries this spring, thanks to our friends with an organic farm! I bought some discounted soft berries and then she brought me another pound or two - so I decided to try my hand at some strawberry jam!

Slice all those yummy berries! My recipe calls for four cups ~ and if you want to freeze at this point you can and make your jam another day which is what I did.

Next, thaw frozen berries until just a bit icy and add 1 c. sugar. Let sit 15 minutes. Then, add 6 c. sugar and bring to a hard rolling boil. Skim off foam with a metal spoon. NOTE: The jam will almost double, so make sure to use a much larger pan than it looks like you will need. Don't ask how I know this! :)

After boiling hard for one minute, stir in 3 oz. liquid pectin. Ladle into jars and top with lids and rings. Invert jars for a few seconds to sterilize and heat lids. Flip back over and place on cooling rack so air can circulate around jars. Makes 7 half pint jars. As jam cools, lids should seal and preserve your jam!

Ok, I have to tell on myself - my jam boiled over - I mean WAAAAY over! As it was hitting the hot burner, it was producing smoke and oh, what a mess!
A few days later - Emily and I saw some smoke outside - we wondered where it was coming from. I figured a neighbor was burning leaves or something - but Emily said, "maybe it is strawberry jam!"
Last year I found a recipe for Strawberry freezer jam. I didn't have to cook anything. And, it was SO GOOD! So, I'm doing that again this year. Our berries aren't ready for picking yet but they will be in a few weeks.Oh, if you want the recipe it's on my blog Hip chick's home.
How funny- thinking someone was making jam!
I'm heading out in about an hour to the flea/farmers market for strawberries for jam too- we like plain the best, but I have a spiced jam recipe that is divine in jam filled muffins.
Ball canning now makes a great product for freezer jam.... no cooking, no mess, and I think it really preserves the original taste of the strawberries! I spent 5.00 for the pectin and the re-usable jars at walmart! We grow our own strawberries, so I'm going to make 5 more jars today!
How cute and funny that she thought the smoke was from jam!
My mother made jam when I was a kid, but I didn't remember how she did it. It doesn't look too hard!
Oh, that is soooo something I would have done. Glad to hear I am not alone in my kitchen disasters :) Your jam looks delicious- I am definitely going to have to make that! Thanks for the tutorial!
We made jam with our Majorly expensive self pick strawberries (rolling my eyes right now ) good to know you don't have to boil the filled jars to get them to seal. This was much more work then I wanted and your way seems easier. Laughing at Emily's comment!!
Live and learn -- I am sure that the next time you make strawberry jam, you'll use a BIG pan! The jam looks yummy -- enjoy! :) Love, Mom
You are not alone in boiling over your jam. We learned our lesson years ago. Now we ALWAYS use a HUGE pot, no matter what it looks like.
Your jam looks yummy. Strawberries aren't ready in Pennsylvania yet.
I LOVE making jam!! I just have to say your pics ou take always look so cute!! I hop eto go pick some berries today...and make some jam this week also!!
We used our strawberries to make Strawberry Icebox Pie. I just posted the recipe on my blog. It was sooo easy and tasted great. I made strawberry jam a few weeks ago but the recipe did not call for pectin. I'm going to try yours next time. Thanks!
Did you mean to add 6 cups of WATER?
Emily's comment is very funny!
Our strawberries are just now coming in, peaking in a few weeks. Last year's jam was my first, but I can't wait to make more this year. I used a variety of jams and hot drink mixes for Christmas baskets. And, folks are always glad to receive it when we give it as a housewarming or hostess gift.
Oh my! That sounds SO good and SO easy. I've never made homemade preserves. But, I am now! I'm going to get some strawberries and pectin TODAY!! Can I do blueberries the same way? Thanks for the post!
Last week I canned 60 pints...yes 60!...of tripple berry jam. It has fresh strawberries, fresh blueberries, and fresh raspberries! It is heaven!! Some of the jars...OK, most of the jars, are for my stash. But, I put some of the jam in pretty jars to go with a bottle of our yummy honey and a loaf of fresh, whole wheat bread, or some homemade bisquits. I thought that would be fun to put in a little gift basket with some pretty napkins. I just get so tickled when I walk by all that beautiful red jam.
I too have wanted to make freezer jam this year, for the first time. But every time we have picked strawberries they have gotten eaten too quickly! Guess I will need to hide some...
that strawberry jam looks so delicious... I wish my husband liked strawberries because I would make some... oh well... maybe I will try some raspberry or blueberry... thanks for sharing!
Hey Becky - Don't add any water!!! It really is six cups of sugar! I know that is a lot and everywhere I've read about jam and jellies it takes a TON of sugar and they all say in the directions, "Do not reduce sugar."
Trish - I loved your gift idea! What a special and thoughtful gift from the bounty of your hands and home!
Last year my mom and I canned a year's worth of blackberry jam in a day (24 half-pints and 24 pints). My plan is to do it again this Saturday. It will not be anywhere near as much fun by myself. Okay, maybe my husband and kids will help....by watching and tasting.
Love this post. I especially love Emily's comment at the end. She will forever have a memory of strawberry jam and all it entails.
I am hoping to make some strawberry jam and fig preserves this summer. I have ordered Ball's canning book and hope to get the canning rack and pot for my birthday.
Just the idea of strawberry jam gives me warm fuzzies. I did it years ago and wonder why I don't do it anymore. Think I will do some. You young women give me so much inspiration. Blessings.
I've made strawberry jam for the past few years. It sounds like our recipes are a little different, but it is so good!! Love the photos!! So jealous of your own CSA. I checked on one, but they want $330 for 10 weeks and that sounds a little steep to me. What would I go junkin with?? Hahaha!!
I love homemade jam. I don't boil mine I just use the instant pectin but man either way it is so yummy!
Yummy! thanks for the recipe...I'm always scared of making jams etc so it's good to know that it isn't TOO hard! LOL about Emily's comment...SO CUTE!
It looks very yummy. All of our strawberries have gotten eaten as fast as I pick them. LOL
We didn't get enough strawberries from our garden this year to make any jam and I was looking forward to it very much. We canned tomatoes and Zucchini last year. I am glad to see you were able to preserve yours.
Good evening! I am in love with your website!! I am intrigued by the simplicity of this recipe, as my attempts have including squooshing the strawberries and who knows what else that makes the whole process seem so much more messy and time-consuming than yours. It looks so good!! I am pinning this for reference! btw, we used to live in SC, the upstate for my husband's college -- great place!
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