The day before I left for Colorado, I was looking for a way to convince my littles to spend some time outside and still get my work done! I needed to do a bunch of weeding in my garden, but also needed to do the ironing. Why not just take it outside?!

This worked out great and if it is not too hot of a day, I will definitely try this again! I've long wanted a wooden ironing board and this is what David gave me for Christmas! I love using it!!
Here's how my garden is doing ~ also made for a nice view while ironing:

Have you taken any chores outside? How did it go?
Since ironing is not my favorite chore doing it outside would sure make it more pleasant! I have folded laundry outside, clipped and sorted coupons and done some mending. It is great to be in the fresh air and still get something accomplished!
My sister-in-law used to fold her laundry outside while her daughter played in the yard. I always thought it was a great idea, but I never had an outside table big enough. My least favorite chore is folding laundry, so I'm pretty sure that might help me to just get it done cheerfully... maybe I need to look into getting a big table! :)
Morning! It's good to see you posting again. : ) You always make us think.
Well, the only time I every took my chores outside is when I lived in North Carolina. I actually got to hang the wash clothes on the line.
Looks like it was a beautiful day for you to iron outside...and the view wonderful.
Your garden is coming along nicely. I too have taken my ironing out back on our covered patio. It is so peaceful to iron out there. I've also taken our toaster oven out on the porch as well to cook outside.
ps. Glad your dad is in good spirits. He looked good in the photo.
Great idea!
Your garden looks great.
I haven't done any "inside" chores outside but it sounds nice. Especially when you get to enjoy the view of your beautiful garden. I like the walkways you've created. Are those home made? If so, I'd like to know how you made them. Are they removable or do you leave them in place?
what a lovely idea!
My garden is growing, my lettuce are just 1 inch high!
Glad your dad is doing good too
What a wonderful way to make a sometimes unpleasant task more pleasant!! You are so clever!
We have been known to borrow from the pioneers by setting-up an outdoor kitchen (on the shady side of the yard) using an outdoor table and a camping stove. This is a great way to process & can large batches of jam, jelly, fruits and vegetables (or blanching large amounts of fruit and vegetables before freezing)...it is often a cooler place to work...keeps the mess outside (where we can, literally, hose-down the mess :-) ... while adding pleasantness and novelty to a sometimes dreaded task. I really love how you think Monica.
Thanks so much for sharing with us.
First off I have SOOOOOOOO missed you my friend. Your garden looks amazing. I love how the plants look with the squares of walking stones. Just wanted to say that. :)
So funny--Guess what I did on Sunday...Ironed on my front porch while my kids played in the front yard and court. It really made the chore more enjoyable.
What a great ides! You could probably spend your laundry day outside with hanging up clothes to dry and then ironing. In between while waiting have some quiet time with the Lord :)
Ha! My mother has done ironing outside, too. Days that are sunny, cool, and breezy all at the same time are rare in Texas. So she decided to do the ironing outside. It made the chore so much more enjoyable for her!
Your garden looks great Monica!
Still lurking,
Andrea L.
Have taken the sewing machine outdoors before... nice change of scenery! My girls thought it a bit strange but were happy to play all the same! :)
What a wonderful idea. I love ironing, especially my husbands shirts. When that hot iron hits the material his aftershave seems to form an aura around my head and put me in dream land. As we are so old those are about it. Memories. Your blog is great. I loved the days of my children's growing up years. Your garden is doing great. Used to go outside to dry laundry on the line too. Prohibitions where we live now on clothes lines. Sad.
I've done sewing and folding laundry outside, but it's been awhile. I need to think of some things I can do while the boys play!
I too have missed you. Good to hear your dad is doing great. I love the idea of ironing outside as I would much rather be outdoors than inside on pretty days. I am still struggling from my knee surgery but cannot wait to do this on our back porch which is screened in. I plan to move my sewing machine out there too when I get stronger.
Welcome back! I always like seeing a new post from you in my google reader when I check my email in the morning.
I have never thought about doing chores outside, but maybe I would iron more if I could do it outside...will have to try it! Welcome back.
I love the idea of sewing outside! Great idea!
Oh my goodness, I love your garden! I have a raised one, but I really like the look of yours with the blocks/stones between each bed--so pretty!
And I sometimes knit in a rocking chair outside, so I can keep an eye on the kids. Not really a chore, I guess :)
Our garden has been a three year project! The first year, my goal was to have a successful garden - meaning the seeds would even sprout! We'd struggled with the squirrels getting into the seeds, but we did have a good garden that year.
Year two was fencing it off: I found the picket fence at the Habitat ReStore. It needs to be painted, but it is serving us well.
Year three (this year) was to put the walkways in. David found an entire pallet of these stones for $10 at Lowe's on clearance. They are miscast and break fairly easily - but for our purposes and budget this works great!
This has been my favorite year to garden. The weeds are easier to maintain and I love the walkways !
I peel and/or chop my vegetables outside while my boys play :)
LOVE your garden!!
I have been feeling very crowded and stifled in our too small for us house. Trying to think of our huge backyard as our second living room.
Great idea, Monica! I haven't taken too many outdoors yet, but my friend said that she took her sewing machine to their play area and plugged it in with an extension cord! Hmm....sounds like a good idea! :)
Welcome Home. Your Garden looks wonderful. May your harvest be plentiful.
Nice way to enjoy our working! Inspires me to look for ways to make work a delight.
Angelia in Texas
that is a great idea- taking chores outside. i think i'll take the laundry outside, making the unpleasant task, well, tolerable.
what a cute idea. you are always inspiring
LOVE your ironing board!! I have sewn outside before. My mom and I were like a little sweat shop making dresses for a craft show I did.
How lovely--I do not like to iron. Most thing which require it, have been discarded. Sadly but true.
Ironing in such surroundings, however, would actually make the job palatable.
I love the idea of ironing outside...how creative!
I can't tell you the last time I did some ironing though!
Wodnerful garden too..wow!
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