I recently had to do a quick switch of a bunch of things in their closet because I walked into their room one night after they were supposed to be in bed and found Rachel with three bottles: rubbing alcohol, witch hazel and hydrogen peroxide. Thankfully, the incident was uneventful, but I had already thought things were out of her reach - SO, had to move things around quickly.
Because I'm not very tall - now I cannot reach anything I need in their closet, so need to figure out something in that closet. And, in our linen closet - the medicine shelf is just a shambles.
So, getting those two closets cleaned out and organized is my task for the week. What will you be working on?
I'll have Mr. Linky up on Friday for your posts!
I'm spring cleaning the main
floor this week, having done the upstairs 2 weeks ago.
Most of our "everyday" medicine (tylenol, bandaids, Pepto, etc.) is kept in a small high up cupboard in the kitchen, but evrything else,is kept in open top boxes that have been covered with contact paper in the linen closet.
I have them grouped together to some degree- peroxide, alcohol,witch hazel, thermometer, heating pad, etc. in one box, and in another box, extra toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap and the like.
Doing it like this has really helped keep them contained, plus, I know exactly where the rarely used/ new stock item is. And covering the boxes just makes them pretty.
I found that boxes worked better for me than baskets, since they have straight up and down sides, where baskets tend to slope in towards the bottom, or have a bumpy texture that does not allow things to stay up-right. A cute tag stuck on the front will let you know whats inside if the box is above your head.
Just some thoughts.
On Saturday I tackled the ribbon cabinet. I'd been dreading it, but it's so nice to open it now and find everything in an orderly fashion.
This week I'd like to subdue the area around my sewing machine. I had my fabric stash in boxes, but that doesn't work since I have to dig like a dog to find what I'm looking for. I'm praying for some sort of free shelving or cabinet with doors. We'll see what the Lord provides.
Have you considered using a tool box for your medicine box? The kind with a key would allow you to lock it and keep it at a lower level without fear of little people getting into it.
My area of focus this week is my pantry shelves. It is in great disarray and needs to be organized so that not everything is piled up!
I am going to tackle counter clutter and various disorganized papers and files.
I am going to clean out the computer cabinet and tackle filing. I also plan to straighten out the linen closet in the bathroom and under the sink in there also.
I'm starting small! I'll need to organize my spice cabinet - it's out of control! God Bless -
I agree with Bonnie that grouping like items together helps in up-high storage. I'm betting you will come up with something pretty!
I am working on getting out the spring/summer clothing. The kids' dressers and closets are done. And they are more time consuming since one never knows what will fit from one year to the next. I hope to accomplish mine and my husband's today.
Hey Monica,
Something that really helped me and my kids: I labelled the linen closet shelves where everything goes. For instance, flat sheets, fitted sheets, pillowcases, bright towels (because their bathroom towels are bright) old towels (because we had towels from previous bathroom decor that can be used for anything from towelling up a spill to whatever, hand towels, wash cloths, beach towels, etc.
It has really kept the linen closet neat. But when it's not the boys are able to straighten it easily because there is a label for everything
I am cleaning out my laundry room cabinets this week. My home is loving this challenge!! :-)
I cleaned out my linen closet last week. This week my focus is my craft room. I need it cleaned so I can finish the quilt for my daughter and so I can turn it into a guest room for my parents when they visit.
Hey, looks like I'm "off the hook" again for another week. I JUST cleaned my linen closet a few weeks ago. here are my before/after pictures on my blog. You have to go back a few posts (early in the year) which explains my motivation. 2009 is my year to "use what I"ve got" - in particular my candle stash (thus the pictures of a whole closet full of candles) and all the girly lotions and potions. You'll see how I did. Amazing how little is used by actual linens. sheesh. Anyway, as a "tip", since I really didn't want to put covers on these bins, or they'd NEVER get used, I opted for dish pans at walmart - which were much cheaper, however, they are not square on the bottom, sort of rounded, and now my lotions and potions are very flimsy as I start to use it all up and they're not "packed" in there anymore. But I am pleased with the sense of "order" - as is my husband. :) Thanks ladies. I look forward to more tips.
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