I have discovered the wonderful books written by Grace Livingston Hill! She has written about 100 books, so if you find you like these - there are lots to choose from. What I love about them is they are old fashioned of course, but the women in the stories are always so virtuous. They inspire and encourage me to live like they model - wholesome and pure, committed to doing what is right and living differently from other people.
I have been so edified by reading these books and I love reading fiction that is worthwhile and especially these books that are motivating to live more the way God wants me to!!
What are you reading lately?
I have a book blog that you're welcome to check out, Carrie. I blog both what I read and what I read to my girls.
I haven't read a Grace Livingston Hill book in AGES, but I still remember my favorite: City of Fire. Have you read it? It's BEAUTIFUL. I remember crying buckets over it as a teen.
Happy reading!
I used to read these books all the time. I remember that each one always presents the gospel message and someone always gets saved. Thanks for reminding me about them.
I love her books, too. I have several that I purchased quite a few years ago when they were re-published in paperback form. I think they will be books I would be happy to let my daughter read in a few years. Right now she is finishing up the Little House series of books.
BTW, I normally don't comment, but I really enjoy following your blog.
Thanks for the tip - I will have to look out for them.
I am reading some books by Sheila Walsh. I met her years ago at a women of faith conference.
She also has written a few children's books and has a children's cartoon video on Gigi the Princess
How wonderful to have some good books to read. I will have to look for her my self. I am always wanting good books to read.
Curious are thoses books more a love stories? I love good fiction but I don't get into the Christian love story fictions.
Right now I am reading Nancy Leigh Demoss "Choosing Forgiveness"
Those vintage looking copies draw me in. To me, that means they have stood the test of time and are still meaningful/worthwhile reads. I will have to check out this author after I finish my current stack. Your book is on top.
Grace Livingston Hill has been popping up here and there lately it seems, I will make it a point to check one of them out and read. Any suggestions for a "first timer"?
I ABSOLUTELY loved the Mitford series by Jan Karon, would move there if at all possible! :) Am currently reading Honor's Reward by John Bevere... excellent read. Also started reading Grip of Grace by Max Lucado and working my way through the One Year Bible.
I believe I read one of her books years ago. I really enjoy reading these types of books too. They just leave you feeling good when you finish them.
Three of my favorite Christian authors are Lori Wick, Francine Rivers and Tracie Peterson. They have some really great books too.
I love GLH! I don't know that I've read every single book she's written, but I'm pretty close! My library has quite a few of them. After you've read a few, you'll start to see similar story lines, but they're still fun to read. When things are extra stressful, I pick up a GLH book to relax!
That totally makes me think of Mom! Is that where you got the ones you pictured?
Haven't done much reading in the last two weeks =), except for snippets in magazines the cookbook you sent.
You're the second blogger to recently recommend Grace Livingston Hill. I'll remember her on my next trip to the library. She's written 100 books? Don't you love it when you find a great writer with lots of books to delve into?
Right now I am reading "Julie" by Catherine Marshall. I can't believe I only recently discovered her classics "Christy" and "Julie". So good!
I'm also reading new author Julie Klassen, who is an editor at Bethany House. Just finished "Lady of Milkweed Manor" and am starting "The Apothecary's Daughter".
Thanks for sharing. Books are my favorite topic!
I have never read any books by Grace Livingston Hill. I will have to look for them.
I am currently reading Lori Wick. I like books set in the past with a character that has a strong faith.
I remember reading Grace Livingston Hill back in fifth grade!! I got a triple pack at church camp one time. The Emancipation of ?? I think that was one of the stories. I do recall something about whitewashing fences...Does any of that sound familiar to you??
Thanks so much for the recommendation... I am always looking for a new author to explore! You might enjoy "Fireflies in December" by Jennifer Erin Valent. It is a fairly new book, but well worth looking into.
That brings back memories! One of my mother's friends gave me her childhood copies of several GLH books when I was a girl. I will have to retrieve them the next time I'm at my mom's house!
I love her books. I "discovered" them in my late teens.
The latest novel I read was The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It was WONDERFUL.
I read "The Christmas Bride" by GHL back in, what else!, December. I love to read Christmas themed fiction during that time. I enjoyed GHL and will have to look for some more of her books. Janette Oke is one of my favorites too - the Love Comes Softly series especially. I enjoy your blog so much. Thank you for all of the encouragement you send and all the great ideas. Even this mom of teens can learn a few new tricks! God Bless You! Michelle in MD
Oh, I vaguely remember her books!
I love her!! Our library has lots of her books, I bet you could borrow them using worldcat.
My Mother introduced me to Grace Livingston Hill when I was about 11or 12. She believed they were better reading then Sweet Valley High and the like. I couldn't agree more. I still have my collection (almost all of her books) and I'm hanging on to them for my Daughters.
I've never been crazy about her style. I love many christian authors but am a harsh critic...not sure if it's the BA in english or what lol. I'm not crazy about Christian authors who have to include the salvation message SCREAMING out from every page. I prefer when it's subtly woven throughout (Angela Hunt) or when it challenges my faith (Lisa Samson). :) Just my two cents.
I'm so glad you are enjoying these books! They are old-fashioned as you point out, but they uphold high and godly standards - which is a good thing! I have a few more for you when I see you in a few weeks! :) Love, Mom
I tried to write yesterday and my computer was acting up. I read your blog and Pioneer Woman Cooks almost everyday. Yours inspires me to a closer walk with God and to be more creative and Pioneer Woman inspires me to be more creative in the kitchen, both of which are a great thing for my family. I have read a lot of the books that others have recommended to you and have enjoyed them so much. When I was young I could not get enough of Grace Livingston Hill, I might have to read some of them again. Wren
Grace Livingston Hill is a favorite of mine! I've read her since I was a teen and I love the simplicity of her stories. :)
The first one I read was called Patch of Blue and I was instantly hooked! I also loved Best Man and Maris. Oh, I've loved them all!
I'm currently reading "The Shack". I know there is a lot of controversy regarding this book, and I'm anxious to finish reading it so that I can discuss it with others. I'm about 2/3 through and I like it so far.
Next up (hopefully this weekend) is going to be "Misplacing God (and finding him again)" by Joanne Heim. There is a link to her blog from mine, it's called "The Simple Wife".
My grandmother introduced me to GLH when I was about 13 or 14. Great Author. In fact, I inherited all my grandmother's GLH books when she died in 1975. Still have them on the bookshelf. I always think of her when I see the books. Love your blog.
I have a ton of Grace Livingston Hill books I have collected over the years. There are a few that I don't really like because the women in them seem a bit judgement (A daily Rate comes to mind) A few of my favorites are "Because of Stephen", "The Challengers" and "City of Fire". I remember when I was younger just being amazed that in these love stories people got married without ever kissing :).
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