I recently received a copy of
Sew What! Bags in the mail to review here - and am always excited for peeks into new books! You can see lots of pictures from the book
This one is fun because all the projects are pattern-free and you customize the project to fit your own needs/style. The directions are very clear and there are projects for everything from brand new to sewing all the way to very experienced.
I've been wanting to hang more clothes on the line lately - but have such a problem with how to manage my clothespins! I have a retractable line, so I could not really use a bag or container that stays outside.

So, the tool caddy apron caught my eye because I knew I could tie this on and have the clothespins very handy! Even better - I did not have to purchase anything to complete this project. I had bought two valances at a thrift store for my kitchen but did not really like how they looked so I stashed them away for a future project.
This worked out great for the apron! And, now I'm all set to hang more clothes on the line!

Now, I'd love to pass this
book on to one of you to enjoy as well! So, please leave a comment here (with a way to contact you!) if you're interested in being placed in the drawing to win! Comments will be accepted until Friday night at 10pm (EST) and a winner will be announced Saturday.
This looks like a fun book!
I would love to sew a bag. I have yet to try. I'll bet the caddy apron would be great to gather garden veggies! Jill
The book looks lovely and so does the apron! I would love to be entered in your giveaway for the cute tool caddy apron!
North Carolina
The book looks awesome! I love sewing little cute bags for my friends and family. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
I'd love to be entered! I got my first sewing machine a couple weeks ago.
Looks like a great book. I think of myself as a purse & tote junkie! I'd love to see more bags you make from it.
Wow, from the photos this book looks amazing and you my dear are going to be the cutest person to ever hang clothes on a line with your adorable clothespin apron!
Theres No Place Like Home
Enter me please!
Oh, Monica,
That bag is adorable. I would live to win! Good for you for recycling the valance into another project!
Char in Mt. Airy
erase the last comment. I know the giveaway was for the book not the bag. I would still like to win so I can sew my own.
Char in NC
This looks great! Thanks for doing this giveaway, Monica.
maryannshouse (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the look of the apron you made. I've used my kitchen apron for clothes pins, but this looks so much better.And, the thought of a gathering apron as well...perfect! I would love to win!
This looks so neat! I love what you made..I could have used that in my last house when I had a close line. (-:
sethandtania at hotmail dot com
I'd love to be entered to win the book. Thanks! kkoszegi at neo dot rr dot com
I'd love to win this! All my friends would be sporting little gifts from me!
Hi Monica,
I love your blog, but don't post often. I'd love a chance. I too have major clothes pin problems, but was thrilled to use my lines the last 2 days in NW Ohio!
reynoldsfour at aol dot com
Oh, that would be a blast, I have been getting into taking my own bags to stores and if they were cute that would be even better!
What a fun book! Love the clothes pin bag.. great idea.
I love new projects and I have a couple of girlfriends who would enjoy getting this as a gift. Please enter me! Blessings,
What a cool book! I love easy sewing projects.
This book is on my wishlist! I love bags!
You did a great job! I'm wanting to start working on my sewing skills and this would be a great book to help me get started!
I would love to be entered too!
Have a great day!
Cute apron. I love ball fringe...is that what it's called? I love sewing books. The ones that come out always have such beautifull photography and wonderful directions. This one looks and sounds like it will not disappoint.
Sorry, I forgot to leave youa way to contact me if I win.
here you go: glory2him111@gmail.com
Every girl needs more purses, totes and goodies! Love the book, especially the garden apron.
Monica, the book sounds fun! I'd love to win!
Oh...I would love a book like this, sign me up:)
Hey!! This is EXACTLY what a girlfriend of mine was saying she wished she had for using to hold all her clothspins. If I had this book/pattern... I could whip one up for her in no time. Looks great!
Oh! and congrats on becoming an Auntie again. So fun!!
awesome!! what a fun book! I, too, enjoy hanging clothes on the line, but have a hard time keeping up with the sliding clothespin bag. Love the idea of a curtain valance being remade in to an apron!
Please enter me in the drawing! I've been wanting to begin learning how to sew some household items (tablecloth, curtains, etc.)...my sewing machine is coming in a couple of weeks! This book would be a great resource to as I start my sewing journey! Thanks for posting! :o)
Sue @ More Than Rubies
Sounds like a great book and I love the apron you made. It's darling!
One question-how do you store the apron full of clothespins so they don't spill all over? My bag hangs from the handle of my filing cabinet [such a pretty look ;-)] because I don't really have another place to keep it from spilling.
Thanks for the giveaway. Although I seldom comment, I read every day.
Oh my goodness - I'm not sure which is more adorable, the book or the finished project! Count me in for this drawing.
laurel_burns (at) hotmail (dot) com
What a great book...I'd love to win! Thanks so much!
I would love to win this, I have been wanting to learn to sew!
b.leitch at comcast dot net
Looks like a great book!
What a fun looking book! I'd love to look through it too!
I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
kybkat @ bellsouth.net (remove spaces)
I love the tool apron Monica!!! Its fantastic!!! I would LOVE to win this book as well...please enter me!!! Thank you! :)
That is so fantastic that you get to review so many things! How did you get a fun job like that?? :)
I love the idea of sewing bags, I recently wrap kids presents in bags so I would love to get more ideas! I love how you sew the bag for clothpins, that is such a nice idea
i need a book like this! I am very new to sewing but really want to learn and the only person that could teach me is my grandmother and she has Alzheimers so for now I am trying to learn on my own ! I always love cute little bags!
Love that apron! I have some similar fabric that would be perfect...now I just need the book to tell me how to do it! :)
This looks like an awesome book of ideas... I don't really know how to sew yet but a young lady at my church is going to show me. This would be a great book to start with.
I just saw that book at Barnes and Noble last night and thought it would be a great idea book! Thanks for the chance to win!
I am not any good at winning things like this but I would love this book. It really looks great!
This looks like a great book! I love your clothespin apron. I especially like that you repurposed something to make it!
That apron caddy is the cutest thing yet, it would work for gardening too! The red is great too, my favorite! Paula (amishwoman49@hotmail.com)
I would so love this book. I am all the time trying to draw patterns to fit my needs. Perhaps this book would teach me some shortcuts. Thanks so much!
This looks simple...which it would have to be for me to make it!! I'd like to try!
This looks like so much fun! Your clothes pin bag is super cute. Dawn (thewengers5@sbcglobal.net)
I can always use bags! Love the valance clothespin apron. I made a canvas one years ago and wore it out. I really should make a new one!
I love your apron! This looks like an awesome book. My 13 and 15 year old daughters and I have been having fun playing around making our own aprons and have been looking to start on bags next! This looks perfect! Thanks for the chance.
I have a "thing" for bags! I also love that tool caddy apron! I, too, hang my clothes out in the spring, summer and fall and could really use something like that to carry and hold my clothespins. Normally I just wear my kitchen apron and fill my pockets up! Please enter me in this giveaway!
Thank you,
I would love the book....your cloths pin apron is too cute! I read your blog almost everyday, it is one of my favorites!
What a great idea, I love how you recycled your valances...very resourceful. I grew up with a family os seamstresses, so I have always resorted to making things if I can't find exactly what I'm looking for. I would love to add this book to my collection!
Your blog is inspiring and I enjoy reading it. You have a sweet family! Would love to win the book.
leekat6 (at) verizon (dot) net
I love bags! And would love to find a book with simple instructions for a beginner sewer! :)
I love that this uses "pattern-less" instructions as I'm a pattern flunkie! With two girls, bags are in great demand - what a great project inspiration!
What a wonderful book. I would love to have a chance and win a copy. Your apron turned out very sweet.
Keep up the great blog work.
What a fun book!!!!
I always love new sewing books!! Please count me in.
How fun! I'd be interested to try some of the "bag" projects in the book. Count me in!
(my email is on my profile)
Cute bag!! We're 'not allowed' to have clothes lines in our neighborhood and we live right here in SUNNY California - what a waste of sunshine!!!! go figure! I am sure I could squeeze in a use for a cute bag like that, though! Nice book!
oops - I forgot my contact info!! designsbylizzie@verizon.net
(living in CA - not 'allowed to have clothes lines!' person)
I'd love to give this book to my sister in law who sews a bit as a hobby and for some extra $ as she stays home with her two little ones.
I am learning to sew and craft and this book would be so much fun! Thanks for the entry!
I do sew a lot and enjoy making and giving gifts. This book would be a great gift to me so that I can make great gifts for others. Thanks.
I love the pictures from this book! Thanks for sharing with one of us.
This book looks great! Thanks for the opportunity!!
As you know, I would love to learn to sew. Maybe this book would be a motivation for me.
My mom and I have committed to teach each other the next time we are together. I will teach her some computer skills; she will teach me how to operate a sewing machine.
This books looks like it has lots of neat ideas. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
I love sewing bags. Looks like great inspiration!
Looks like the book has some great ideas!
love your blog, and would like to be entered into the drawing please!
Thanks so much for all the neat ideas you bring.
Christina Gomez
This looks like a great book! I am trying to make more and more of our gifts, and this would be a great help!
Mrs.Pear at cox.net
Monica, Please enter me :) I am just learning to sew and this would be such a blessing :) Thanks!
Oh, I would *love* to win a copy of this book! Sewing is a new interest of mine and it would make a great addition to my crafting library. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have been looking for a great bag pattern book. I would love this. By the way, I always enjoy reading your blog.
I love bags and I have been wanting to make some. We have bags for everything, but when we need one, there are none to be found...go figure. Thanks for the giveaway.
Would love to have this book! So many crafty and usable ideas! Thanks for the opportunity!
My daughter is really getting into sewing and I'm sure would love this book. thanks!
I'd totally love to be in the drawing too, Monica! :)
Looks interesting!
If you have a chance could you tell me what kind of retractable clothes line you have and if you like it? I would like to get one and was looking up reviews online and finding a lot of mixed opinions!! :)
I love the trim you put on your clothespin apron!
I'd love to be entered as well:
blessyourfamily at gmail dot com.
Thanks for the giveaway, Monica!
Oh, please put my name in for the drawing - I love craft books but have no budget for any at this point in my life. The apron looks wonderful! Hope it is easy to make!
- Jenny
I love what you did with the fabric! You have inspired me to get a clothesline, so I can wear a cute apron like that! Please enter me in the drawing!
What a fun looking book. Your projects always look so cute, too. I would love to win this book...thanks for the opportunity Monica.
A sewing book with detailed instructions and you are able to add personal touches...that is for me. Plus I am all into bags for storage, books and crafts and such. I have a retractable clothes line, like you. I love the cloths pin apron idea! When you leave the pins out they get weathered quickly and I 'd love to make that apron. (it sounds like with that kinda pocket it would be multiple use. I had in mind an apron with large style pocket so when I am in one room and have three things to take to another room I could carry it hands free and still do things along the way with my empty hands)I will look for this neat book. Or maybe I might win! WOW, that would be great. Have a sweet spring day. smiles from miles, Angelia in TX
This book looks great, thanks for offering it for a drawing. Also, for just letting us know what books are out there.
richshelpmate @ yahoo dot com
What a cute clothes pin apron and how smart you were to keep back those valances. I need to teach myself to sew. Maybe I'll win your little book and start down that path.
Wow. This looks like such a fun book to use making sewing projects with my daughter. I really hope I win. LOL.
That looks great! Thanks!
i would LOVE LOVE this book! i have been wanting to make some bags for a while and this would really help out with that. plus, today is my BIRTHDAY so that totally means i should win...right? RIGHT? =) ps thanks for the dryer balls - they work great. looking forward to never buying dryer sheets again!
That book looks neat and I love a good bag!! Your clothespin bag is adorable!! My kitchen chairs are slipcovered in that same fabric!!
I have just recently takin up sewing again. Started with aprons for my friends for Christmas. Would love to move onto bags. I'm hopeful I win the book for some inspiration!
I'm glad I found your blog, it provides daily inspiration!
What a neat idea, I love reading your blog, very interesting.
i would love it! what little sewing i have done has been from tuorials...this would be a fun book!
Would love this book - could make great Christmas gifts with ideas/patterns from the book...Thanks!
I would love to have a copy of this book! I saw it somewhere and thought it would be great. I love the little bag you made.
Very interested in this book, and am entering my name for the giveaway. Your apron is beautiful!
You can reach me at my blog
I love your blog! You are such an inspiration and a blessing! Please enter me in the drawing for the book give away. Thanks and God Bless you!
Wow, look at all the sewers out in blogland. I too think it would be a great book to have. Your apron kinda reminds me of the one that my grandmother used when I was a little girl. There is nothing that can replace the scent of line-fresh laundry.
What a neat book! I love to sew!
Looks like a fun book. Your clothespin caddy turned out great!
Love the Apron on the line! Sew cute! I would love to win the book also-please enter me. Thanks for all your inspiration.
What a pretty way to hold your clothspins! :-) Fun book, fun drawing! Thanks, Monica!
Hey, That looks like a very interesting book. A friend made me a bag like the one on the front cover, it was made out of tea towels, very neat.
Deb :)
I would LOVE the book! The clothes pin holder was adorable. Great idea!!
Yay, another giveaway! Please enter me, looks like fun!!
What a great little book! I love to make handmade gifts for family and friends. This book would be great for some new ideas! :)
Andrea L.
I love your blog and all the interesting things you do. I would love to be entered in the drawing for the book.
Hattie from TN
Your apron is lovely! That must be a fun book!
Looks like a great book, please enter me. I'm looking forward to getting back to my craft/sewing room this summer and this book sounds like it has plenty of ideas. I love reading your blog and all the great ideas you come up with. Cute apron!
Hi, I recently came by your blog and am really enjoying it. Thankyou for all your encouragement and inspiration. God bless you. I do not sew but I'd love to learn!
The green one on the cover looks cute!
Oh that book looks great...I just may have to go out and buy it (unless I win it)!!
Such a cute bag! And handy too!
I love it! Enter me!
This looks like an awesome book. Would love the chance to win it.
I would LOVE to be considered for the drawing!!!
This book looks like so much fun. Please enter me. God Bless~Danene
I read your blog all the way from Australia.. & always love reading what your have to say. This book looks lovely & lots of fun.
What a wonderful book!! I love bags and these are such cute ideas.
I would love to win! Thanks so much for your thoughtful generosity!
What a cute idea for your clothes pins! I think the book looks great! Thanks for sharing about it!
This book sounds great for me! I love using "what I have on hand", don't like complicated patterns, and am on a mission to sew more! I'd love to be entered into the drawing. Thanks for the review!
Looks like a great book. I loved her Sew What! Skirts book from the library.
What a neat book - thanks for reviewing it!! I love the "bag" that you created as well - isn't it wonderful when you can repurpose something? Thanks for the giveaway. wlrn99 @ hotmail . com
I've been dabbling with the thought of making tote bags for everyone for Christmas this year, this would probably be a great item for me. I love your blog, read almost every day. The littles are so adorable!
I love books, I love sewing, I love crafting. So a book on sewing/crafting is definitely at the top of my list! Please count me in.
My husband calls me 'the bag lady' because I LOVE bags of every shape, size, style and color! I would love to be entered for a chance to win this book and start making my own bags!!!!
I'm just starting to learn how to use my sewing machine and I'm always looking for fun projects. This looks like a fun book to try.
I love sewing bags. What a great giveaway!
I love the apron, the book and the fabric you used. It's great.
Sounds great.
What a fun giveaway! I love these types of sewing books!
This looks like a great book with some fun projects I would like to try with my 3 girls!
Even if I don't win this book, I will be looking to get one. I loved all the photos. I love to sew.
this books looks nice, thank you for offering.
Oh this looks like fun! Would love to win.
Oh, how do I need a book to (re-) teach me how to sew cute things? And how do I love cutie bags? Let me count the ways! :)
Oh what a fun book! Please enter me in the drawing!
God Bless!
Great idea to use those valances, the fabric is lovely.
I would love to be entered for the book also.
I recently bought this book and can't wait to tear into it! It looks like so much fun and I'm sure there's something to appease my need to whip something up quickly as well as my desire to challenge myself. I've promised myself I'm going to finish my big scrap quilt first, though. (Help me name it! I'm having a quilt-naming contest at http://www.magnificasti.blogspot.com)
I would love to be entered as well! Thanks for all your wonderful ideas, Monica!
That is so neat! Love your blog and am inspired by it~
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