Very random - but here are a couple of things I wanted to share/ask:
* I am very concerned about our Presidential Administration seeking to write legislation which would prevent health care workers from exemptions for conscience. I want those who are caring for me and for my family to have the opportunity to choose based on their conscience and most importantly in relation to abortion to choose NOT to perform abortions. It will only take a few seconds to respond - click here for more information. (Thanks, Angie for sending this to me!)
* Completely different note: I am helping a friend plan a dinner for her family following her wedding in a couple of months and one thing I need to find is several of the vintage blue Ball canning jars. They can be either quart or pint and do not need to have lids. I'm either willing to reimburse you the shipping and just borrow the jars or I'd be willing to purchase them at a reasonable price. I will need probably five more jars. Please let me know if you are willing to loan/sell any of these jars. You can e-mail me through the link on my left side bar or send to thehomespunheart (at) hotmail (dot) com.
Update: oops, one more thing: I received a nice e-mail from Lexie Barnes the author of Sew What! Bags ~ reminding me that if you make any of the projects, please add your photos over at the Flickr pool! I've added my clothespin apron there and it will be fun to see what everyone makes!
I just posted about the be heard project about the conscience clause on my blog earlier today! It is highly concerning.
I just washed out 9-12 of those jars that I had stored in my basement... I was going to put them in a garage sale, but will send them your way... private mail me.
As a nurse, I can tell you that being able to object due to conscience is a huge concern...but even more so in the area of euthanasia/ assisted suicide versus abortion. So ask your readers to review the petition based on that factor as well. I probably will never go back to nursing due to the overwhelming demands/ ethical dilemmas nurses are being placed under. I just pray that a lot of this legislations simply doesn't pass
Thank you for standing up for life!
That is terrible! I guess their thinking is don't think just do it and that is wrong on so many levels!
For all of you concerned about the current administration please look at the Heritage Foundation at
The President's policy on life is horrendous, unfortunately that is not the only damage being done that may be irreversible.
That man is just plain scary. For someone who claims to be a Christian, he views don't stand up to the Bible's views. I really pray that God will change his heart. I get all those emails about all that goes on politically and otherwise and its really worrisome. BUT, I know God is bigger than any person and nothing happens that He doesn't allow.
I filled out the petition. Thanks for listing it.
Thanks for posting this, I didn't know they were seriously working to reverse this law. I made sure to voice my support for the reversal of the so called "conscious clause."
Thanx for mentioning this! Also, call your legislators - both state & National. Dept. of Health & Human Services AND the White House Comment Line. (I so enjoy your postings!)
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