There were a couple of questions asked after I shared my
clothespin apron! Here are my thoughts:
How do you store your apron when not in use - to keep the clothespins from falling out?
I have these hooks on the wall in our laundry room where I hang clothes that are waiting to be ironed. I tied a loose knot in the apron ties and hung it on one hook. It also happens to be right by the back door - so it is super convenient for tying on and heading out to hang clothes also!
What kind of clothesline do you have? There are mixed reviews on the retractable lines...
I could not find a brand name on my original one - I bought it at Lowe's and I think it was the only one they had. David bought me a second one the other day:

It was $15 and is 49 feet long which provides me with two extra lines since I run it to a tree and then back to the house. I have been very satisfied with these retractable lines - I love that they can be put away when not in use! I can pull out one line only or run both if I need more space.
Is it just me or is it one of those simple pleasures to see clothes fluttering on the line? I love looking out my kitchen window and seeing the clothes hanging out there. It feels good to know I am drying them for *free* and there is something so wholesome, homey and pure about the whole thing. Plus, they smell so good when you bring them in!
I remember as a child enjoying running between the "lines" of clothes, blankets, towels and sheets hanging out! My little ladies are discovering this fun when I hang things that are long enough for them to play between!
Do you hang clothes on the line? What makes this a simple pleasure for you?
I love my clothesline. I have one of those round ones that you can turn to hang all the laundry on. We got it at Home Depot a couple of years ago for $30, I think.
I like the smell of the fresh laundry and seeing it flapping on the line. I also enjoy the process of hanging everything out; it's just a slower process that I enjoy!
Yes, I hang out my clothes, it is one of my favorite homemaking chores. I LOVE slipping between line dried sheets at night, and I love the rough towels after a shower. I like haning out the first load early in the morning, checking my garden (my line is right in front of it), hearing the neighbors rooster, and another neighbors cow. In the evening, when I bring the lasy of it in, I like the stillness. I too love looking out my kitchen window and seeing it all blowing in the breeze.
Not a big fan of the bugs it occasionally lures.
Last year we hung our clothes outside on drying racks, but this year we plan on getting a clothes line. I'll have to look into the retractable kind.
I love the smell of clothes dried outside. When I was little I can remember sniffing the clothes as I took them down from the line. I'd tell my mom that they smelled like sunshine. I still love that smell and I want our children to have the memory of clothes hanging on a line and rustling in the breeze.
No, but I sure want to! I love that retractable line! How do you secure it to the tree, or to your house(when you run it back to it for a second line)?
Mrs. Sheila: It comes with a screw-in hook that I have screwed into the tree. You can sort of see it in the top photo. So, on the second one: I run the line to the same hook and then have a second hook on an edge of the window trim and hook the line onto that.
I too am in love with my clothesline. It has been used off and on to dry my boys bed linens however, last summer I decided to use it for all clothes. ( except a few unmentionables!) The fresh smell, the fact they are easier to fold and fewer wrinkles and that it is free are all big perks and boy, did I see a difference in our utilities bill!!! I feel for those who live in neighborhoods where the home owners associations will not allow clotheslines because they are not "aesthetically pleasing" to the eye. Hopefully that will begin to change as we all begin to be greener and more economical in our choices!!
Word of Caution...
Some subdivisions have covenants forbidding clothes lines...I guess they don't like the way they look. So be careful before you invest in one!
Strange, but true...
We have the umbrella/pole type of clothesline. I just love it for hanging the big things that don't fit in the dryer!
I would love to have a clothesline but we cannot have one because of our homeowners association. I have tried the retractable line over the tub but it is just not the same. Oh well!
Concord, NC
Hanging laundry is my favorite household chore. I can't wait until the weather gets warm enough each spring.
I have tried hanging clothes off and on. I have a small line up right now - but I only use it to dry things once in awhile - like something that can't go in the dryer. I did all my laundry there for awhile but the problem is the trees overhead, more accurately the birds in the trees. I'd hang some lovely white cotton sheets on the line and when I'd go to take them off when they were dry and find little "surprises" from the birds.
I'd love to still hang clothes but I must wait til someday the trees are gone or we move somewhere with a treeless area for hanging.
In the city they don't allow clotheslines...isn't that crazy. I miss the country.
I hang clothes quite often! My favorite... airing out blankets we've used all winter. I love that fresh smell as I pack them away until next year.
When we hear so much about saving energy, tightening our belts, etc. it amazes me that many neighborhood covenants will not allow clotheslines.
Fortunately, I live in an area where I can have one, and I love hanging laundry. I estimate I have saved hundreds of dollars over the years by doing so.
On a breezy day, if you smooth cottons with your hands, it eliminates ironing too!
Oh, my! I had no idea there were places that didn't allow clotheslines. Interesting. I first started hanging clothes out at a rental house. There was this great handmade clothesline. It was a "round" one that turns and it was super heavy duty (the kids could swing from it) and huge. I would love to find someone to replicate it for me. I currently don't have a clothesline (haven't for several years) but hope to get one very soon.
I don't have a clothesline, but I hang most of our shirts and pants on hangers to dry. My basement has steel beams from end to end which provide the perfect "lip" for hanging the hangers. I can hang 2 loads at a time. I miss the smell of sunshine on my clothes, but I am still saving energy costs and being gentle to my clothes.
I love the clothes line. I love the way the clothes smell when they have been lined dried. I especially love a rough towel to dry off with!! (a dryer can't do that!)
My mother hung our clothing out to dry when I was a girl. Hubby does not like to see clothing hanging on a cloths line. But I enjoy the freshness my self. Right now I do not have a cloths line, but in our next move I hope to have one.
I absolutely adore my clothesline. I love hanging laundry up, watching it dry and taking it down. Every part of line drying clothes makes me happy. A few years ago, David gave me line and clothespins for Christmas, with the promise of setting the posts and hanging the line that following spring. I was thrilled.
I don't know if I would have room in this shoebox of a yard we have now. At our rental the yard was huge, but it was surrounded by a road along the back and a highway out front and really, I didn't want someone seeing{and potentially} taking it. You are making me long for the country...Maybe one day...
I have two retractable lines like your first one. My hubby loves me to hang our wash outside. I like the retractable lines b/c they allow me to make a space useful for laundry then it can be transformed into an open area. I clip mine from fence line to fence line. I love your BIG trees! I like hanging and then gathering (folding as I take down). Enjoy your clothes line this spring season and the natural spring fresh smell. Smiles, Angelia in TX
I do use a clothesline sometimes. My husband has allergies, so I cannot do it in the spring or fall. I put a couple of loads out last week and uh-oh those naughty birds had good aim!
I grew up with a clothesline. I love the smell of line dried sheets! I don't have a clothesline, but we plan to put one in this year. (Soon I hope!)
I love hanging clothes out on the line. So pretty and it makes me feel so domestic. :)
I do use an outdoor clothes line especially for large items like blankets and sheets and airing comforters. I use a system that I found on Martha's site - under good things. I have to take the line in and out but that is fine for me.
I love hanging our clothes out. They have the best smell when I bring them in! I always look forward to the warmer months when I can save money by doing this!
We're anticipating a move here in a few weeks... and the place we're looking at has a first floor laundry room with quick access to outside and a real clothesline. Where we're at now - I have no lines outside because of the "too many trees/no sun" scenario and, currently, I have to go through a trap door to the basement to even do my laundry. Which really makes it a chore. Honestly, I'm nervous... I don't know what it's like to have the luxuary of a line and laundry room. But, believe me when I say, I'M READY!!! I have plenty of pins waiting to be used. :>)
:: Congrats to Heidi on winning the book on how to make a clothespin bag.
I love it, too--especially the fresh smell on the clothes when I bring them in.
I loved your post! I did a post last summer on making the most of your clothesline, and I love to see other people enjoying them, too.
Living in Australia which is the home of the invention of the "Hills Hoist"...one of the clotheslines which turns around, I grew up only with hanging out our clothes on the clothesline....I have very happy memories of playing amongst the sheets and towels....and I also grew up with Mum teaching me that if you hang your washing out properly, you can minimise the amount of ironing needed by an item...I have never used an electric dryer and don't intend to inthe future....mind you....I don't get snow where I live!!!
Our subdivision's covenants do not allow clotheslines, either, but I have found a solution that works great for us. I purchased the "Hangaway Collapsible Drying Racks" from qvc.com. The upfront price was a little steep, but I LOVE them! I keep these in the spare bedroom and use them for drying everything but sheets and towels. I leave the ceiling fan on and things dry VERY quickly. I have no doubt that the impact on our power bill over time will be significant (feels like I am always doing laundry with three kids).
I remember helping my mom hang clothes on the line when I was little. I loved hearing the clothes flap in the breeze. Unfortunately, my major grass and tree allergies prevent me from using a clothes line now (and like Edi commented, we have lots of BIRDS too!), but my neighbors sometimes use one, so I can listen to their laundry happily flapping!
Love the apron on the hook-works perfectly.
Thanks for answering my question.
I am encouraged to see so many lovlies that DO use clothes lines! I am all for saving pennies and then there is the possibility that a childhood memory could be recaptured by sight or smell... I have the old-fashioned "T" metal posts with 2 lines running between, painted red of course (because women are like rubies). :)
Blessings of a soft, sunshine warmed breeze.
I love the retractables !! I used to take them with me whenever I spent a day at the spillway back home , so I could hang my towel and dry clothes in the trees along the bank.
I love my clothesline and the fresh smell of the clothes and the way they are static free and hardly need ironing--I can't hang them this month because of the pine pollen. I don't like clothes pin aprons---I do have some. I prefer using a little box-basket that holds a ton and I have it right in my laundry basket---very easy.
I love hanging out laundry and the way it smells when it has been line-dried (especially sheets)! One of the advantages of living in an older neighborhood is that clotheslines are standard! I'm so glad to see that younger folks are continuing to enjoy this "chore." My clothespins are stored in a basket with a handle that I take out with me when I hang laundry. Love you, Mom
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