To say that our Birthday Boy enjoyed his celebration would be safe to say considering I am not sure how he could breathe he had so much cake in his nose!
I admit that I scaled back for his day - simply because we were gone so long and there was so much catching up to do when we got home. Good news, though, major progress is being made in our home and it feels oh-so-good!

I had long planned to make
this train cake - it was fun and not too hard. I thought it looked less like a train and more like a truck with extra cars or something - but I don't think Samuel was that particular!

A few blocks spelled out "one" and I really wanted to find multiple sets of different letters from puzzles, magnets and blocks and use them to decorate the table. However (ahem) I could not find another full set of any other letters to spell even such a short word. Perhaps toy cleaning should be next on my list?

Pre-cake Birthday Boy in his royal crown:

Starting to dig in:

Good and messy now:

Trying to grab mama's face with those gooey fingers!

Nearing the end of his patience with frosting in his eye; a bath soon followed:

Much better - all clean! Opening gifts on David's brother's lap:

Fun! A new toy!

Happy Birthday, Samuel!
It looks and sounds like he had such a wonderful birthday Monica!!! I love the train cake!!! (looks like Samuel liked it too!!!) :)
How sweet he looked! Great job on the cake! Fantastic!
Awe!! Monica the cake looks so cute and Samuel Looks even cuter. I am so glad he had a great 1st bday!!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
I love the cake you made, Monica.
Cute cake. I love the pictures of the birthday boy enjoying his cake!
He's beautiful, what a great cake and celebration.
Precious! The time certainly flies, doesn't it?
Well, I would agree that Samuel LOVED his cake by looking at the pictures. Cute cake!!! Fun!!!
So glad to see these photos of our darling birthday boy and his special day! Love to all, Mom/Grammie
You did a wonderful job on that train, and Samuel is absolutely precious!
The cake looks great! And what a cutie... in various pictures, he looks a little bit like each of your daughters. Cute!
You are such a blessing to your family and to me. I read you blog every morning. It is one of the few things that I allow myself to on the computer during the day. I have only been home since Dec 31, so this is all new to me. God brought me home to change things in me I believe. I have always been able to provide for myself and God is leading me to lean on Him for provision. I pray that you have a blessed day. Lona
Aw, what a sweet, sweet birthday boy. Looks like one was enjoyable for little Samuel. You captured it so well in the photos.
Great job on the cake. I am not that creatie with frosting.
Love your cake, Monica! It is too cute. Happy Birthday to Samuel!
Precious! Precious! Precious!
Cool cake!
I love kid's birthday parties!! We will be scaling back a bit for
Fisher's 1st birthday this year. Your little guy is adorable!!
Wow! Does he ever look like your sweet Emily in that last picture!
That cake looks great! (And yummy)
I love first birthdays. My oldest child ate her cake very carefully (not messy at all) my next two looked like they dove head first into the cake. Great memories. :)
Oooey-gooey fun! I love the shot where he is trying to grab your face! Sweet pictures of a sweet boy.
What a cutie! He sure looked like he enjoyed himself!
Dear Monica:
Thanks for sharing the birthday pics of our precious little Samuel. He is ADORABLE!
Great job on the train cake, too!
So clever!
Love, Grandma
He looks so much like Emily, I think! So cute! Greta job on the cake. You sure know how to make a party special.
I love the pic of Samuel in his crown!:-)
How fun, Monica! I love the train cake; good job!
We used to let our little children dig into their cake also. They had such fun. Thank you for your post. :)
Your beautiful little guy is just a week and a half younger than mine. What a gorgeous little boy!!! And happy birthday (last week).
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