Ever heard those words? I usually hear them after I've fixed dinner, served, eaten, cleaned up and moved on to something else!
But what about our hunger for God's Word?
Matthew 5:6,"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled."
This verse is a special one to me. I went to a Christian school from 8-12 grade and when we graduated, our principal picked out a verse for each of us and read it during the graduation ceremony. That moment wrote this verse on my heart and it has remained in a special place in my heart and mind since then.
This week, I watched Facing the Giants. This is my kind of movie - I love all three of the Sherwood Picture movies - they are quality and they really speak to a part of my heart. The one thing I've noticed in all three of their movies is the relationship they show with God. It is an all-out seeking of His face. Laying on the floor praying and worshiping and seeking Him. There is a depth to the need for God and the willingness to seek Him that beckons me every time I observe it.
And, it got me to thinking about this hunger and thirst for God. When we truly seek Him, it doesn't mean everything will go great or easy - but it does mean that we can be in the center of His will for us which is the best place to be.
Imagine God hearing us say we were still hungry for His Word and Him? Oh, Lord - that is where I want to be!
This also reminds me of a worship song I love by Passion:
Lord I want more of You
Living water rain down on me
Lord I need more of You
Living breath of life come fill me up
Lord I want more of You
Living water rain down on me
Lord I need more of You
Living breath of life come fill me up
We are hungry
We are hungry
We are hungry for the more of You
We are thirsty, oh Jesus
We are thirsty for the more of You
Lord I want more of you
Holy Spirit rain down on me
Lord I need more of you
Living breath of life come fill me up
More of You
We are hungry for the more of You
We are thirsty (thirsty)
We lift our holy hands up
We want to touch You
We lift our voices higher and higher and higher to You
We lift our holy hands up
We want to touch You
We lift our voices higher and higher and higher to You
We lift our holy hands up
We want to touch you (We are hungry for the more of You)
We lift our voices higher and higher and higher to you
We lift our holy hands up (More of You, more of You)
We want to touch you (More of You, more of You, more of You more of You, more of You, yeah)
We lift our voices higher and higher to You
We lift our holy hands up (We are hungry, We are thirsty
We want to touch you (We are hungry for the more of You)
We lift our voices higher and higher to You
*Flywheel* is one of my most favorite movies EVER!!! We saw it about 2 yrs. before facing the giants came out. I cry everytime i watch it as the hunger for God becomes very real,thirsting for a life that wants to live for HIM!! I truely am most peaceful when i am filling my heart with His word. Seeking HIM first. What a gracious and good FATHER we have. Yes i want more too.tammyp
I love what you shared!!! Thank you Monica! :) We should be hungering for God's word, for a relationship with him!
We have the movie facing the giants..but haven't put it in to watch yet. We are watching fireproof at our church on Saturday! I look forward to it! :)
Thanks for this reminder - how quick we are to hunger and thirst for everything other than God!
"When we truly seek Him, it doesn't mean everything will go great or easy - but it does mean that we can be in the center of His will for us which is the best place to be."
Yes! We are living this right now and it is the truth. I can honestly say that despite the stressful circumstances, it is such a blessing to just rest in Him. The sweetest intimacy can come out of the worst times.
I just watched Facing the Giants for the first time this week. We also watched Flywheel. What stuck out to me was he could not defend himself for his past mistakes...he made them right like Zacchias but that didn't earse them...God defended him when the time came. All three movies are a good reminder to hunger and thirst!
Great post, Monica! It seems like life just creeps in sometimes and I have remind myself what is really important! I LOVE THAT SONG BY THE WAY!
After reading "A Hunger for God" by John Piper I have been really convicted about this. I am using this Lenten season to concentrate on hungering after God through prayer and Bible reading.
Monica, Your posts always give me something to think on. Thank you!
God bless~cindy
Great post! We were given Flywheel for Christmas but haven't watched it yet. This makes me want to see it. I love the other two movies that Sherwood Pictures has done.
I LOVE Facing the Giants...what a super, super movie!! It's so refreshing, don't you think? We, my family at least, can totally relate to it on so many levels. It's so full of hope! My husband watches it when he needs motivation in his coaching. Although he teaches/ coaches in a public school and can't share the bible, and certain religious examples, he does take a lot away from that movie and "tweak" it into something he CAN use sharing the same message, and getting the same point across. (Isn't that sad, though... unable to bring up even God's name in a school setting. At least up here in the Northeast, many schools have even given up the pledge because of the refrence...I have so many friends that are afraid to talk about religion, etc, outside of church, afraid of offending someone!! Not me though...you don't want to hear it, then walk away!! What a world we live in!!)
OI love these movies too. My husband is a football coach and we really resonated with Facing the Giants. Building a team and leadership development is challenging.
I love all of these movies. I just watched Fireproof on Valentine Day. Love your blog, so happy to have found it.
wow I was just sharing this morning with a friend the hunger I am having now for God's word. To be overwhelmed in it.
so exciting to see others also desiring to know His word more and hunger for it.
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