I saw this cute idea in the most recent issue of Family Fun! Since Emily has been interested in Valentine's Day this year, I thought it would be fun for her to take some little treat to her ballet friends.
The little ladies scooped the Teddy Grahams into the bags and I tied them with ribbons and cut out the teddy bears. I just mixed one box of Chocolate and one box of Honey cookies in a bowl and let them scoop about 1/2 c. into each bag. Two boxes of cookies made fifteen bags of treats.
What is your favorite cute and inexpensive Valentine for littles?
I saw this idea in Family Fun, too. It's awfully cute!
When we were in school(elementary and up), my mom always made heart-shaped fudge for all of our classmates and teachers. It was a small private school, but still... there were three of us. :-)It became a tradition. Many of our friends looked forward to it every year.
Good Morning, Monica! Great idea with the bear Valentines! So cute!
The kids and I are going to be doing a little valentine that I think I saw in one of my old issues of Martha Stewart kids...you punch out 4 or 5 little hearts using a heart punch of some sort and stick a mini dum dum sucker through holes in the bottoms of the hearts (which you punch with a small hole punch) You then arrange the hearts around the dum dum forming a flower with petals...since these are for our homeschool group, I think I will put something like: "I love growing along side of you! " around the stem or something?
Have a great day! :)
One blog leads to another - and I just love yours. Find it inspiring in so many ways (spiritually, serving in the home...)
The little heart ice-cube trays (available here in Australia for about $1.00) can be used to make little chocolates, could be filled with plaster of paris and painted/glittered to make cute paper weights... Could also use glycerine which can be melted and poured in to make cute heart soaps...
As for us Aussies- it is so very hot and humid here I think ice-blocks themselves would serve a treat!
I love this idea! This year I made personalized Valentine zipper pouches, filled with candy hearts, for each girl in my daughter’s ballet class. All together I spent less than $5.
Very cute!
This year we have made Valentine cards out of scrap cardstock for the grandparents. I also plan to make heart shaped cookies to share. There will be a heart shaped note attached that says "I heart shape you!"
I like Valentine's Day because it can be fun without lots of expense.
That's a darling idea! I might have to use it too. Since V-day is on a Saturday, we'll have time to deliver them around to friends.
Those are absolutely beautiful! Love the idea :)
Cute idea! I love seeing all the great valentine ideas people come up with. I am working on a few for my family!
I saw that idea in Family Fun, too, and thought it was super cute! Since I have a 14 month old and a baby on the way, it's not very useful just yet...but I look forward to trying it someday!
Yours turned out very cute! I hope her ballet friends love them!
I love your blog, by the way. I found it through Money Saving Mom a few months ago, and just love your ideas & activities with your little ones.
That is so cute, Monica!! I love the idea you shared with us last year about the lollipops and paper flower petals. We will use that this year, at least for Lilly's ballet class-today!!
Love your new search engine!! Wanted to make apple muffins and it was so easy just to type it in.
Thank you!!!
I thought about doing this, too. It was my favorite Valentine idea from FamilyFun this issue.
I cut out hearts from white paper and let the girls use stamps, stickers, and markers to embellish them. My oldest (3) got to "write" the recipient's name on them (and I wrote them in "grown-up language" next to hers). It was fun to see how different and creative each valentine was.
A very cute idea! :)
I recall seeing that idea in Family Fun, but I think that I already recycled my issue. Was the bear template in the magazine or online?
Funny you should ask about the gifts for kids...I was asked to make the "goody" bags for my daughter's class Valentine's day party. Honestly, I think all of those plastic toys are a waste of money and resources. So I am frantically trying to come up with some practical, frugal alternatives to the usual erasers, spinning tops, etc. that go to the trash can so quickly.
That is so cute! Ethan and I need to work on his this week! I am going to do printable ones and have him color them. I am all about anything that is cheap or free. Thanks for the Valentine's Day idea!
Those are adorable! I get lots of ideas from Family Fun too.
This one is good for a boy and I made it for my son's class last year. Cut out hearts from green or blue cardstick. Write or print out on the computer "Valentine, You're Dino-mite!" on each one. Stick a dinosaur sticker on each and make heart shaped footprints behind each dino sticker. I whittled a pencil eraser into a heart shape, but tiny heart stickers work too. Tie the cards to treat bags with candy, crackers or dino shaped fruit snacks. You can search the familyfungo.com site to see a picture of it.
We are studying Bears this week in our tot school, so this is a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
We did the same thing last year with the exception of using gummy bears instead of the teddy grahams! Bear-y fun. :)
That is a great idea. I think I am going to try and make these for our playdate on Thursday. How sweet!! and not too sugary like a candy treat either. :)
I love your bears! This is what we did this year. On my computer, I made customized "wrappers" and printed them out on light blue paper (my son is giving them away to his classmates). They say "Happy Valentine's Day" and I surrounded that in a border of red hearts. My son then cut them to fit around a granola bar and taped them on the back. They get so much candy I thought a slightly healthier granola bar would be a nice treat.
What a great idea...I'll have to do this with the children's group at church for sure!
Deanna :d
I saw the same article! My son just received this same gift from one of his little friends at playclass this morning! Very cute!
I saw this idea in the Family Fun magazine while waiting for a doctor's appt a couple weeks ago. We made them for a Valentine's party, and used gummy bears mixed with Teddy Grahams. So fun!!
I saw these in Family Fun too. Yours are even cuter than the ones in the magazine! I love the bears cut out of cutie paper! Great job!
I loved this idea when I found it in the Family Fun magazine. I'm using Cinnamon and Chocolate Teddy Grahams with a couple of seasonal M&Ms for my son's MDO class. I was pondering how I would have my little Jacob help me. Thanks for the tip on mixing everything in a bowl first and having him scoop it out. I love your blog!
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