After Emily had a run in with a tree branch and we were all chilled, we headed back inside. But, we weren't quite done with our snow play! We filled the saucer with snow and brought it inside to the dining room table where the littles played for almost an hour!! (That's extremely long for any of my children to stick with anything!)

We dug with spoons, scooped with cups, tasted, made mini snowmen and a snowfort! It was great fun - and, yes, I did have as much fun or more than the little ones did!!
That is such a great idea. I live in the deep south and don't get that kind of snow. So, if we ever travel to a snowy place, I will have to remember this.
Bring the snow inside is something I like to do too! It is the best of both worlds... we stay nice and toasty and still have some snow fun!
How fun, I love how you brought in the snow. It gets so cold here and my children always want to be out in the snow to play. But can at times only stand to be out for maybe 15 min. What a great idea so they can play for a little longer with the snow.
That is so cute and Rachel and her snow person favor!!
My daughter looked at your blog with me this morning and got a kick out of your kids playing with snow in the house! We did that when we lived in CT several years ago... our kids were 3 and 1, and couldn't be out in the freezing cold for very long, so we brought the snow in to them! They made good use out of spray bottles with a bit of colored water in them.
We don't have much snow left right now, but maybe next time it snows, I'll bring some in. That would be a much warmer way for ME to play in the snow with them as well. :)
It seems that you had everything you needed at the cabin, including band aids, for your family. I can't imagine packing for a trip AND Christmas.
Our family is going to share a cabin with extended family this summer. Perhaps that would be a helpful post for you to publish--how to prepare and pack for a long trip with your family. It is especially complicated when you plan to cook during your stay.
Thanks for sharing!
I think this might be the first time I've commented on your blog but have been an avid reader for several months now! :)
I really enjoy reading and seeing all of the great things you do with your family. You have awesome ideas!
Thanks so much for sharing them with all of us!
Aww,poor Emily! She's growing so fast! I almost couldn't believe how big she was in yesterday's snow angel pic.
Funny,on my only visit to Colorado (and my first and last time skiing) I had an unfortunate run-in with a tree! I feel her pain.
I love the picture of the cup of hot cocoa next to a pile of indoor snow. How fun!
I love this idea! We live were it snows, but it gets so cold to stay out and play in it. What a wonderful idea to scoop some up and bring it in to play with! I love your pictures! Your children are adorable.
What a fantastic idea! We really should do this ourselves. The boys would have ball and I'd be happy with them inside without a negative windchill! fun! What a great idea! ;)
What a great idea!!!!! I've never heard of anyone doing that before! Jane is in for a treat the next time it snows!!!
A year ago, I brought piles of snow in the house and stuck it in our big bathtub. That worked out well because the kids could play, and when it melted, it just went down the drain! We live in WI, and the temps were WAY too cold last year.
I love all of your snow pictures. What a great idea to bring the snow inside! We were in eastern CO for Christmas and there was no snow on the ground. We were disappointed. The last two years there has been lots of snow and we had a great time sledding. Not this year. It was just cooooold!
Fun times! Love these photos -- love, Mom
This is totally a great idea. I had one of those "Duh! Why did I never think of that?" moments while reading your entry. I agree with those who say they want to let their kids play more in the snow, but they can only stand about 15 minutes before they're too cold. (Mine are 3 and 1.) Now I'm hoping it snows more soon so we can bring some inside on their new saucer sled! Thanks for the inspiration.
I love the little snowmen. What a wonderful idea Monica. You are just full of fun and how wonderful for the children to to be able to play with snow inside the house.
Deanna :)
That is abosulutely precious. If we ever get some snow (to stay even) I will have to do that for my boys! :D
Oh! How fun!! I have never thought of bringing the snow in!!! I'll remember this for our occasional snow fall. :)
You are ONE cool mom!!! The joy of snow play without the pain that usually goes along with it! =)
That is such a fun little idea- I would have never thought of that. We might have to try that here :)
that is a wondeful idea! if it snows here again I will definintly do this with my kids!
Thanks so much - I'm in Texas day 2 of snow and it's sooo cold for us. We can't go out again so I love this idea!
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