After I posted
this idea, several of you asked for pictures. Here is the cake I made for celebrating Jesus' Birthday! It was fun to hear from a couple of you who also made this cake!

Thanks for your patience as I catch up in posting all of our Christmas fun! Next week I'll be moving on to other things and for the first time in a very loooong time, I am wondering where to start up again. What do you love about visiting here? Is there anything you'd like to see me post on?
I enjoy everything about your site. I especially love the things you do to make things special. How you celebrate life everyday. Your craft ideas. Your entertaining ideas. Your ways that you let God's light shine through you.
Keep you the good work.
Yum! The cake looks fantastic!
Honestly...Monica, i love all your posts! :) Your ideas, thoughts etc...they are great! I also like to hear about your daily going-ons! :)
Hi Monica - Some ideas on where to start...I always love your recipes, decorating ideas, goodwill finds, they are always good inspiration. Maybe a series on being the best wife you can be and suppporting your husband well?
I've really enjoyed your homeschooling updates! The simple approach that you've taken to teaching the ladies has really inspired me to relax and enjoy my pre-preschooler :)
Also, the Make Your Home A Haven week you did was very helpful to me. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts along this line.
Thanks for blogging! I enjoy your ideas!
I enjoy your crafty blogs. I don't get to thrift stores much at all, I only go with a specific purpose when one of the kids needs something, but I do enjoy your craft ideas (my friend and I made your names of Jesus garland for our mothers and ourselves before Christmas!) and your family fun nights were great! Just curious how you do it all, though. I know you even started "homeschool" this year but even with a schedule, I still can't seem to work into it time for crafting and planning creative things that I would like to do for my family. (I have 5 children - 9,7,5,3,1 and I try to get up at 5am everyday! Any suggestions! Thanks so much and I enjoy whatever topics you blog about.
I think the cake idea is wonderful! this year Megan keep associating Jesus Birthday with birthday cake.
I love hearing about your family and daily life. I also enjoy your crafts, homekeeping ideas and when you show what you find thrifting or bargain shopping. I have been a reader for a long time and you are the one who inpired my to start doing the Walgreen's rebate program. Remember when you use to have Thrifty Thursday?
I love the every day things that you share. How you take a book and creat an activity out of it for your girls. Or the way you involve your girls in giving to your neighbors. Also love the crafts and kitchen ideas you share.
But most of all the spiritual insights that you give. I could use one of those weeks when you give scripture and explain your thoughts on it. I am believe in God, but do not attend church right now. But am really pondering the effects of not attending a church with my children. Praying as to what to do for my family. Would love your thoughts on this.
I would love to see your daily schedule for the kids and how you work in Before Five in a Row with them. I enjoy everything you post!:)
Monica -
How about organizing on the cheap? Or organizing for small spaces? Creative organization?
Guess you can tell what's been on my mind!
I'd love to see you post on cleaning and organizing! I am in serious need of some motivation :-)
Hmmm...I love it all.
I particularly like the crafts you create out of basic supplies you already have on hand.
And, I have used several of your ideas for themed dinners and entertaining.
How about a post on how you find "skeletons" for your Rusty Robin projects and where your ideas for embellishing them come from.
I think your readers will all agree...your posts are all interesting.
Hi Monica!
Have been enjoying your holiday pics you are sharing.
You asked what we enjoyed about coming to your blog. Well, I love the fact that you share in different ways how to be a woman of God to your family, friends and community. You are very inspiring. I like the crafts, homeschooling ideas (although I don't homeschool any longer. My children are odler now) and even the days you share that aren't so good. Keeping it real for us all. I have found it to be a pleasure and an encouragement when I come visit your blog.
I've enjoyed your holiday pictures; what a beautiful family celebration!
As the mother of a toddler, I struggle with finding affordable clothes for my son. Could you post on how you economize for items for your children? Clothes, shoes, babycare, etc?
Kim from Philadelphia
Neat cake idea!!
I love all your posts, Monica, but particularly enjoy the crafty/seasonal posts.
Dear Monica,
I love you and your blog-such encouragment i recieve in MANY areas!!! I especially loved your *Clean Heart* series. So important in all we do to keep a right focus and perspective. Thank you for all the hard work and time you put into posting and encouraging us with our walk with the Lord and our families and ministering to others. You are a blessing to me. tammyp
Mmmmmmmmm. That cake looks really yummy! What a wonderful way to celebrate our Savior!
I enjoy all of your posts and everything you bring attention to on your blog! I'd love to see some more kitchen/cooking/recipe posts, how you connect with God in your every day life, and more Mitford moments!
God Bless,
Kim in South Carolina
What a neat idea, I have never seen this before. We have been looking for a way to celebrate the birth of Jesus in September for his real birth-day and this is just the thing - thanks!
Your site is so uplifting. I especially enjoy the posts about making your home enjoyable for your littles and hubby. Also, you are so crafty that I always love to see what you are up to next. Thanks so much for sharing all your thoughts and ideas!
I just love your homeschooling posts!
I love all your posts and read them regularly. As the mommy of a 17 month old girl, I have loved reading the activities and homeschooling plans you have done with your children. I have just started planning learning activities with my daughter this week since she is 17 mo and I am excited. Thanks for encouraging....now if I could only bottle up some of your energy!
The cake looks beautiful!! It is so festive with all the colors in it.
I love everything you do, I know that probably doesn't help at all, but I do :)
Hi Monica,
I just thought, I haven't check Monica's blog in a few days, I wonder what she's up to. I enjoy coming here to see cute projects you are doing, whether crafts or special things with your littles. You are the example of a mom who knows how to fit in the important things. I like seeing that there is a real, live mom out there who is doing all you are doing. It gives me inspiration. Thanks, and looking forward to reading more in 2009!
Hi Monica!
I personally enjoy when you share tidbits from your daily life. Effective time management is a biggie for me and I always love seeing things you do that incorporate all of your children. I especially adore pictures of your kiddos!
I stumbled upon your blog when you were doing the Make Your Home Your Haven week and really enjoy it! But I love reading about your homeschooling, crafty ideas, really all of it.
I have just recently found your blog and haven't had the time to go back and read from the beginning (I will one day). One of my goals this year was to not spend as much time on the computer and I AM TRYING TO DO THAT! I love everything that I have read...but what made me mark you as a favorite was just seeing how you put God first in everything. I love this cake idea....I'm saving it for next year to do with my grandchildren.
Monica~ I rely on your blog for inspiration to make the every day special for my family. I love your family fun nights and your crafts. Aw, I just love it all. How about some Valentine's or Winter ideas?
I really enjoy reading your blog. I especially love the homeschooling posts you do. I'd love to hear more about what you do for homeschooling with your children.
I love to see all your creative ideas on everyday items and of course your family fun pics. Having two kids it is inspiring to see how much you can do when you make a plan!!
:-) Maria
I have so enjoyed reading all your holiday posts. It was nice to come here this week and still experience some holiday spirit:o) It made Christmas last just a little bit longer.
I so enjoy reading your blog. I especially enjoy your homeschooling posts...sucn an inspiration! But I can't say there is anything I don't like. Just keep on writing and I'll be here reading!
Hi Monica,
I enjoy all of your posts, but really like your craft and homemaking ideas. I enjoy your thrifting ideas and thanks so much for the Walgreen's tips. Your recipes and entertaining ideas have been useful too, your potato soup recipe is great for a crowd. You have been inspirational in helping me create a more welcoming joyful home. Thank you for sharing.
Happy New Year. It looks like you had a great time celebrating CHristmas with your family. How special. I always enjoy reading your posts, but my favorites are the family nights you plan and the other activities you do with your kids. You seem to be very intentional about the activities and time you spend with family. I love that about you!
YUMMO!! That looks delicious! I'v nominated you for a bloggy award, though I'm sure you get many so don't feel you need to pass it on.....I just wanted you to know that you inspire me, and it looks like a lot of others too!
Reminds me of Spumoni ice cream!
What do we like about visiting here?
You're such an inspiration to all of us!
Hi Monica! This cake is neat! We sing Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas Eve and Christmas...and each week leading up to it with advent candles. We haven't made a cake yet!
I would love to hear more of your creative ideas: crafts, gifts, decorating, making others feel loved & hospitality, hostess gifts-all that creative goodness you are gifted with!
Happy New Year! Angela :)
I echo Angela at the very top. I love how you make everday things special. That is your signature! I remember when I posted long ago about prayer buckets and you came up with an even cuter idea of using jars and hanging tags on the jar. That's the stuff I love.
I would love to see you share more about how you cultivate your gentle and quiet spirit and how you serve your husband. I know you do, he's about the most fortunate man alive! Just my thoughts.
Love ya!
I enjoy the things you do w/& for your family. It always inspires me to do more w/mine. I also like your crafts & decorations. Like last years valentines posts. I still have signs I wanna make for my house from your sign post sometime in the second half of 08. I still haven't found good enough prices.
Dito what Joy said. I have had that same thought.. Wanting to know more about how you honor and put hubby first and then the cultivation of the gentle and quiet spirit that is certainly beautifully evident in you. I look forward to this new year full of blogging and sharing from you. I know it will bless me and many. Smiles, Angie in TX
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