Last week while Emily was at ballet - I took the other two and ran to the Salvation Army thrift store. We had fifteen minutes tops to just breeze through quickly! When I opened the door, I spied something that (gasp) oh, could it be?
First, the background. About two months ago - I was feeling inspired to create some sort of reading area for my littles in an unused space of the living room.
What I really wanted was the little Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair (or chairs) to put there, some sort of lighting and some sort of book storage. So, I priced the chairs (around $100). Nope - that was not going to work.
A friend mentioned getting them off of ebay - checked that - ($60-$75) still out of my budget. I thought about making a cover and buying the inserts. I thought about making the insert and buying the cover. I thought about trying to make the whole chair.
My mom and I saw a neat old school desk (bench type) and I thought about that. I thought about bean bags, I thought about pillows on the floor or small wooden rocking chairs or completely giving up!
All the while, I knew what would be just perfect is some small scale actual furniture that was made for little people! I scoured the internet for something affordable. Nada.
I could not come up with any solution that would cost any less than $60+ that was what I liked. Until last Tuesday!
Are you seeing where this is going? Yes, when I walked in that thrift store - there was a Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere chair in the color I wanted - red! It was $5. Yes, it went home with us!
It was quite dirty - in fact I was wondering if it was stained. But, as David said - even the foam was worth the $5, so I decided to take a risk. It also had a name embroidered on it: "Gaven" and someone had tried to remove part of it and done a very poor job.
I tossed the cover in the wash after using a little Spray and Wash - it came out perfect! Looks brand new! I took all the foam outside and sprayed with disinfectant. Then, I sewed a small piece of blue fabric over the name and it was done before I went to bed that night!
Lord, I know that sometimes others wonder why I say my ideas come from You. I am convinced this is true and this is one example of why - You not only provide the idea, but then provide the way for it to come about!
It reminds me of Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." It has long been my belief that when we are focusing on Him, the desires of our hearts are FROM Him and His desires for us. So, He delights in fulfilling His will in our lives! I am not delighting in finding the perfect reading chair for my children no matter what the cost. I am delighting in Him, He gave me the idea for the reading area and then He provided fulfillment of this desire.
Psalm 78:4,
"...we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done."
Do you have a story to share of God's provision? Let's praise Him together for His generous provision for us!
Oh my goodness! There are so many! I will be back to night with it whittled down to one (I hope.)
God has provided so many times it's hard to keep track, which is why I like to chronicle these things on my blog-so we don't forget what God has done for us!
One story that I haven't shared yet on my blog happened last winter. This was not a need but a want.
I have a nice nativity set that I purchased years ago at the Pottery in Commerce, GA for $1.50. I've used this for a long time. In recent years, I decided that I really wanted a stable to go with it as the $1.50 set only included the figures. Last fall(2007), I saved some money to purchase a stable. I started looking around in October. Hobby Lobby had one but I really didn't like it-some parts were flimsy. Michael's right out and told me they didn't"carry that sort of thing." Well, honestly,after a bit, I kind of forgot that I was looking for a stable and had come to terms with my holy family being homeless another year.
The day that I was going to set up my nativity, we stopped at a yard sale(in December, mind you!) on a whim. As soon as I got out of the car, I spotted a table of the usual tacky Christmas decorations but something wooden and rustic was sitting in the middle. My husband says that he's never seen anyone move more quickly than I at the prospect of a bargain and I practically flew over there!
Sure enough, it was a stable and exactly the style that I was looking for. They had $2 on it, which it was definitely worth, but after counting my nickles and dimes, I found that I only had $1.50. I asked if they would take $1.50 instead and after a bit of hesitation, they were glad to.
We got in the car and drove home, me holding my precious stable. My husband asked as he always does after we've seen God provide, "You prayed, didn't you?" Which I had, but only at the beginning of my search as I asked God to direct me to the right place to find what I was looking for and then I forgot all about it.
God did not forget, however. As I put up my nativity set this year, I was reminded of how I came to have the stable, and how if God desired to gift me with a house for a set of ceramic people, how much more He desires to care for us as His children!
The other day, spur of the moment, I decided to walk into the Payless Shoe Store. They were having a but 1 get 1 free sale. I saw a pair of shoes for my son for $38 marked down to $3, and a pair for my other son that were $28 marked down to $3. I got both pairs for $4.50!
I so appritiate you sharing this story. God is so faithful, even in the small stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! The chair looks great!! God provided my husband with a job and our family with a wonderful home w/a bit of acerage in what we think is an amazing way. His previous job i just found out is closing. The home God provided through another precious child of His that appraised for 80,000 more than they asked of us!!!!!!!!!! We could never have had this without HIM and His children whom were led by Him and obeyed :-)!!!!
Probably my biggest though (God's provision) are my children and husband. Before i knew Jesus, my hubby and i were young and very selfish, we were on our way to distruction of our marriage and we had 1 baby. GOD in HIS MERCY and GRACE found us and saved us and started ministering to our hearts right away--THANK YOU PRECIOUS LORD!! My children were all premies. The doc's having to take them earlier and earlier with me sicker and sicker each time. H.E.L.L.P. syndrom-NASTY illness. By the GRACE OF GOD we all lived and are here together!!!!! I have four sweet children ,when i was told to NOT have anymore after #2!!! Sweet provision from the Lord. Small ways HE provides are inumberable!!! My youngest has had the best handmedowns ever, my middle 2 have been given fabulous handmedowns for a long while now. Me to for that matter!!! I really could go ON and ON for a LONG TIME--HE IS so faithful. Thanks Monica for helping me to remember that this morning!!!!!!!!!tammyp Oh my goodness, let me tell you one more. My oldest a film and cinema major, is having to sit this next semester out because of $$, we got a phone call before THANKSgiving and were told that someone wanted to sponser him at the Independent Christian Filmmakers Academy in San Antonio TX!!!!!!!! He had wanted SO bad to attend but we simply could not w/o debt--GOD in HIS sweet MERCY provided!!!!!!!! I;ll stop now :-).
I just love reading your blog. It is so positive and family-focused. It always reminds me of when my girls were the same age as yours. I wish I could turn back the clock. They are now 10 and 8 and I miss those years so much! And while I don't hold the same religious beliefs as you, I appreciate your strong faith and gentle, positive message. Thanks for such an uplifting blog!
I do love those reminders of His provision!
It's fun to see the pic after hearing the story!
I've told you several of our provision stories lately--He does provide in creative and generous ways!
The best part of your post wasn't the cool chair or the price you paid for it or the solution you had for it. It's the fact you had brought God along for the journey throughout. He is not there only for Sundays or when we really need Him. He wants to be a part of everything in our lives and that is why I smiled when I read your post :)
What an awesome story and perspective! Thanks for the reminder that God cares even about these "little" things that matter to us. :)
Do I have a story of his provision? I could write a book!! The big things, the little things, he knows and cares about them all! Thanks for sharing Monica, cute chair!
Monica, I am sitting here, with tears in my eyes, God is such an awesome God. He always provides us with our needs and our wants!
Monica, what a wonderful blessing! He knows when the time is right to find your treasures. And it was made even more special by your hands being able to clean and rework it for your children. What an awesome God we have.
Have a wonderful day,
Deanna :)
WOW!!! God's provision is great.
What a great find, Monica. I am always amazed at how he can do that. The chair looks absolutely perfect and good as new!
PTL! This story brings back memories of "yard saleing" with my Mom on Saturday mornings as a kid. We would always pray before we left the driveway...asking God to help us find the best deals for the specific things that we needed or wanted. In all honesty, I don't recall ever NOT coming across what we prayed for...maybe we didn't find it that same day, but surely enough weeks later it would surface. What a great reminder of the fact that God cares about even the little things that bring His children joy. Blessings, Dawn
That is so awesome! We have that chair too and I love it. My older son loved it and my younger son. We also get those squabbles over whose turn it is to use it.
FYI..when propped against the wall with a blanket over it, it also makes a great fort. :)
Your story reminds me of our adoption journey with Livia. God's grace was present with us through all the ups and downs of the four weeks we waited to see if this teeny baby was ours. It was an emotionally brutal four weeks! But not only did God grant us this beautiful girl to be our daughter, he also gave us "small" joys along the way, items I had wanted but knew I didn't need. Through the birth family we ended up with a brand new mattress (I really wanted that) and an entire Graco traveling system (so simple to operate). Each time I was told of the items coming along with our little girl, I wanted to cry for the joy of small graces. God is good. In times where I wonder what he's doing with our family (as in, why no more children yet?) I remind myself that He gives amazing gifts, both big one and small ones, in His perfect timing.
Funny....I've been searching for the EXACT same thing for my little one! I finally gave up last night and bought a pattern and fabric. Hopefully it will turn out!
Awesome find....great story!
God has provided for us in similar ways many times. I find it amazing that He loves us so much that He cares down to the tiniest details (so we KNOW it's from HIM!) to sometimes provide things that are not necessarily needs...just nice to have. He is so good!
that is so wonderful how the Lord provided. i love stories like that. it is so cute to see your 2 girls squished into the chair together.
A favorite "Godwill" story was when we lived in Philly & I really needed a desk to organize to our life in our small townhouse. I'd shopped around for weeks like you did, but found nothing.
One Saturday morning I woke up & said, "Lord, I don't have any more time or money but really need a desk. Could you please just bring me one?"
Several hours later my friend called to say that an office building down the street had furniture outside with a sign, "FREE!" An hour later I had a sturdy large, wooden desk in my house! A little sanding & some paint made it brand new!
God is so cool!
Thanks for sharing your story!
All I can say is, that's some thrift store you've got there...can I have the address? just kidding I live in the West...but goodness, you're so right about the small things He gives us! =0)
Those chairs are so nice! WOW! What a find! Praise the Lord!:)
The most recent thing was that I am not fitting correctly into my winter coat! :P Baby belly is too big for me to zip it up! HEEHEE! Well, being that the weather here is -2, I had been just layering on sweatshirts and my down vest...yesterday, I went with my dad and sister to the mall and my dad goes to the maternity store and buys me a coat! :) SO NICE! And it is one I can use no matter if I am pregnant not! WOW! PTL! :)
Thanks for sharing, Monica! God IS JUST SO GOOD!
Tears are streaming down my face this very moment. Thank you so much for sharing this. My soul really needed to hear this today.
Love your story Monica!
I messed up our checking accounts and didn't catch it until after I received the lovely notice that said I was overdrawn. I was fretting about the fee and how could I have made such a mistake. On our way into the mall I found $20 in a parking lot. We took it into the bank and told them that we had found it in the parking lot. At first they thought it was couterfit. We were told that we might be getting a call from the FBI about it. The call came today, but not from the FBI, from the bank saying that the $20 was good and that it was going to be deposited into our account. I told Chuck that God knew we could really use that $20 and provided from us. God is good!
I agree that was totally a GOD THING! I love Goodwill and I pray before I go in that God will lead me to what he would have me to get. I was looking for Christmas deals and I was so excited to find my two oldest a brand new parafin spa and my two littles a brand new clue jr. game. I believe there are no coincedences :o)
That is so nice and the girls look so cute in it! My dh and I want a recliner built for 2, I think they are called cuddlers or something like that. Your chair reminds me of that.
Yes, I do believe God puts things in the right place for us sometimes.
I love when this kind of thing happens to me and I love that it happened to you. Just like we as parents love to give our kids treats and surprises, I think our perfect heavenly Father loves to do that too.
Monica, what an awesome story! I'll be sharing this with our children tonight. God is so good.
Thank you for your inspiration with the Jesus garland. Your idea inspired us to create our very own Jesus tree.
Wishing you the true joy of Christma,
God surely does provide! Thanks for the perfect reminder!! :-)
God is in the big and small details and everything in between. I have been wanting to visit a new coffee shop in my town, but reluctant to take time for myself during this busy season. I also thought I should ask along a friend who REALLY needs a treat. On my walk home from the bus stop today, I spotted a coupon for B1G1 coupon for this coffee house! Oh, how He provides for us each and every day!
There have been so many times that God has provided for our family in a miraculous way.
One of those was 4 years ago when my husband suddenly lost his job of 17 years. We had just relocated to a new state 1,000 miles away from family and friends ~ and had purchased our first home which now had to be sold.
We called several real estates who told us that the market was flooded with new homes, and to sell our home we would need to take a large loss. But I decided to call another agent. The news was the same, but the agent said, "Your home would have to be something really special to sell in this market." So I told her about the things I thought made our home special. When I was finished she said ... "that sounds like the home my "difficult" clients have been looking for. I've shown them 30 home and nothing meets their criteria." 10 minutes later she called me back to see if she could bring her clients by that very hour. We prayed. Within 2 hours, our home was sold for $20,000 than we had planned to ask for!
The extra money covered our moving expenses and all that we needed to relocate again and find a new job.
Still today when retelling the story, I am filled with awe at how the Lord provided even when everyone said there was no way!
Thank you, Lord, for care once again!
Awesome testimony of God's provision! I think it's so great to just sit back and let God take care of things.
I have 2 small chairs for my 2 girls and they love sitting in them to read.
I could go on and on, but will limit mine to one.
When I was diagnosed with colon cancer in July 2007, my year-round school was about to start. In spite of having part of my colon removed and a coloscopy, I missed only 20 days of school and was back in four weeks. This is counting being in the hospital for 10 days in the beginning. When chemo started, I only missed the days I had to go to chemo itself. The drugs these days are so good that prevent nausea. Other than being tired, I was fine.
When I say I continued working, that means teaching and being co-director of the after school program two days a week. There were many days when I was going from 6am until walking in the door after 5pm.
God provided financially and strength-wise. I have pretty good insurance, and was able to make a payment plan with the cancer center for what was not covered. I will have that paid off in February.
Your post was a nice reminder for me. My husband and I are going through a difficult time right now - my husband is looking for a new job and during this time I am the only breadwinner for our home. We have not been blessed with children yet so it is just us. Well with the economy the way it is and my husband searching for another job, money has been tight and this morning we awoke to find we had no hot water. Our tankless hot water heater decided to "freeze" last night and we are trying to get someone to come look at it. It just seems this year has been one thing after another and I am trying to not stress out and worry and be faithful in God but I am struggling right now. Reading your story and hearing how you were blessed reminded me to not give up just yet. This must be our test of faith and we have to be true and faithful to what God has in store for us. Thank you again for your post today and hoping your family has a very blessed holiday!
What a wonderful blessing. I'm am thankful for your uplifting blog. I read your blog every day because I know it will be uplifting and that you remember Heavenly Father and recognize his hand in all things. Thank you
Sweet Goodness!
Love the Thrift store.
Every time I'm in a tough spot whether the kids are giving me a rough time, we have financial needs or there's something I desire for the family I hit my knees and He provides. God has not let me down. And then I remember to thank Him and sing His praises. Thanks so much for sharing this. God be praised!
Oh, and I'm currently praying for an affordable, good conditioned sit and stand stroller, if you would join me? I've tried the resale shops, Craigslist and the shipping on Ebay is outrageous (and the auctions usually go too high)!
That is so awesome Monica! Isn't it great when we wait on the Lord! As I was reading the post, I kept thinking of Psalm 37, since I'm in the middle of memorizing that chapter....then lo and behold, you included verse 4 in the post! The chapter also goes on in verse 7 to say "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him". Your faithfulness in waiting on Him paid off! I LOVE the chair...and they look SO cute in it!
Amazing! That chair was made for your girls. :) Thanks for sharing this wonderful story!
I do have one to share. Last summer my husband had to take a class in Seattle for 8 weeks. I stayed home in California with my 4 little ones. One Saturday afternoon I was really sad and missing him. I checked online for cheap plane tickets but found none.
At the time, I was planning a baby shower for a friend of mine. I had been in contact with her mother-in-law about a few of the shower details. She called me that afternoon to check on things. When she found out that my husband was in Seattle, she mentioned that they were sending a small plane up in the morning for business and offered for me to ride along.
I was on that plane by 7 a.m. the next morning--free of charge! I was with my husband less than 24 hours after I had asked God to provide a way for me to go visit him!
Oh, this thrills my heart!
I'll just tell you a few stories from last week.
We received an unexpected call from a friend of a friend of a friend who had some tickets to see Frog and Toad on stage. Would we like to go? Do you have 10 tickets? Yes! We had a delightful time seeing the musical as a whole family, laughing and being delighted that God wanted us there.
I put down the phone and within five minutes it rang again with a call from my work (I'm a nurse). I've been cut back majorly on my hours which has destroyed our budget. They wanted to know if I could come in on Saturday- I pick the hours!
And finally, my oldest daughter had been desiring a pair of boots. Everything was way out her reach with the money she's saved. We stopped in Goodwill and in the back on a cart were the exact boots she wanted, right size, right color- BRAND NEW. She payed $4.00.
God is so very good. It truly makes waiting a time of anticipation.
This is such a great story and a wonderful find. Provision! Awesome.
What a wonderful blessing for your family! My MIL frequents her local Goodwill & another thrift store that are within 5 minutes from her home - and she ALWAYS is able to find just what I need. I just give my list to her!
ok I am usually a lurker- reading all you write and rarely posting but I had to post on this one-because HE do it again for us.
We are a homeschooling, one income family, and just because it is Christmas time- it does not change our budget. Normally I get a set amount each week for food,gas etc, and if I have money left over it is mine,which I did. So I decide- that is what I was going to use to buy Christmas for our children. I went into the mall(I know you are thinking big mistake) No I went into the mall into a store called Steve N Barry's that happen to be going out of business- I spent $43.00 and came out with-
3 pairs of pants for my eldest son
a sweater and a belt
2 pairs of pants for son #4 and a shirt and a sweater
1 shirt and a pair of pants for son #2
a pair of pants for hubby
When the woman told me the total- I stood there in awe. When I left the store - I raised my hands right there in the middle of the mall- praising Jesus!!
There is my Praise Story!
I love that you said that God gives us the desires and then he brings it to pass... he is SO GOOD! Thank you for sharing.
I loved reading about this special answer to prayer! God is so faithful and surprises me when I sometimes least expect it. ;)
I love to hear stories like this!!! I love to see God at work... He cares about EVERY detail in our lives!!!!!!!!!! Thank You, Jesus!!!
Ain't God good ---All the time! Congrats on your wonderful and thrifty find!
Oh Monica,
What a wonderful story! Yes he DOES provide in the smallest, which are actually the greatest, ways. And, he cares enough to give the very best just like the red chair! Isn't it wonderful! I know Heavenly Father blesses us. I know that He lives and that his Son, Jesus Christ died for us and rose again.
I have been provided for so many times that my cup runneth over. How awesome to have so many beautiful women that love the Lord and strive to live for Him. Thank you for sharing YOUR blessings this day. In Jesus holy name I live my testimony of Him. Amen.
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