I guess in most respects, you would be right! It is just an ordinary afghan that I made several years ago! But, what is so special is that it has been cold enough to actually get to USE it!!
I'm pretty sure this may be the first Thanksgiving we did not have to run our air conditioning, but instead were able to have the heat on, enjoy a fire and feel so cozy. For those of you who are always enduring cold weather, I know it can get old - but for someone who enjoys the cozy feeling of it being cold inside and warm inside - this is such a welcome treat!
Thank You, Lord, for the cozy Fall You provided us. I've enjoyed sipping hot chocolate, snuggling under blankets, the beautiful leaves and a cozy home.
It has been wonderful to have cooler winter weather in the South. I share your joy!
I am glad you are enjoying it! We are FREEZING here in PA! LOL (I can't even tell you how many times I have almost slipped on ice outside...LOL) But I do understand how you feel! I love being Cozy this time of year as well!!! :) Have a great Tuesday!!! (My baby, Jaxson, turns 3 today!!!)
I've enjoyed snuggling under my afghans lately too. It's been a little chillier than most Novembers. Even though it's not as cold here as other parts of the US, I'm thankful for a warm house and coats!
I lived in NC for a while and I know how hard it can be to run the air in the fall/early winter when you are accustom to really experiencing the change of season. Yeah for a cozy, cool fall!
I spent yesterday afternoon in Columbia getting those pic done of Thomas. When we got home last night, it was 35 degrees!! I walked in my front door...and my wonderful, sweet, thoughtful, darling, (ok, I can hear you, enough already),hubby had a nice fire going for me! I walked right over and toasted my front AND my back!! LOL! Then I laid on the couch and warmed my frozen little tootsies! It was such a sweet surprise.
Hubby and I are both winter lovers...well, southern winters anyway!! LOL!
LOL! I love the cozy aspect of fall too, Monica! Fall is my favorite anyway...sometimes being that I'm in WI, it gets a bit TOO cold, that is why I laughed...I understand though...:-) Love the blanket! Did you make it?
We endure the cold up here in RI for a long time but I still love the coziness of it. It sounds wonderful that you could have your fire on and be cozy for Thanksgiving instead of the air conditioning. I think by March I want all the cold to go away and stay away but right now I still like it.
I understand how you feel as I like the fire place going with a cup of hot coco also. I think what makes us "Northerners" laugh so much is that your fall/winter is a short season and then you get to open your windows and enjoy fresh air soon. For many of us, we have had the heat on for a while and the windows will stay locked up tight for many more months still. Still - it was refreshing to read a different point of view.
Monica, You brought back memories of me 6 months pregnant, fixing Thanksgiving dinner in Texas. I cried it was SO hot. Now back in NJ we celebrate as I'm used too, with the heat on!
Lovely afghan!
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