Now, some of you are going to think I'm completely crazy for what I picked - but bear with me and I'll share why I love the winners suggestions.
I started out agreeing with all of you that it should have "homespun" in the name since that is my theme around here! But, when I saw Amy's suggestion The Rusty Robin - I could not get it out of my head. I loved it!
I love what it represents, what it stands for and what it describes in just those few words.
First, rusty ~ old, full of character, been around a while, weathered. I love tin and metal and even things that are rusty - so that seems fitting with the thrifted treasures redone theme.
Next, robin. A robin goes about gathering bits and pieces of this and that to create a cozy and warm home for her family. Her bits and pieces are not expensive - yet she invests the time herself to go and find the things they need. The things she finds are often leftovers or left behinds, perhaps having already been used for something else now finding a new use.
We often describe our homes as our nests. The place that we want to make cozy and comfortable for those we live with. And, I can't help but be reminded of the Biblical picture of God caring even for the birds every need coupled with the command not to worry.
Another passage I love is Psalm 84:3, "Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young - a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God." That pictures some beautiful things about nesting near to the heart of God and with my babies nearby as well. Love this!
I decided to also include a second suggestion at incorporating the word "homespun" into the title. Christy suggested "Homespun Trimmings" and I love that too! So, I present you with my freshly made artwork for announcing my new little endeavor:

And, be watching in a couple of weeks for the open house!
UPDATE: I just want to clarify that I did not DRAW the above artwork - I found the clip art in Microsoft Word and added text boxes and text at the bottom. This is not my original work - just designed from Word elements available.
That is so cute!! I love the title and the subtitle. Great choice and I can't wait to see what you will be sharing with us!
Very cute. What program are you using lately for your graphics? They're cute.
Sounds wonderful! I used this graphic for my chalkboard painted plates that was inspired by you... gosh, I'll have to blog that too! Blessings to you!
I really like this name. It is perfect. char
LOVE it! Good choice!!!
Love the name...congratulations Amy and Christie....truly inspired...and absolutely LOVE the LOGO....only wish I could come to your open house!!! Lisa
Cute name! Best wishes on your new venture.
Monica I love it! The graphic is perfect. I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to see your open house.
It is wonderful! As soon as I saw it I wanted to buy something. :) Looking forward to seeing more. I love when we follow our hearts on something and God brings our dreams to new heights. It is all about trust!
LOVE it! Can't wait to see your open house. What a fun adventure!
Those graphics are gorgeous - I am very impressed. Did you really do that yourself? Please teach us how!
That is great! :)
Love it--the title, the graphics, everything! God bless this new endeavor. I'm excited for you!
It's perfect!
Just love it! And I really like the graphic, so cute.
What a cute name. I love it! Blessings on your new adventure!
I read an article in our local paper about taking old items and putting them together to make something new -- they called it "upcycling"...made me think of your new little venture! Good luck and best wishes!
Amy in Texas
Great name!
Oh Monica!! I love it! I knew your readers wouldn't let you down. and what a great way you looked at it. Love the sign you came up with. how did you go about that?
I LOVE it!
Great name! Blessings on your new adventure! :D
Yay I think it's great. Congratulations winners :)
I love it...and the artwork is awesome!!
beautiful! love the name and the artwork.
I absolutely LOVE it!!! :) Perfect! :)
Love it---both the name and description are cute, clever, and cozy!
Now, show us some stuff---I'm ready to do some shopping!
That is fabulous. Love the name, the design and the concept! Can't wait to see what else you'll come up with!
Thank you for all the kind comments - I want to clarify that I did not DRAW the artwork. I simply pulled together elements offered in Microsoft Word to come up with this logo. Just want to give credit to where it is due!
I am impressed Monica that you know how to use word sufficiently to be able to come up with such a fantastic logo...I think I need to play with word a bit more!!! Thanks for sharing as now I don't feel quite so inadequate LOL..
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