"I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~ Psalm 139:14
Made Well:"You hem me in - behind and before; such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain." ~ Psalm 139: 5
"Take in the structure before you. Notice the difference in stone, paint, wood and color. See how it all comes together to form a beautiful, creative whole.
Reread the verses above. Consider your life, your body, your mind, your soul, your gifts... Take some time to praise God for making you out of nothing but His imaginative power, creativity and love. Surrender the tendency to be self-critical, or self-absorbed. Just thank Him.
In Community:
"A community (cum, with; moenia, fortifications) by definition is a place with protective walls." ~ Michael Card
"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ." ~ I Corinthians 12:12
Think about the "community" of people you work with, go to school with, or live with. Imagine the "mighty fortress" in front of you representing that community of co-workers, students, and family, all different and crucial to the whole. Pray for the people you go to school with and work with. Pray for the people you live with. Pray for the ones you know well, and the ones you don't know. Pray for the ones who are difficult for you to appreciate. Pray for the ones who have really blessed and encouraged you.
In the next week, commit to speaking a word of encouragement and thanks to at least 3 people you work with or go to school with, and 3 people in your family. If you need to confess anything to anyone, do it. Pray for wisdom, grace and strength.
Close by thanking God again for how He has made you, and how He has built together the Body where you live - thank Him that you get to be a part of it."
Personally, I am very thankful for this part of my community - gathering here each day with friends and kindred spirits. Thank you for contributing to this community!
Thanks for the challenge Monica. I do struggle with some of the people I work with and find a few of them particularly hard work!! I will be mindful of your challenge and be praying for myself and for the people I work with...and with God's help, endevaour to be more of a light within my workplace...I really do fall short in this area (amongst many others too!!!) Lisa
Thank you, Monica. This is so very hard in the negative, low morale environment in which I work. I have to try extra hard to be encouraging (and not to be discouraged myself) and prayerful here.
I really try to stay a positive and encouraging person to those around me. I always want God to "make me a blessing to someone today"! :)
Thank you for this post! We are wonderfully made...no matter what our "flaws" are...we are children of God!!! :)
I'm really enjoying this series on prayer! Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
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