Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quick Cinnamon Crescents

It seems like we've ended up with an abundance of cheap Crescent rolls lately! I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of doing this - but I don't recall seeing the recipe anywhere - I just went into the kitchen and whipped it up!

Quick Cinnamon Crescents

Open 1 tube crescent rolls. Unroll each crescent and spread with butter or margarine. Sprinkle with brown sugar, cinnamon and chopped nuts. Roll up and place in prepared baking dish. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes.

Drizzle powdered sugar glaze over the top - mmmmm!



Mary Ann said...


Katy said...

oh my goodness....YUMMY! I never even thought to do this! (blush) What a great idea! Thank you for sharing!

Katy said...

OH! And I want to add...i love your new profile pic! You look great! :)

Hope you have a great Tuesday!

Tracey said...

oh my gosh do those look delicious!!!

Tracy said...

Hi Monica,
You can also make mini cinnamon rolls with crescents. When you take them out of the tube don't take them apart. Roll them out flat, butter it, sprinkle sugar and cinnamon, roll it up into a tube shape and slice into bite size cinnamon rolls! My aunt used to do that when we were little and spent the night. It was my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Hi Monica, you can also make mini cinnamon "rolls" with crescent rolls. You just separate the cresent dough into two rectangles, spread each with 1 tbsp butter, and cover each with cinnamon sugar. Then you roll them up and cut each larger roll into 6 pieces, place into muffin pan and bake for 15 min at 375. Then drizzle with powdered sugar glaze.

Good either way! :)

Christy said...

What a great idea! The possiblities are endless with crescents rolls. I wonder how ham and cheese would work?

More than Survival said...

I haven't ever done this, but think I will! I might even put it on the Simple Family Supper menu as an easy *bonus* treat. Is that OK with you??
Have a great day!

Huskerbabe said...

These sound great! And so easy!

Monica Wilkinson said...

Yes - I think Ham and Cheese would be yummy!!

*carrie* said...

Great idea--thanks for sharing!
Also, just noticed your new profile pic--cute!

elizabeth said...

Oh my word those look fabulous! I'm sitting here battling a sweet tooth and then see this on my screen. :)

Karen said...

These sound quite yummy! Great idea!

I had a package of crescents to use up, too, so my dd made these, subbing raspberries for the blueberries:


We've had them with the blueberries in the past. They are yummy either way.

Wife of Rob said...

Monica....hello from (extremely) south Alabama. This is SO funny! I just did the same thing the other night...with one slight variation. Pillsbury is now making crescent roll dough in one sheet, for those of us who are Pampered Chef junkies. It's called "Recipe Secrets" (I think!). It's the same crescent roll dough you are used to, just with no seams and rolls out into one nice big rectangle. I rolled my out on my stoneware barpan, brushed with melted butter, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon....rolled them up from the short side of the dough...but in about 7-8 cinnamon rolls. Bake at 375 until golden brown. I whipped up the regular glaze of milk and powdered sugar, but whisked in some real melted (salted) butter. It emulsified and made a little bit of a butter cream topping, similar to those at the cinnamon roll shops. The salted butter is necessary so that it offsets the sweet sugar...gives a balanced glaze.

By the way....I've been reading for the last year or so, not sure why it's taken me this long to leave a little note, but THANK YOU for all of the time that you put into this blog. I really enjoy it and read every day. I have been blogging, but not seriously. I am about to change that and have a professional overhaul my blog so that I will get serious with it. I will let you know....you'll have to stop by and visit. You can go there now www.pairofbartletts.blogspot.com and www.thebartletthome.wordpress.com


Amy said...

Those look absolutely delicious! I will have to remember that the next time I need a quick brunch idea. Thank you!

Ginny said...

Those look really good, will have to try that!

Unknown said...

love it! I am going to do this with my brownie troop at our next "try-it" meeting.
Katrina in AZ

Sarah @ Fiddledeedee said...

Oh thank you you thank you! I have been looking for recipes, since I have an abundance of cheap crescent rolls in my fridge too. These look delicious!

Sarah @ Fiddledeedee said...

I made these tonight for our fellowship group and they were a big hit! Thanks for the recipe.

I'm linking to you from my "favorite things" post tomorrow ;)