My Mom and I were able to pool our Frequent Flier Miles and get a ticket for me to go last weekend to their house! I took Samuel - and we had such a wonderful time! Many thanks to my Mom for sharing her miles and the many things she did for us! And, to David and his mom for holding down the fort here and caring for the little ladies.
As I was preparing to go - I had such a longing for time with the Lord. There is no place in the world that calls me to time with Him like Colorado Springs. I know - He is the same everywhere - but He and I have a lot of history there! There are places that are special to me and meaningful in my relationship with Him.
One of my favorite spots to pray was looking at the view above. I'd drive there many days to eat my lunch (just a few minutes from my work) and just marvel at His creation, His power, the metaphor in the mountains. Those mountains represented to me, His strength - that He is a solid ground. They are majestic and strong looking and that speaks volumes about God!

I was looking forward to attending
Woodmen Valley Chapel - which we did. And, I look forward to sharing more about the message shared as it was very timely and meaningful to me.

And, another favorite place is of course,
Glen Eyrie. The weather was beautiful, there weren't a lot of people out and about on the grounds, it was breathtaking. I had a couple of hours to myself there and honestly, was so emotional about being there - I spent a lot of time walking around enjoying the peace, the beauty. I took lots of pictures and want to share more about this too.
These are three of my favorite places to worship God and seek Him. Do you have a place that calls you to seek and worship Him? I look forward to hearing about your meaningful spots!
I am thankful you had such a meaningful and worshipfilled trip. It is so wonderful to be drawn close to Jesus and be at peace. The ocean is one majestic place i feel the power of worship. Also more frequently in my church, van, or home when i allow HIM to be, without paying attention to the distractions around me. This can get diffecult as life happens all around. I love when my heart is quieted for HIM. It is neat how being out in HIS creation can help quiet the heart and spirit. Glad your home safely-tammyp
The mountains are just beautiful! I am from the East coast, so my quiet time with Him and creation has always centered around water. This year, my husband had a business trip to CA, and I was able to travel with him! How beautiful the West coast was too! I spent every day on the beach (bundled up) and had such peace with Him. I remember those days when I start to get keyed up about life here in busy CT. There is a college campus not far from my house, with views of the river and the sound, and I like to go there and meet Him. BTW, I am a great "fan" of your blog, and check it always in the am :-)In His Grip Always, Lynnebee
After my soon-to-be husband and I were both tested and both found to be of very low fertility I was able to pray at the site of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem. I was quite alone there, having been allowed in as the monks were closing the church up late one December evening. We were married in the Summer and by Christmas I was already six months pregnant! My second child was born only 12 months after the first and number three came when the eldest was just four years old. I give thanks for my special blessings daily. It certainly was a special place to pray and I shall never forget it. Gill.
It was a pleasure to have you and Samuel here for a few days! I'm so glad it was special and refreshing for you. There are some places that do have power for us -- I'm glad Colorado is one of those places! :) Love you, Mom
I am so glad you had such a wonderful trip to Colorado! That first picture of the Garden of the Gods made me misss it so! That was a special place for me when I lived there as well. It is so peaceful and somehow the amazing surroundingds and quietness throughout allowed me to quiet my own heart and just be fully focused on HIM!
I love the Ocean Monica. It always brings me back to God's beautiful power! I have never been to your beloved Colorado though, I am sure it would stir me as well.
I live in the country in NH so my back deck looking out over the fall leaves bundled up to protect me from the cold with a cup of hot tea in my hands is my favorite place. Here I see the colors that God places in front of me and feel the oncoming winter. Here He reminds me that He is with me Daily and He will take care of me. I see both His tenderness (in the leaves) and His power (in the wind). I am at peace in my back yard with God.
I'm so glad that you and many of your readers have places that bring them to God to feel his love, power, kindness and see how he cares for us all. What a great post.
I live about 10 miles east of C.Springs - this entire area is just beautiful!
I always feel at peace and deep in His presence when I am in the Smokey Mountains. My grandparents have a little place on the river in a town with a motto called "The Peaceful Side of the Smokies", and that it is!!! I have been visiting this little town since I was a little girl - lots of great memories with family and friends celebrating life.
We lived at a camp the first few years we were married and everytime we visit I feel like He's there waiting for me. Weird, I know, but I made lots of important decisions there.
Loved your pictures! I grew up in Colo Spgs and worked at Glen Eyrie so I can totally relate to your feelings about those places!! Miss the mountains a lot now that I live in Iowa. Thanks for sharing! :)
So glad you had a great trip!
What a great opportunity for you!
As I read this, a light turned on in this little head of mine. No wonder you've been facing such opposition (regarding comments here on your blog). You were headed out the door for a time of spiritual refreshment.
Boy, our enemy doesn't miss a thing, does he? He knew full well that an embittered, discouraged woman would not find beauty gazing at God's creation and her heart would not be filled with worship if she could be offended by the opinions of others.
You are one who, when blessed by God, shares those blessings with others. When YOU are refreshed, it spills over into this blog of yours, and we, your faithful readers, partake of that sweetness here. Praise be to God for keeping your heart soft, your spirit sweet and for this precious time away in Colorado!
This is very true that there are many places in God's Creation that draw you into a deeper intimate time with Him.
I am glad you a wonderful time with Him. :-)
We are having our "Autumn in Avonlea" night tonight. I am looking forward to eating pie and watching Anne in all of her spunk tonight with kindred spirits. I will be writing soon on my blog about it and will be sure to share it with you!
Thanks for the great idea.
This is my first time leaving a comment on your blog, although you are one of my favorites.
I love to celebrate my relationship with God on a dark quiet night at the beach. When I'm at home first thing in the morning, before anyone else is up. And when our church choir sings, it can bring me to my knees!
Chrissie Grace
I had to laugh ( with joy mind you) when I saw the first photo of GOTG's - as we are pretty familiar with that and Glen Eyrie here at ATH. Glad to hear that you had a precious rejuvenation time!
Sweet blessings!
Yes, your Colorado is breathtaking. I will never forget the first time I saw the Rockies. To me who is used to the Smokies, they were the Alps!
I just like the quiet solitude of my bedroom.
I met my husband and fell in love with him on the grounds of the Glen. A group of us would spend many a weekend going there for quiet to read books and be on the beautiful grounds. Then we'd head down Nevada to have some authentic Mexican....I forget the name. Thanks for the reminder.
Yes, I met Jason there, but it was a wonderful place to meet the Lord.
Thank you for adding the link to the 40 Days of Presidential Prayer--much needed and appreciated!
I live here in Colorado Springs. I marvel at God's creation every morning when I see those mountains! Glad you were here last weekend. Wasn't the weather beautiful?! Glad you didn't come this weekend--fog, cold rain, and snow...
Colorado Springs is my hometown, and it is just deeply spiriutally to me too. But in Germany, walking through the woods really is peaceful to my soul. But nature is just where it is for me. Thanks for the beautiful pix!
I haven't been to your blog in awhile and I thought of you today so thought I'd pop over to say HI! I live in Colorado and think it is a beautiful place - I tried to move elsewhere and couldn't do it!
Glad your trip was nice and you are back safely!
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