Monday, September 08, 2008

Butterfinger Cake

David's birthday was this past Saturday and he isn't a huge cake fan. But, he is a big Butterfinger fan - so I decided to make him a cake flavored with chopped Butterfinger. A simple yellow cake and vanilla frosting with pieces of Butterfinger stirred in! And, I found Edy's Butterfinger ice cream to go with! (Doesn't that icing just look like ice cream!?)

So, what is your favorite kind of cake?


Katy said...

YUMMY!!!!! That sounds fantastic!!! I bet everyone enjoyed it! :)

Anonymous said...

homemade carrot cake w/ cream cheese icing! the daddy agrees, too! :-)


Wendi said...

Yum! My all time favorite cake is chocolate with chocolate icing.

Anonymous said...

That cake looked very lovely! Yummy! I love cake! It is hard to pick just one though because my favorites tend to change with the season! I Love a lemon cake w/ lemon icing, Spice cake or Carrot cake w/ cream cheese frosting, and the mother of all "cakes" ~ Cheesecake!

*carrie* said...

My mouth is watering (and it's only 6 a.m.!) My favorite cake is white with, I have to say it, really sweet white frosting!

Lisa said...

My favorite is my mom's homemade Red Velvet Cake. We have it every year at Christmas. It is a tradition now.


Shell in your Pocket said...

That cake looks very! I love all cake (that is a problem!). But, I love a good creamy icing and a lemon flavored cake!

Happy Monday!
-Sandy Toes

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, David!
German chocolate cake with homemade coconut frosting for me! :) Love, Mom

Melissa said...

Brian LOVES Red Velvet and I enjoy yellow cake with milk chocolate icing and cheesecake.

Thank you for sharing David's birthday cake - yummy!!!

Amy said...

That sounds delicious! I love Butterfinger blizzards so that is right up my alley.

Danielle said...

Great idea to crush up candy bars for a topping!

I'd have to agree with Sheila with the cheesecake vote!

My family always chooses chocolate cake with peanut butter icing for birthdays.

Brie said...

Great idea with the frosting. I'll have to remember that one. My favorite cake is my husband's carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. He puts pineapple and coconut in it's yummy! I also really like my mom's apple cake with cream cheese frosting. Same idea as the carrot cake just a different main ingredient.

Elise said...

I love my mom's carrot cake, also sour cream pound cake. I love yellow cake with buttercream frosting, too. As you can see, I'm sooo hard to please!! :)

Paige said...

Scotts birthday was friday and he didn't want cake either so he got birthday cookies. One year I did make him a "York" cake, flavoring the chocolate cake batter w/ peppermint, making a filling of pudding with peppermint, and a chocolate genache icing also w/ peppermint. On top I wrote YORK. It was perfect, and of course I didn't write the recipe down as I didn't use one, just my usual style of winging it and hoping for the best.

Heather said...

Yum! You're so creative!

My husband and I make a Green Devil cake in the fall, a chocolate cake with pureed green tomatoes to add moisture and a slight fruity flavor. It's a fun tradition every year.

Jenny said...

I am not a huge cake fan either, but I could dig right in to that Butterfinger cake, yummy! My favorite cake is German Chocolate Icecream cake.

Melody said...

Honestly, I just love cake. I don't think it matters what kind.

What a great idea to do a Butterfinger cake. It looks wonderful.

JS said...

The butterfinger cake sounds great! But my favorite kind of cake is Red Velvet. My mom has made that every year on my birthday in the shape of the heart for as long as I can remember. It's my favorite and since I am a Valentines Baby it works perfectly!
So to this day I make it for myself now, every year.

Anonymous said...

That looks fabulous.

I think my favorite is yellow cake with chocolate icing. But I also love the pistachio cake my MIL makes - yellow box cake, pistachio pudding mix, sour cream, with a cinnamon sugar crust.


Anonymous said...

Even though I am a chocloate lover, one of my very favorites is Kentucky Butter Cake. Comfort food at it's best! Your cake looks yummy.


~katie~ said...

Looks de~lish!! My mom's chocolate crazy cake with her homemade chocolate frosting is my favorite, but I'm always up for trying new recipes! :-)

Jenny said...

mmm...that looks fabulous!

German chocolate cake for me. :)

Dianna said...

It looks so yummy. What a creative idea!

Jenn said...

chocolate fudge cake has been my favorite...but this looks delish too!!! Good idea!

Jennilee said...

Looks delicious Monica! My favorite cake?'s a toss up between gooey butter cake and chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting!

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

OH that looks sooo yummy! I love butterfingers too. What a creative and simple idea (my favorite kind of ideas:)

Carrie said...

Oh...I love butterfinger! That looks wonderful! My favorite is my mom's chocolated sheet cake! Yum~O!!!

Anonymous said...

Humming bird, or italian creme or yellow w/chocolate icing...Oh my--tammyp p.s. your butterfinger cake looks lovely ;-)!

Carrie said...

Monica ~ I hope that you don't mind, but I'm sending my friends over! Since Ike is headed to The Gulf, I want everyone to read your Aug. 19th post! Thank you so much for blessing me, motivating me and inspiring me to be a better homemaker!

Rebecca Ann said...

mine is definatly my mom's recipe for chocolate cinnamon cake or better known as texas sheet cake. Its wonderful and is mine and my dad's favorite cake.

Your butterfinger cake looks wonderful and I love butterfinger but no one else in my family does. Otherwise I would try to make it sometime. Maybe in the future in my future home.


Debra said...

Another vote for Red Velvet cake with cream cheese frosting....but ever since I had my daughter I crave just about any kind of cake. :-) The picture of the cake makes me want a sweet afternoon snack (I need cake)!

Lori said...

Chocolate is my all time favorite. But I just love a good Hummingbird Cake too.

Anonymous said...

My mother's lemon pound cake made from scratch where you sift the flour and sugar 3 times each! It's simply delicious. No one in my family can make it taste like she can even using the same recipe and having her help! Her homemade chocolate pudding is also great.

Carrie said...

Oh. my. word. that looks good.

My favorite cake is ALL kinds of cake. It's all good!

Deb Burton said...

Typically chocolate cake is my favorite, but my mom's carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, uhhhh.... You have no idea! :Q

Deb Burton

Linda said...

Whenever it's my hubby's birthday, he always wants to take Tiramisu to work..

Which is only good for me, since it's a no-bake dessert which looks enough like a cake to pass for a b-day ;)

greetings from the netherlands!

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

My husband would love this cake... I will have to remember that for his birthday in October.

Anonymous said...

Ooohh Monica: That cake looks yummy!

Love, Grandma

Sheila said...

The first thing that came to mind for me as my favorite kind of cake is called an atomic cake. My parents would get me one every year for my birthday and now that we have moved, we can't find any local bakeries that make this. The cake has a layer of choc. cake with strawberries on top, then the next layer is a white cake mix with a banana filling then there is a choc. fudge layer and then lots of yummy frosting It is my favorite, I sure wish we could find a bakery here to make them!