A few weeks ago, I posted on keeping in touch long distance with family and friends. And, I thought I would add this as a follow-up idea to what was mentioned there.
My husband and I often send prints on-line to Wal-Mart to have them developed and then go pick them up when doing our shopping. This has worked out really well. And, we have discovered that we can also send orders to other Wal-Mart stores around the country for family and they can pick up a fresh batch of pictures with no shipping charges. Here's an example:
Last Friday, I uploaded some pictures for a photo order. I placed my usual order and then returned to the pictures. I was able to place a second order under my Mom's name and send them to her closest Wal-Mart in Colorado. Her pictures were ready the same day, she went in and picked them up and it went very smoothly, she has updated pictures and we have updated pictures. All of this only used about 10 minutes on the Wal-Mart web site.
This definitely works for me! And, my Mom said I could feel free to do it again anytime! :)
Visit Shannon's blog for more great tips and ideas!
That is a great idea!
We use Wal-Mart to develop our digital pics, too. I never thought of doing this, though. Great post!
That is a really good idea!!!
Way to go!
We did this for the first time at Christmas. It worked great! There are Walmarts everywhere so that makes it so convenient. Thanks!
I totally did not know that! Great idea!
I just found your blog and am so glad I did. Does anyone besides me have trouble with the pictures that you send to WalMart via e-mail? Mine come back way too cropped. I asked the lady about it, but she said no one else has complained. Any tips or suggestions out there? I haven't used them other than the first two times--and both times I was missing tops of heads. Yet...when I developed them using the kiosk in the store the pictures were fine.
What a great idea! I'm going to steal this one for sure. Thanks.
I do that with online photo places, it's so easy and faster than waiting to write a letter and then finding an envelope and a stamp, etc etc.
AWESOME==I do this with WalGreens... (I'm anti Waldemart)
and I pay for them w/ a credit card and have them sent to my Mom's, Gma's and MIL's nearest WalGreens.
Awesome WFMW! :)
What a FAB idea! I'm doing this for sure - all of our family is out of states. Thank You!!
I did not know about that service!! How cool! I'm always burning CD's and stuff.....
I'm so gonna try this idea out!
Neighbor Jane, I have had some trouble with the quality of pictures from Wal-Mart, though never with it being cropped or mis-sized. Mine have come back miscolored and they said I just need to re-send them. Maybe try Walgreens or another store to see if you have the same problem and you might be able to figure out if it is something in the file being sent or something in the receiving end. Hope that helps...
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